Mike, Lu & Og/Characters
Main Characters
Michelanne "Mike" Mazinsky
Mike is a streetwise girl from Manhattan who became a foreign exchange student and was sent to the secluded island of Albonquetine. She often leads the charge to create creature comforts from her civilized home, while at other times, she gets stuck in the middle of one of the island's wacky traditions.
- Adorkable
- Alliterative Name
- Berserk Button: Don't call her by her real name!
- Deadpan Snarker
- Does Not Like Shoes: Ironic, isn't it?
- Fiery Redhead
- Girlish Pigtails: Strangely in "Tea For Three", Lu calls them "double-ponytails".
- Limited Wardrobe: "Hot Couture" reveals that she has an entire closet full of red shirts and skirts.
- Also in "Flustering Footwear Flotsam", Mike reveals she has multiple pairs of red sneakers.
- The One Who Wears Shoes
- Only Sane Man
- Primal Fear: Spiders. Even baby ones.
- Redheaded Hero
- Same Clothes, Different Year: As seen in a flashback in "Flustering Footwear Flotsam".
- Sanity Slippage: "Sultans Of Swat"
- Tomboyish Name
"Princess" Lu is a self-absorbed Spoiled Brat who is bossy to everyone and demands that her "peasants" obey her every command.
- And Call Him George: Acts this way to lancelot.
- Attention Whore
- Big Eater: Once became addicted to jumbo-sized "jujubombs". She even swallowed them whole!
- Black Hole Belly: You can see the Jujubombs travel down her throat, but when they get to her torso the large lump just disappears.
- Butt Monkey
- Catch Phrase: "LANCELOOOOT!!!"
- Expository Hairstyle Change: Only appears in "Repeat After Me".
- Even Evil Has Standards: For the brat she is, even she can't stand her deceased Aunt Lulu. Then again, it could be a case of who's bossing who around.
- Everything's Better with Princesses: In her mind at least.
- Jerkass
- Kick The Turtle: Dishes these out frequently, usually to her pet turtle Lancelot.
- Large Ham
- Royal Brat
- Screw the Rules, I Make Them
- Spoiled Brat
- Taken for Granite: Encased in a candy mold at the end of "Jujubombs". Not that she didn't like it.
A soft-spoken Child Prodigy who often creates inventions and recreated things Mike misses about the big city.
- Child Prodigy
- Idiot Hair: Once when a parrot made fun of his hairdo, Og felt embarassed and showed up with a new do near the end.
- Mad Scientist
- The Quiet One
- Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness
- The Smart Guy
- Speaks Fluent Animal: Speaks to the Philisophical Society when no one else is around.
- Super OCD: "Hot Dog"
- Vague Age: According to Cartoon network's website in 1999, Og is stated to be five. However, "The Great Snipe Hunt" takes place on Og's seventh birthday. Yet, he's around the same size as ten-year-old Lu.
Og's father and a dedicated hunter who usually chases a wombat.
- Anime Hair
- Bumbling Dad
- Egomaniac Hunter
- Elmuh Fudd Syndwome: Heck, he pretty much a British version of Elmer Fudd.
- Gag Nose
- Heroic BSOD: After the wombat humiliates him in "The Hunter And The Hunted". He snaps out of it when he sucessfully catches the wombat (which was all part of a secret deal between Mike and the wombat).
- And in "Flustering Footwear Flotsam" when he sucessfuly catches the wombat.
- Papa Wolf: See "Losing Lancelot"
Og's mother and talented artist, historian, and chef.
- Eighties Hair
- Hypno Fool: One episode had her on the recieving end of Og's hypnosis invention.
- Large Ham: Often when writing or explaining about the island's ancestors.
- Spot of Tea: From the island's prized teacup salvaged from the wreckage of the Good Ship Betty Anne.
- Starving Artist: Creating things from shoe portraits to "negative space" from hot dogs to Mount Rushmore-style carvings.
- Supreme Chef
- Wangst: Went to Queeks for therapy when she fell into a state of self-loathing after trying to snatch Mike's shoe. It's played for laughs though.
"I've been reduced to begging! Or worse...common thievery!
Lu's father and governor of the island
- Adult Child
- Big Eater: Once after becoming physically fit, he gorged on chocolate nonstop and returned to his old physique in two days.
- Bumbling Dad
- Camp Straight
- Charles Atlas Superpower: Once developed a muscular phisique and had the strength to life elephants.
- Cowardly Lion
- Fat Idiot
- Large Ham
- Wangst: A very common trait.
Old Queeks
The island's old witch doctor and soothsayer.
- Badass Grandpa
- For the Lulz: Once hypnotized Wendell because he thought it was funny to see him act like a chicken.
- Grumpy Old Man
- Jerkass
- Not So Above It All: Even he can become a slave to trends.
- Only Sane Man
- Screw Politeness, I'm a Senior!
- Surrounded by Idiots: "Why must you punish me so?"
- Unstoppable Rage: When he gets upset upset, things tend to turn ugly.
- Verbal Tic: "...what-what".
- Witch Doctor
Lu's long-suffering pet land turtle.
- All Animals Are Dogs: Lu walks him on a leash.
- Butt Monkey
- The Chew Toy
- Only Sane Reptile
- Right-Hand Turtle
Philisophical Society
Og's talking animal friends who often discuss philosophy. Made up of Goat, Pig, and Spiney.
- Cowardly Lion: Spiney.
- A Dog Named "Dog": Goat and Pig. Averted with Spiney (a porcupine).
- Intellectual Animal
- Misplaced Wildlife
- Nietzsche Wannabe: They're rather fond of discussing the Trope Namer.
The descendants of the pirates who shipwrecked the island's ancestors, the captain, mate and bos'n live on a small section of the island called "The Barnacle". They crave to turn Lancelot into turtle soup.
- Creppy Crossdressers: When Mike disguises them in "Thanks But No Thanks".
- Early-Bird Cameo: Had a cameo in "Palm Pet" before making their first formal appearance in "Yo Ho Who".
- Eyepatch of Power: The captain has patches over both eyes. And two peglegs.
- So he's Peggy the Pirate & Blindbeard the Pirate wrapped into one.
- Ineffectual Sympathetic Villains
The Cuzzlewitz clan live on the other side of the island and tend to be more primitive and wild than their refined neighbors. Suprisingly, their number is larger than the Albonquetine clan.
Haggis & Baggis
- Abhorrent Admirers: "For The Love Of Mike"
- The Ditzes
Unlike the other Cuzzlewitz, the older sister of Haggis & Baggis is more cultured, speaks in complete sentences, and gets along better with the others.
- Cool Big Sis
- Large Ham
- My Instincts Are Showing: Though more civilized then the rest of her brethren, even she can't resist the scent of a guano-covered Mike.
- The Smart Girl