< Monsters vs. Aliens

Monsters vs. Aliens/Funny

  • The President and his keyboard.
    • The faces of the nearby soldiers during this sequence. They were all WHAT-THE-F*** ????? The President's bodyguards, on the other hand, are apparently quite accustomed.
      • They actually bob their heads to the beat. I was totally doing that too when I watched that scene.
  • Also, Dr. Cockroach and his PhD in dance?
  • A very sly one, when Link comments that the earth appears to have warmed up, stating that it is 'a convenient truth'.
  • We have another when Monger shows videos of the monsters at Area 52. After he says the name of one monster, the coffee lady screams in terror, every single time, to the point where Monger can't take it anymore and asks someone to get her the hell out. Then he finishes by introducing Ginormica, and we hear another female scream. It was the President.
  • Plus the guy in The War Room getting shot by a tranquilizer dart the second he mentions Area Fifty-urrrgh!
  • The scene on the the spaceship where B.O.B., upon receiving a gun and pretending to be part of the invading army, accidentally activates the gun and kills a goon- it's not so much what B.O.B. does but the expression on his face when it happens- you can almost hear him thinking oh look a dead goon, COOOOOOOOOL...
    • For me, it was the line leading up to that moment. The delivery is just so absolutely perfect!

Galaxhar Clone: Would you like a gun?
BOB: Yes, I would.

  • The near-subversion of the Paper-Thin Disguise. See below.
  • Susan's almost-mother-in-law and her genetically-inherited maimed thumb. Particularly when she's trying to open the church door: "THHUUUUUMMBS!!"
  • The scene where Susan tells B.O.B. to get the people off the bridge. Cue B.O.B. grabbing the nearest car so he can chuck it off the bridge. Susan thankfully corrects him.
  • The President pausing to fire at the giant robot with a pistol, when heavy artillery has been completely useless

President: Eat lead, alien robot!

  • unloads a full clip*

...evidently they eat lead. Huh. (gets dragged off by the Secret Service) You all saw that, I'm brave! I am a brave president!

  • BOB dumping a thoroughly confused Derek. Especially the taunting with the jello mold.
  • Gallaxhar's recounting of his origin, and the destruction of his planet. As it's told while he's going through the cloning machine, it cuts him off every few seconds. And because he doesn't seem to realize this, we're treated to a few random details that are downright hilarious, starting with a horrible secret from his parents, encountering a giant (blank) after leaving home, shortly thereafter being married to someone, and then having marital trouble. By that point, he's decided that Susan knows too much, completely missing the look of utter confusion on her face.
  • The Insectosaurus rocking it out at the party.
  • For me, it had to be the Shout-Out to Leeroy Jenkins in a deleted scene.
  • The game presents an adaption of the scene where Gallaxhar addresses the inhabitants of Earth. However, unlike the movie, here he localizes his message. Very very badly.
  • Monsters vs. Aliens had a lot of amusing moments:
    • The President trying to communicate with the alien probe by playing the tune from Close Encounters of the Third Kind. And when that doesn't work, he tries "Axel F". The baffled faces of the nearby soldiers, in contrast to the stoic Secret Service agents, make it even funnier.
      • And when that doesn't work: "Commander, do something violent!", followed up by "Eat lead, alien robut! ...Evidently, they eat lead. Huh."
    • As General Monger briefs the President's staff on his collection of monsters, he eventually has to shoo out a woman who keeps screaming in horror. When Monger gets to Susan (AKA "Ginormica"), a scream identical to the ones before it is heard, and turns out to be coming from The President.
    • Plus the guy in The War Room getting shot by a tranquilizer dart the second he mentions Area Fifty-urrrgh!
    • The scene on the the spaceship where B.O.B., upon receiving a gun and pretending to be part of the invading army, accidentally activates the gun and kills a goon- it's not so much what B.O.B. does but the expression on his face when it happens- you can almost hear him thinking oh look a dead goon, COOOOOOOOOL...
    • Space case blob monster B.O.B. hitting on a gelatin mold.
    • Dr. Cockroach cracking the supercomputer on Galaxxhar's ship through Dance Dance Revolution: "One thing you don't know about me, my dear... my Ph. D. is in dance!"
    • There's one near the very beginning that cracks me up because of the Missing Link's deadpan tone:

Bob: No way! He's a guy! Look at his boobies!
Missing Link: ...We need to have a talk.

President: Who designed this thing?
Staff menber: You did.

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