Midnight Green
Midnight Green: Alright, just break it to me. How lost am I?
Midnight Green: Friggin' figures."
EPS: You are so lost that your Equestrian Positioning System has no idea how you could have possibly traveled that distance in such a short time.—The first three lines
Midnight Green is a My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic fan fiction by Voyd211. It's a Self-Insert Fic that tries to avoid the normal clichés of such works; The author avoids his character being a Mary Sue.
The author has stopped writing new chapters, due to a lack of reader interest.
Tropes used in Midnight Green include:
- Adorkable: Midnight, arguably.
- The Alleged Car: Midnight's cart. He rather gratefully smashes it into a tree.
- Ambiguous Gender: Zebra Mask, before he starts talking.
- Annoying Younger Sibling: Tangerine and Violet Shimmer, supposedly.
- Big Eater: Just where did those candy apples go?
- Black and White Mask Of Doom: Zebra Mask wears a drama mask.
- Cloudcuckoolander: How ELSE do you explain Midnight's kissing question?
- Cool Mask: Zebra Mask.
- Deadpan Snarker: Midnight, along with the canon examples.
- The EPS comes off as this in its first line (see top of page), but this is forgotten in favour of it not working properly whatsoever:
- Midnight is in the Everfree Forest, outside Zecora's hut*
- DIY Disaster: The reason his cart was in such a horrid state was because of repeated "repairs" that he had to make himself.
- Foregone Conclusion: The author has stated several times that "You get no prizes at all for figuring out who Zebra Mask is."
- Gratuitous French: Zebra Mask.
- I Kiss Your Hoof: Zebra Mask.
- Intangible Stallion: Zebra Mask does this, although it seems to be more of a hologram-type spell.
- Motor Mouth: Midnight when emotional.
- Mundane Utility: Talented in manipulating light and shadows? The greatest concert in the history of mankind.
- Nice Hat: Zebra Mask wears a black-and-white fedora.
- No Indoor Voice: Midnight's regular voice is extremely loud, meaning he has to keep a spell casted so his voice stays lowered, as he can't otherwise tell when he's being loud. Without the spell, normal speaking volume to him is loud enough to others that Princess Luna's Royal Canterlot Voice pales in comparison.
- No Sense of Direction: How Midnight Green ends up in Ponyville.
- Happens again when he's taking his payment to Big Macintosh. He goes in the exact opposite direction of Sweet Apple Acres, and Rarity immediately jokes about how he'll end up at Fluttershy's house.
- He even gets lost walking to Sugarcube Corner, which is just a few steps away from him.
- According to him, his mother's even worse.
- This is proven when Horizon literally cannot find her way across the street. They're the only ones, though: Midnight's siblings have an impeccable sense of direction.
- And it's partially contradicted in Chapter 7, where Midnight, trying to go shopping for a microphone, ends up in the Evertree Forest, and eventually Cloudsdale. He immediately lampshades this.
Midnight: I think physics and logic are crying in a corner somewhere.
- Keep in mind that Midnight is a unicorn, not a pegasus, meaning reaching Cloudsdale is literally impossible for him. And yet...
- Screwy Squirrel: Zebra Mask becomes this in Chapter 6, where he just spends the night taunting and pranking the Mane Cast (except Pinkie Pie) just for kicks.
- Shout-Out: During Midnight's Dynamic Entry into Ponyville, he screams "LEEEEROOOOOOOOOY JEEEENKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINS!!!!!"
- Midnight later sings music by the Barenaked Ladies and Voltaire.
- Wild Hair: Midnight's mane is well groomed, but his tail is described as explosive-looking, and an attempt to tame it breaks a comb.
- Yin-Yang Bomb: Midnight's talents extend to both light and shadow magic
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