Mighty Morphin Mecha Rangers/Characters
Here we have the various colorful characters who poke up their heads while trying to keep them at the same time...
The Blackmailed Mecha Rangers
These are the heroes of our story, brave men ranging from 13 to their 30s who are perfectly happy to give their lives for the city owned by a man who blackmailed them.
Tropes common for the team:
The youngest member, the most Hot-Blooded, and he's also piloting the smallest mecha.
- Adorkable
- Badass Adorable
- Hot-Blooded
- The Hero
- This Is a Drill: Even with Lagann
- Tunnel King
Shinji Ikari
Second youngest member and the most reluctant; as well as the most laughably pathetic.
- Barrier Warrior: With Eva
- Butt Monkey
- Combat Pragmatist: Gores Cloverfield in the crotch with Eva Unit-01's horn
- Cowardly Lion
- Determinator: See Heroic Resolve below.
- Dissonant Serenity: As he kills Deathwing.
- Heroic Resolve: Shinji doesn't want to fight at all and is frequently terrified of the Eldritch Horros that show up and nearly hand him his ass. But he still keeps going nonetheless.
- Sanity Slippage: Appears to have a bit of this in the more recent chapters, complete with a heavy dose of Mind Screw.
- The So-Called Coward
Roger Smith
A Negotiator who also happens to pilot a Black Mecha...what? What's so unusual about that?
King Van Slanzar de Fanel
The King of a minor kingdom on a planet that can see Earth but Earth can't see his world...weird isn't it?
Bit Cloud
Ace pilot or lucky-as-hell junk-lover? Your guess is as good as mine.
The people dragged along with the blackmailed rangers
They're not complaining for some reason, but these are the solid walls of support for the Rangers. Family, Friends, Not-Lovers and so on. So here they are in order of introduction.
Smith Family
Roger Smith's butler, his wife Dorothy and their daughter Annie. Wait...Something seems very strange about half of that sentence...
- Children Are Innocent: Annie Smith.
- Genre Savvy: So far, we haven't had any drama relating to how often Roger is late to dinner.
- Sarcastic Devotee: Norman and Dorothy
- Ridiculously Human Robot
- Robotic Spouse
The Dai-Gurren Brigade
Simon's gang led by him and Kamina.
- Action Girl: Yoko on three occasions.
- Badass Crew
- Butt Monkey: Rossiu gets punched or told to shut up in every scene that he appears.
- Demoted to Extra: The most we've ever seen from them are Kamina, Yoko and Nia.
- Improbable Aiming Skills: That would be Yoko.
- Mood Whiplash: Literally.
- Plucky Girl: Nia.
- Rule of Cool
The Blitz Team
Bit's fellow zoid pilots though only Leena is shown to be living with him...
- Adult Child: Dr. Tauros
- Cloudcuckoolander: This seems to Dr. Tauros again even though Leena does have slight hints of it too...
- Mad Scientist
- More Dakka: Leena's preferred mode of attack.
- No Kill Like Overkill
- Relationship Upgrade: we're still waiting to hear that story.
- Shipper on Deck: Dr. Tauros
- Tsundere: Leena again...
Fanelian Court
- BFS: Balgus
- Ordinary High School Student: Hitomi
- Parental Substitute: Balgus again.
- Training from Hell: Balgus very nearly kills Van's guards to prepare them for guarding Van and does this on a daily basis!
The people unfortunate enough to live in Angel Groove
Seto Kaiba
The only one fortunate enough to live in Angel Groove because...he owns the place!
- Aloof Big Brother
- Authority Equals Asskicking
- Anti-Hero
- Bad Boss
- Hidden Depths: What the hell is his game?
- Jerkass
- Manipulative Bastard: How he assembled the team.
- Pride
- Screw the Rules, I Have Money!
- Smug Snake
- Ungrateful Bastard
Mokuba Kaiba
The Co-President of Kaiba Corp and his older brother's right-hand man. He's also the one that most people prefer to work under...marginally.
- Insufferable Genius
- Reasonable Authority Figure: Compared to his brother.
