< Mega Man Unlimited

Mega Man Unlimited/Trivia

  • Author Existence Failure: Subverted, in regards to Yoku Man's inclusion. When the designer Starsimsuniverse unexpectedly and completely vanished from the Internet, Mega Phil X wasn't sure whether to keep his Robot Master in the game's roster or not, but decided to do so after all. Then, Starsimsuniverse eventually came back.
  • Name's the Same / One Steve Limit: Trinitro Man used to be called Nitro Man, until a Robot Master sharing his name appeared in 10. This resulted in a lot of discussion on what he should be called, leading to his current placeholder name. Yet, the fans and the creators still couldn't decide on his official name, eventually prompting Mega Phil X to post a video poll.
  • Schedule Slip: The game was nearly set to be released on March 2009, but that didn't happen when real-life preoccupations occurred for its staff members. Even after some engine changes, the development cycle still continues (although it might end soon, according to the Facebook updates). To put it in perspective, the project started back in 2008.
  • What Could Have Been:
    • Yoku Man and Hammer Man were originally going to be part of the main Robot Master line-up, until Comet Woman's introduction.
    • The game was going to be known as Mega Man 10, until the official one came out. As a result, the staff hastily tried to come up with a different title to prevent confusion and legality issues.
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