< Metalocalypse


  • Why the hell did they hold their CD release party at Mordhaus? I know it's pretty much the safest place for Dethklok to be, but not when they're a) going to be entertaining a couple hundred people and b) when Ofdensen knows they're going to be attacked! They can obviously afford some pretty extreme security measures. Why not hold the party somewhere more public and then, should the security measures fail, Dethklok would still have a home and safehaven to escape to? I think it's the only time in the series when Ofdensen grabs hold of the Idiot Ball and it irks me no end.
    • Offdensen had no way of knowing the Revengencers, a group of brainwhashed Metal fans led by a cripple, crazy old assassin and a teen suffering ptsd would cook up a freaking Sonic Weapon. Considering that Mordhaus has force fields and god-damn anti-missile flying deth-spiders, i'd say it was the safest place in the world.
      • Served.
      • Actually, the answer is the same as everything else: Because it's METAL.
  • As hilarious as the whole ordeal was in Renovationklok, Dethklok had already proven themselves to be highly skilled at not only interpreting, but rewriting contracts in Bluesklok. They got it to the point where they had changed the terms from collecting their own souls to the Devil giving part of his own soul; and receiving only a $5 Hot Topic card in return. Murderface even acknowledged that he was a notary. Did they just forget that?
    • We don't know exactly how savvy the Blues Devil was at his own contracts. For all we know, it could have been filled with loophole after loophole. Plus, the B.D. had nothing against Dethklok, he just wanted business. Damien on the other hand, hated the band, especially Nathan, and probably had his lawyer staff go over the new contract until it was nigh airtight. Thus, Nathan's problems, even when near signing it near the end, before being saved by Ofdensen.
    • More to the point, Pickles specifically mentions it being full of appendices and things; Dethklok's record label probably knows exactly how good they are at contract negotiation and specifically worded the contract to be obtuse and incomprehensible to the band. Since the nature of the Faustian deal is a fairly straightforward one, and because the Blues Devil obviously didn't know they could negotiate, his contract probably didn't have quite so much complex legalese.
      • They're also rather shaken up from the loss of Ofdensen, and probably not on top of their game.
      • Beyond logic, the band's relative competency just fluctuates on Rule of Funny. Why can Pickles make (terrible) macaroons in one episode but can't even make a sandwich in another? For the joke.
  • Was Cardinal Ravenwood supposed to be Catholic or Satanist?
    • Catholic. Otherwise why would he be talking about God crushing the "demon" Mustakrakish.
      • So what's with the hat? Catholics do not dress that way. GOODNIGHT!
      • Maybe he just likes the hat. Or, maybe he's some other religion. I don't think he's Satanist, though - we saw examples of Satanists in Religionklok.
        • He may be just a representitive of religion as a whole.
  • Are their servants called Gears or Klokateers? In Dethsources, Ofdensen calls them Klokateers, but "The Gears" calls them Gears.
    • This troper figured "Klokateers" is their actual title, whereas "Gears" isn't so much a title as a description or nickname - when they become a Klokateer, they become a part of the whole system: A gear of the clock. Er, klok.
    • The Klokateers get branded with a gear on the back of their neck when they join (hence the title of the song that plays in the background, "The Branding of the Gears"). As Klokateers their job is to aid (or, rather, serve) the band. They are the gears that allow Dethklok to work.
  • Recall Jean-Pierre's prayer in the first episode: "I am a Gear in the Wheel of the Klok". Even if that's not their official title, it's probably what they call themselves.
  • Who the hell was the guy Toki replaced? We see him in the flashback at the beginning of Renovationklok, but never get to know who he was or why Toki replaced him.
    • The dude with the beard? I thought that was a younger Toki....
      • Nope, definitely not Toki. I took him to be little more than another joke on Toki's expense.
  • Why didn't Charles have all the boys secretly GPS chipped years ago? It would save a lot of hassle.
    • Because even if they don't know it's there, the boys will find a way to fuck it up.
    • Maybe they're already chipped? How did Offdensen find them and/or know they weren't on the tour bus?
  • Allowing for the possibilty that making a super-user friendly ultraversatile drum machine always crosses the line into making it self-aware,Why did the manufacturer install a ten-thousand megaton self-destruct system? Or any self-destruct system,for that matter?
    • There's a recent episode of Futurama that had Bender powered by a doomsday device. Maybe it's the same thing?
    • It isn't metal unless you risk the chance of dying from it. See also: The Kloakateers's quarters.
  • In the latest episode, Ofdensen is trying to whip up a media promotional storm to get Zazz Blammymatazz back on top. But if that was the case, how did he let that one interviewer bring up the whole pedofile business with Rockso if the idea was to get tickets sold?
    • He's only going along with it because it's Toki (because if Nathan's the Team Dad and Ofdensen's the Team Mom, then Toki is certainly the baby of the family), but honestly, he doesn't give a shit about it either.
  • For cows, is death literally "Hamburger Time?"
    • BOO! Incredibly Lame Pun! But seriously, some percentage of time. The rest of the time it's Steak Time.
  • Why do Pickles' parents hate him so much? He's part of the wealthiest, most successful band on Earth, and yet his ex-convict freeloader brother is somehow "better" than him. Do they hate metal that much?
    • They just hate him. Period. You can make an excuse about his younger brother being the cause, but I wouldn't support it in any ultimate sense.
      • For the parents of an Unfavorite, there doesn't need to be a reason. It's possible that when Seth burnt down the garage and blamed it on Pickles, and Pickles started drinking (and subsequently became an alcoholic), they just continually blamed everything on him just because of that one incident. Seth is incredibly manipulative, he may have just been able to play their parents that well.
  • Okay, call me a hair-splitting armchair linguist if you like, but why does Pickles call carbonated beverages "soda" (watch the extra on the most recent season DVD where he's at the amusement park)? It just doesn't add up with every other aspect of his speech.
    • Because that is what they're called.
      • I think what the above troper is referring to is the Soda vs. Pop debate.
      • Pickles is from Wisconsin. In Wisconsin (and the Midwest as a whole) it's (to most people) "pop", not "soda".
      • Maybe it's his way of distancing himself from his roots.
        • God knows he has a reason to. Also, I don't know how long he was there, but if he spent a significant amount of time in LA during his Snakes 'n' Barrels period, he'd probably pick up on their speaking mannerisms. (California is predominantly 'soda' territory.)
        • Also, we are a bunch of nerds. (Including myself here)
        • We Southerners have no idea what any of you are referring to. Some kind of coke?
          • Well played.
  • If Toki has no talent, has never been in a band before, and wasn't friends with the rest of Dethklok before they became famous, how the hell did he even get into the band to begin with?
    • Toki has talent, he's the second fastest guitar player in the world. He might have just had an audition before they got famous?
      • He's in the prophecy from the ancient Sumerian artifacts; it was destiny.
        • He might have been third fastest, after that one guy from the S3 opening episode.
  • Am I the only one that's glad it went back to the fifteen minute format? Maybe it's just me, but thirty minute episodes just seemed to drag, and it seemed to me that they got complacent with the longer format, and therefore less of the Myth Arc was covered.
  • The sultan guy asked the band to play a song that no one had heard before. Why couldn't they just have played one of the Seething Vortex songs? No one ever heard those, so the guy would still be appeased without Dethklok having to actually make up a new song.
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