< Monsters vs. Aliens

Monsters vs. Aliens/Awesome

Gallaxhar:"Don't bother, that forcefield is impenetrabl-"

  • The finale: the ship is self-destroying, Susan is depowered, her friends are trapped...

Gallaxhar: "And there is nothing you can do about it, Susan."
Susan: "I'm not so sure. And the name? Is Ginormica."

    • She then fires that alien blaster so a flippin' elephant-sized SPHERE full of alien Phlebotinum smashes and breaks on her, repowering herself in the process, goes Mama Bear to rescue her monster mash, pulling off a literal Big Damn Hero moment as the ceiling collapses, gathers the monsters up in her arms, and tears her way through the ship then SKY DIVES off it, when the UFO is probably two kilometers or more in the sky. I'm sorry, Pixar, but Ginormica just had the biggest Crowning Moment of Awesome of any CGI heroine yet, even if your movies are better quality...
    • And her very public dumping of Derek.
  • Also, doubles as a Crowning Moment of Funny, B.O.B. dumping Derek. Next to the "ham" Lampshade, B.O.B's best moment.
  • The out of shape Missing Link gets one, as he plows his way through one armed mook after another, with an impressive display of I Know Karate.
    • Even better because up until then his Badass had been an Informed Ability. As of that scene, we knew he really could unload whoopass.
  • Susan even when she's at normal size is a definite Badass Normal. Give her a laser gun, and that'll make up for her lack of size and strength.
  • No one's mentioned the Golden Gate Bridge? That moment was so awesome it completely redefined Susan's character. To the other monsters that incredible feat had out done anything they had EVER tried to do.

B.O.B.: Wow! You're doing great!
Susan: I'm doing EVERYTHING!

    • Especially decapitating the robot using the bridge itself.
  • Or the president playing Axel F on a keyboard for the aliens.
    • Also "Commander, do something violent!"
  • The General gets one too, when he rides Insectosaurus to save the group from falling to their deaths.
    • This scene is also the CMOA for Insectosaurus. Previously a colossal mindless grub, he now returns as a fully mature, colossal, mindless flying grub.
  • What, no love for Dr. Cockroach? "My PhD is in dance!"
    • Building what appears to be a fully functioning nuclear bomb with the contents of a toy box, short only the Uranium.
    • General Monger's response "Deny Dr Cockroach his toybox privileges."
  • Freaking B.O.B. coming up with the plan to save Susan. A bit subjective, but it shows that even the dumbest of people can have flashes of brilliance
  • "An' that's why I always wear a parachute."
  • The General is 90. Badass Grandpa indeed!
    • In a deleted scene he lures off the horde of Galaxar's with only a semi-auto pistol without hesitation, then when it runs out, throws it at one of them, rips off his uniform and attacks them head on.

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