< Moképon


This is a list of characters in Moképon, all of them happily ready to deconstruct the source material.

Atticus Brent

The protagonist of Mokepon. An apathetic young man, kicked out of his house by mom, who just wants him to have a Pokemon adventure, dammit. Somewhat reluctantly, he begins his journey with his Pokemon, "Dragonthing".

  • Anti-Hero: Type I; he really doesn't give a damn about the world around him, and while he's normally pretty mean to Dragonthing he eventually loosens up and has his nice moments.
  • Anti-Heroic BSOD: He suffers from one after nearly getting shot by Thaddeus, which continues until Dragonthing snaps him out of it.
  • Butt Monkey: Though most of the time he deserves it.
  • Character Development: Almost a hundred pages in, Atticus is starting to warm up a bit.
  • Creepy Monotone: Implied; the author explained that the reason there isn't a question mark at the end of his questions is because his inflection rarely changes.
  • Deadpan Snarker
  • Death Glare: He's quite proficient with these.
  • Dude in Distress: Due to being physically unfit and having little understanding of the outside world he ends up as this quite a bit.
  • Genre Savvy: Although he really doesn't understand his world, he's able to avoid most of Pokémon's cliches. Then there's this:

Atticus: (to Dragonthing) "Get back here! We don't run toward people talking about murder!"


A Charmander, and Atticus' Pokemon. Ever eager to serve, but unfortunately bound to a trainer who doesn't really care.

Kahn Miles

A Turkish boy from Pallet Town. Is a rival of sorts to Atticus, though he would prefer it if they could just get along.


A trainer who Atticus meets in Viridian Forest, who proceeds to try and follow him around.

The Masked Individual

A highly experienced trainer that Atticus and Kahn meet on Route 22. He calls Atticus out on battling Kahn while his Pokemon were already weakened (though in Atticus' defense he didn't know that) and proceeds to easily defeat Atticus in a Pokemon battle. As his nickname implies, he has worn a mask in all appearances to date.

Thaddeus and Trixabelle Vent

A pair of oddly dressed, shady criminals first seen spying on George's attempt to catch a Pikachu. Not much is known about them so far, other than they're brother and sister. Apparently, they're part of Team Rocket.

Thaddeus: (when asked about his missing arm) What about it. Look I dropped it somewhere, okay?
Trixabelle: (To Thaddeus) Oh and I suppose I was the one who copied you when it came to wearing eyeliner.

  1. Technically, they agreed to battle to see who would get it, as it would otherwise have gone to waste disposal.
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