Mortal Komedy

Mortal Komedy is a tongue-in-cheek series created by Phelan Porteous (aka Phelous of That Guy With The Glasses), which spoofs the Mortal Kombat series.

The basic premise is that Shang Tsung has marketed a soul-stealing shampoo, and it's up to Earth's heroes to stop him. Trouble is, they're all pretty much idiots. It's chock full of references, mythology gags and in-jokes to the game series, so fans of the games may find a lot of humour in it.

As of February 25, 2010, the series seems to be on hiatus, with the last episode being a holiday special.

Tropes used in Mortal Komedy include:

Raiden: *creates a portal using his powers despite him saying his powers don't work in Outworld* That...doesn't count as "powers".

  • The Bus Came Back: Johnny Cage's director in Episode 8, who returns to taunt Cage only to be hurled off of the hill by him.
  • Butt Monkey: Liu Kang. Everyone seems to take a long hard dump on the poor guy in the story.
    • Smoke and Sektor to a lesser extent.
  • Call Back: In Episode 2, when Shang Tsung disguised himself as Raiden, his teleports were orange. Raiden lampshades this in Episode 3, and proceeds to show them what colour his teleports really are.

Raiden: You two retards! It was Shang Tsung! Didn't you see him teleport ORANGE?! Look, BLUE. *teleports* BLUE. *teleports* BLUUUUUUE!! *teleports*

  • Canada, Eh?: They frequently travel to Oatworld, among other examples.
  • Catch Phrase: A few.
    • Rayden: Let me check the PI-LOT. and Noooooooooooooooooooope.
    • Cage: Damn it, I'm Johnny Cage!
    • Shang Tsung: I've got a NEW plan!
    • Smoke: SHUT UP.
  • Cool Hat: Raiden. He gets an even bigger one in the Holiday special.
  • Deader Than Dead: Sindel. She dies in the 3rd Holiday Special, and is turned into a sugar cookie and eaten by Santa in the 4th.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Almost everybody at some point, but Sub-Zero can take this to new heights. Phelous being the actor behind the mask doesn't hurt, either.
  • Dropped a Bridget On Him: Much to Cage's dismay, the actor playing Vega is a guy.
  • Face Heel Revolving Door: Smoke, due to a spell. He seems to have settled back on the good side, though. Santa as well. Sugar seems to play a part in this.
  • Fat Bastard: Shao Kahn. Santa Claus when he's evil.
  • Flat What: Delivered whenever a character says something completely stupid or doesn't make a lick of sense.
  • Groin Attack: Johnny Cage delivers one to his director when he tells him the name of the movie.
  • Grumpy Bear: Sub-Zero.
  • I Am Legion: Ermac. Played for laughs in the 2nd Holiday special when his souls get each other presents.
  • Keet: Kano.
  • Killed Off for Real: Batman in the MK vs DC special.
  • Large Ham: Shang Tsung, AND HOW.

Shang Tsung: Just ME? I'm the stealer of souls! I'm the sorceror of the dark arts!

Kung Lao: (sees Kitana throw a fan at Liu) Fan Throw. Get it? HAHAHAHAHAHA!!

  • Shout-Out: The Time Travel episode has Rayden and Sub-Zero drawn in the style of Eskimo Bob, followed by an homage to Bad Dudez, and then the ending to Super Mario Bros 2.
  • Take That: The MK vs DC video seems to be one to the concept of the game itself.

Sub-Zero: (referring to playground) Well, Smoke. I thought this was the most appropriate spot to fight Batman at."
Smoke: Why's that?
Sub-Zero: Because. This whole fight is ridiculous.

    • And this:

Smoke: MK vs. DC? I don't know what's more stupider. The fact that we're actually fighting them, or that the fact is they think they can beat us!

Raiden: I see your housekeeping is as good as your fighting.
Liu Kang: Shut up!

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