< Mick Foley

Mick Foley/Funny

/wiki/Mick Foleycreator
  • Fairly soon after his famous Cell match with The Undertaker, Mick Foley transformed from a sado-masochist with a ridiculously high pain threshold to a "human Muppet"... with a ridiculously high pain threshold. This led to an ongoing series of comedic moments for Mick such as:
    • The infamous "Mr. Socko" promo with a hospitalized Vince McMahon.
    • His moments with Edge and Christian while Commish.
    • Pretty much every time he had a promo with The Rock after the Rock 'n' Sock Connection began, including the "This is Your Life" promo and when, as Commish, Foley finally got to pull a "IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOU..." on the Rock which made even the Rock smile.
    • "The Rock thanks you for that."
    • His appearance on The Daily Show, where he showed how easy it was for a politician to play either side of an issue. Here's the clip for your viewing pleasure.
  • His endless (joking) shots at Al Snow and Test in his books. He even poked fun at Snow in his children's book ("And Mick carried Al, as he would do for the rest of his life") and put a picture of Test in his second book with the caption "This was the goofiest picture I could find of him."
  • His wife, Collette, upon hearing about a bad angle being proposed to Mick*: "[She] looked like she smelled a fart or saw an Al Snow match."
    • Made funnier by the fact Al Snow tried to pay back Foley's ribbing by ripping him on air during commentary, only for Vince McMahon to admonish him. When Foley explained to Vince that he was to blame by ribbing Al so much, Vince said he didn't mind anything that Foley did and said the problem was that Snow did it on the air. While Foley said he would back off a little as to not actually hurt Al's feelings, he said he felt a little giddy that the boss basically gave him full permission to keep on ribbing Al if he felt like it.
  • His bit role in Avatar: The Last Airbender as The Boulder, an Affectionate Parody of The Rock.

"You may be big, but you ain't bad! The Boulder's gonna win this IN A LANDSLIDE!

  • Every single Cheap Pop.
  • In TNA, Eric Bischoff was about to shave Foley's head. Until Foley stopped him, slipped on Mr. Socko and hit him with a mandible claw. While Bischoff was KO'd, Foley turned the tables by shaving Bischoff. Hilarity Ensues.
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