This is a list of characters in Moképon, all of them happily ready to deconstruct the source material.
Atticus Brent
The protagonist of Mokepon. An apathetic young man, kicked out of his house by mom, who just wants him to have a Pokemon adventure, dammit. Somewhat reluctantly, he begins his journey with his Pokemon, "Dragonthing".
- Anti-Hero: Type I; he really doesn't give a damn about the world around him, and while he's normally pretty mean to Dragonthing he eventually loosens up and has his nice moments.
- Anti-Heroic BSOD: He suffers from one after nearly getting shot by Thaddeus, which continues until Dragonthing snaps him out of it.
- Butt Monkey: Though most of the time he deserves it.
- Character Development: Almost a hundred pages in, Atticus is starting to warm up a bit.
- Creepy Monotone: Implied; the author explained that the reason there isn't a question mark at the end of his questions is because his inflection rarely changes.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Death Glare: He's quite proficient with these.
- Dude in Distress: Due to being physically unfit and having little understanding of the outside world he ends up as this quite a bit.
- Genre Savvy: Although he really doesn't understand his world, he's able to avoid most of Pokémon's cliches. Then there's this:
Atticus: (to Dragonthing) "Get back here! We don't run toward people talking about murder!"
- Green Eyes
- Grumpy Bear
- Hidden Depths: Hinted at. He seems to care a lot about SOMETHING in his backpack, and has alluded to some career he'd much rather follow than be a Pokémon Trainer.
- Ineffectual Loner
- Jerkass: At first.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Shows up from time to time.
- Last-Name Basis: He gives his last name to George when she asks his name.
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: His attempt to stop the Bug swarm didn't end well.
- Only Sane Man
- Smoking Is Cool: And apparently eating them is too.
- Spell My Name with an "S": Some people spell his name with a 'k' rather than a 'c'.
- When He Smiles
A Charmander, and Atticus' Pokemon. Ever eager to serve, but unfortunately bound to a trainer who doesn't really care.
- Butt Monkey
- Combat Pragmatist: Atticus' teachings seem to be slowly getting through to him.
- Determinator
- The Four Loves: Of the friendship variety. He just wants his Trainer to love him, the poor guy.
- Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!: After seeing the swarm of Bug Pokémon heading their way, DT bites Atticus to knock him out of his BSOD.
- Kill It with Fire: Being a Fire Pokemon and all.
- Though he doesn't actually use any fire attacks until late into the fourth chapter.
- Ridiculously Cute Critter
- Single-Stroke Battle: Against Kahn's pokemon in their second fight, most notably Squirtle.
- Undying Loyalty
- Yank the Dog's Chain: He successfully manages to take down Kahn's entire party. Turns out they were already sufficiently weakened from training beforehand and couldn't put up much of a fight.
Kahn Miles
A Turkish boy from Pallet Town. Is a rival of sorts to Atticus, though he would prefer it if they could just get along.
- Ambiguously Brown
- Beware the Nice Ones: See Big Brother Instinct. He was pretty brutal to Dragonthing in his first Pokémon battle with Atticus as well.
- Big Brother Instinct: He stole a Pokémon from Professor Oak just to make his sister happy.[1]
- Big Damn Heroes: He arrived just in time to stop Atticus from falling off a cliff.
- Curtains Match the Window
- Nice Guy
A trainer who Atticus meets in Viridian Forest, who proceeds to try and follow him around.
- Cheerful Child
- Fingerless Gloves
- Gender Blender Name
- Genki Girl
- In the Hood
- Miss Exposition: In stark contrast to Atticus she knows a lot about Pokémon.
- Stalker with a Crush: Atticus already thinks of her as a stalker. The crush part is yet to be decided.
- YMMV But there is a hint of a crush here based on her expression, and Atty looking a bit more manga pretty than normal in panel 9.
- Tomboy: Appearance-wise, which lead to Viewer Gender Confusion for many. Her personality, not so much.
- What the Hell, Hero?: She, rather surprisingly, is very pissed off at Atticus for accidentally burning Viridian Forest down.
- Never My Fault: On the other hand, if he hadn't had to go back to save her, the whole situation would probably not have happened.
- You Gotta Have Pink Hair
The Masked Individual
A highly experienced trainer that Atticus and Kahn meet on Route 22. He calls Atticus out on battling Kahn while his Pokemon were already weakened (though in Atticus' defense he didn't know that) and proceeds to easily defeat Atticus in a Pokemon battle. As his nickname implies, he has worn a mask in all appearances to date.
- Anti-Hero or Anti-Villain: Seems likely he'll be one of the two, but we're unsure which one so far.
- Cool Mask: Kinda looks like a Pokéball.
- Curb Stomp Battle: Subjects Atticus to one.
- Epileptic Trees: Many theories have already sprung up as to his true identity.
- Expy: Looks quite a bit like a younger Tobi.
- Hopeless Boss Fight: If he appeared in a given game, he'd be one. And given the first of his presumably six pokemon we've seen is a high-powered Feraligatr, his status as this is unlikely to change any time soon.
- Known Only By Their Nickname: Averted; he hasn't even got a nickname yet, let alone an actual name. His current character "name" is just a given title for lack of anything better to call him.
- Malevolent Masked Man: Possibly.
- Mask Power.
- "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Gives a brief one to Atticus, pointing him out as being a Gary MOTHERFUCKING Oak.
Thaddeus and Trixabelle Vent
A pair of oddly dressed, shady criminals first seen spying on George's attempt to catch a Pikachu. Not much is known about them so far, other than they're brother and sister. Apparently, they're part of Team Rocket.
- Affably Evil: Trixabelle's "Have a nice day!" comment makes it pretty obvious.
- Bare Your Midriff: Trixabelle.
- Cluster F-Bomb: Thaddeus is fond of these.
- Darker and Edgier: They're a much darker version of Team Rocket than the anime and even the games, what with their constant swearing and Thaddeus averting Why Don't Ya Just Shoot Him by pulling a gun out on Atticus.
- Deadpan Snarker: Both of them, which is made more obvious in the "Ask Atty Anything" extra:
Thaddeus: (when asked about his missing arm) What about it. Look I dropped it somewhere, okay?
Trixabelle: (To Thaddeus) Oh and I suppose I was the one who copied you when it came to wearing eyeliner.
- Epileptic Trees: Many sprouted when they appeared, most of which were about Thaddeus being Atticus' father or about them being Atty and George from the future. (Though they were quickly Jossed by the author).
- Evil Brit: Thaddeus uses quite a few British slang words.
- Fashionable Asymmetry: Along with their unique clothing, Thaddeus only has one arm.
- Fingerless Gloves: Trixabelle dons a pair.
- Hair-Trigger Temper: Thaddeus is quite quick to anger.
- Sir Swearsalot: Almost a Verbal Tic with Thaddeus.
- Why Don't You Just Shoot Him?: Averted for once in Pokemon! Thaddeus came close to just shooting Atticus simply for annoying him, but Trixabelle talked him out of it.
- ↑ Technically, they agreed to battle to see who would get it, as it would otherwise have gone to waste disposal.