< Memetic Badass

Memetic Badass/Advertising

  • The commercials for Dos Equis beer in America star a man whose credentials read almost like the Chuck Norris Facts: "He once had an awkward moment... just to see how it feels. He can speak French... in Russian. He is... The Most Interesting Man in the World." Of course, his beer of choice is Dos Equis.
    • He doesn't always drink beer, but when he does, he prefers Dos Equis. One would think that the "Most Interesting Man in the World" would usually be found drinking fine wines or brandy, hence the genius of the tag.
    • He once looked into a lake and had a staring contest with his reflection... On the third day, he won. He has never lost a sock. He doesn't believe in using oven mitts, nor potholders. Even his enemies list him as their emergency contact. He doesn't use oven timers, he tells the food when it's done. Sharks have a week... dedicated to him. He's a lover, not a fighter, but he's also a fighter, so don't get any ideas. He once punched a magician. That's right. You heard me. If he punched you in the face, you would have to fight off a strong urge to thank him. He can disarm you with his looks, or his hands. Either way. Based on the video, he has performed surgery on his own chest in a field hospital when the available doctors simply weren't good enough.
    • He's also an Expy of the already Memetic Badass Ernest Hemingway, albeit with a Spanish accent. (Though Hemingway spent time in Spain and spoke Spanish, so...)
  • The "Will It Blend" commercials attempt to do this for the Blendtec blender. One of them even incorporates the Chuck Norris meme.
    • In case you're wondering, no, Chuck will NOT blend.
  • This trope is now Diamonds!
  • Segata Sanshiro!
  • Hi, Billy Mays here with A VOICE SO LOUD, he can sell ANYTHING and kick Vince Offer's ass!
  • Captain Crunch
  • The guy on the new Dairy Queen commercials.
    • Guy: We don't just have a fluffy cloud. We have a fluffy cloud that goes-
    • Cloud: Yeah!
    • Guy: And I'm not just water-skiing. I'm water-ski boxing!
    • Cloud: Yeah!
      • We don't just blow bubbles. We blow bubbles with kittens inside of them.
      • We don't just have heart-shaped balloons. We have heart-shaped balloons.....tied to sharks.
      • We don't just have subtitles. We have subtitles you can ride around on. *is lying down on the subtitles as they go across the screen*
  • John Jameson will punch out Cthulhu if he steals a barrel of his whiskey.
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