- Smug Snake: Not quite on the level of his brother, but it's present.
Optimus Prime
A Mechanical Head that floats in an oversized fish jar.
- Badass Baritone: It's a tone that Kaiba cannot refuse.
- Big Good
- Death Is Cheap: Considering how he got here...yeah...
- Gentle Giant: He takes his circumstances oddly well.
- My Greatest Failure: The battle between his Autobots and the Deceptions may have caused Adam to awaken in the first place - their war may have been what caused Second Impact in this universe!!!
Hikari Horaki
Transferred from Tokyo-3 to act as Class Representative for the academy in Angel Groove, though she could have picked a better time...
- Class Representative
- The Chick
- I Know Karate: As shown in her first scene.
- Insecure Love Interest
- Only Sane Girl
Angel Groove Defense Force
Before the Rangers are deployed, this group of volunteers get sent out to the front to get horribly murdered by whatever it is that's attacking the city that week. A profile with more detailed info can be found here: http://thaeonblade.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d4iyysg
- Band of Brothers
- Combat Pragmatists: While they are brave, they won't shy away from withdrawing from engagement when they're clearly outmatched.
- Loads and Loads of Characters
- Redshirt Army: With growing shades of a Badass Army as the story continues.
Some Random Unimportant People
People who happen to be the exact opposite of and in no way will oppose the Rangers.
- Adaptational Badass
- Hot-Blooded
- Healing Factor
- Older Than He Looks
- The Rival: To Kamina and Simon.
- Axe Crazy
- Evil Albino
- For the Evulz
- Karma Houdini
- Kick the Dog: No, he doesn't kick dogs...he throws them into trash cans before setting them on fire and having a barbeque over the burning can.
- Magic Knight
- Pyromaniac
Baroness Asuka Sohryu
- Action Girl
- Authority Equals Asskicking
- Barrier Warrior
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Sweetly eggs on a little boy before...
- Curb-Stomp War
- The Dragon: To Lelouch
- Kick the Dog
- Took a Level in Jerkass: Asuka was bad in her own series but she seems to have gotten WORSE in this series
Naota Nanbada
- Badass Bookworm
- Cultured Badass
- Friend to All Children
- Rape Is a Special Kind of Evil: The reason for his first appearence
- Warrior Poet
Under new management by Gendo Ikari
Gendo Ikari
- A Million Is a Statistic: The presented reason for why he allowed Shinji to be bought by Kaiba.
- Abusive Father: Surprised?
- Chessmaster: especially with his takeover of Seele
- Dragon with an Agenda: We just don't know what that agenda is.
- Manipulative Bastard
Lord Genome
- Abusive Father: just read Parallel Works 3
- Though this could be partially justified. In canon, Nia was revealed to be a Spiral, and the Anti-Spirals do exist in the MMMR-verse.
- Badass
- Big Bad: At least to Simon and his group.
- Fallen Hero: If the canon is anything to go by, he could qualify for this trope.
The Decepticons
So far known to include Barricade, Blackout, Soundwave, and Scorponok, we still don't really know what their goal is...whatever it is, it won't be pretty.
- Ax Crazy: Blackout just runs with it though.
- Butt Monkey: That would be Barricade's role thus far
- Curb Stomp Battle: Barricade has been on the receiving end of three while Blackout dealt out one in his first scene.
- Well Intentioned Extremists: Everything that they are doing is to both revive Cybertron and locate Megatron.
Random people who we just don't know too much about right now and we're kind of wondering what they're doing.
Alan Rosewater
Preventer Wing aka Heero Yuy
- Almighty Janitor
- Beam Spam
- Child Soldiers: He used to be one for Makarov.
- Code Name: Originally went by Odin Lowe
- Heel Face Turn: He used to work with the Ultranationalists, but apparently defected around the same time Yuri did.
- Properly Paranoid
- The Stoic
- Transforming Mecha
Black Prince Lelouch of Britannia
Whatever the hell that thing in Kaiba's basement is!
- It's Crucified to a Giant Rock
- Pretentiously Carved Kabbalist Tree
- Rule of Symbolism