< Mnemosyne


  • Complete Monster: Apos and Sayara both qualify.
  • Crosses the Line Twice:
    • Episodes 1 and 2 seem to be made to test just how far you can push the network executives before they bring the censors crashing down on you. And quite frankly, it seems to have succeeded, as the violence and sexuality of Episodes 3 and 4 are practically benign in comparison to their portrayals in Episodes 1 & 2.
    • Though almost as if flicking a giant middle finger at the networks for suppressing them for 2 Episodes, the Director crosses the line thrice with the nightmarish Episode 5.
  • Distaff Counterpart: Rin is this to Tatsuhiko Shido of Nightwalker, even though he's a vampire and she's an immortal.
  • HSQ: Though less "Holy Shit!" and more "What. The. FUCK!?"
  • Les Yay:
    • Cranked up from Subtext to text-text in the second episode. And it goes beyond that later, up to and including a full-blown lesbian orgy, with Mimi at the center.
    • Ironically, the most that ever happens between Rin and Mimi onscreen is some kissing and groping.
  • Tear Jerker: Maeno Kouki's Wife's reaction to his death in episode 3, as well as Ihika's death in episode 6.
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