< Mega Man Star Force

Mega Man Star Force/YMMV

  • Americans Hate Tingle: Luna. She is actually more popular than Sonia in Japan thanks to her Tsundere and Ojou status, but the opposite happens in the american fandom.
  • Anvilicious: Having friends is good. Being a loner is bad.
  • Broken Base/Fan Dumb: Fans of MMBN either enjoy MMSF or accuse it of being a waste of effort on Capcom's part. Drama ensues
  • Complete Monster: The child-exploiting, planet destroying Mr.King is easily the most deplorable villain in the series, with the sadistically brutish Joker, silver-tounged Omnicidal Maniac Gemini, and Sirius all making for some steep competition. And in the anime, Gemini retains this status while Pat Sprigs gets hit with a nice big helping of Adaptational Villainy.
  • Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: The ending of 3, so very, very, very much...
  • Die for Our Ship: Many GeoxSonia fans despise Luna. In fanfics, she is usually bashed or treated like a spoiler brat. The fact that the anime turned her from a Tsundere to a Obsessed Fangirl with bits of Clingy Jealous Girl didn't help.
  • Evil Is Sexy: Heartless. She gets better, but is no less sexy.
    • Queen Ophiuca. Look at her official art closely and you will see what is unmistakeably an exotic dancer outfit in her design. Somebody's been feeling repressed of late, hmm?
  • Fridge Brilliance: A topic on GameFAQs shows quite a few people didn't realize that Wizard is a pun on the type of program.
    • There's another case of this in the first game: it seems that Andromeda is a stupid name for a world-destroying war machine, until you realize that the FM-King's name, Cepheus, is also that of the mythological Andromeda's father, both of whom also are constellations in the sky to fit in with the theme.
    • The term "Brother" seems like a rather odd term to use to describe relationships with other people regardless of gender, but then you find out in the second game that Lan Hikari started the system, and he based it off his bond with Hub. You see, he notices that whenever he and Hub worked together, miracles could happen due to this "Link Power", and decided to try and connect the world through this. He succeeded, to say the least.
    • Gemini Spark, Crown Thunder, and Hollow are all the most powerful fighters in their own class? Why? They're Elec-Type, which means that their powers are the closest to electromagnetism proper, where as all the other powers are modified into the elements.
  • Fridge Logic: Many moments from the first game become borderline retarded when you think about it. Wouldn't putting a car in the way of the truck have caused severe injuries? Was Sonia contractually obligated to give that concert, or not? (If she was, she could have been sued for damages. If not, she could have sued her manager. This may be a case of No Such Thing As Lawyers...) Why didn't the principal just make Mr. Shepar a Social Studies teacher? (Or barring that, that one teacher who teaches that nebulous class known as "Health", or even just Homeroom?)
    • They justify the bit about the car when Geo wonders if everyone's okay. Turns out they all got sucked into the computer system of the truck.
    • Also, the problem with Mr. Shepar's class (he does indeed teach homeroom - it's just all day with his one class) is that he's the one teacher at school who doesn't use the Study Wave as per the principal's desire; the principal gets fed up and blackmails him into needing to find a job to sustain himself and 7 kids.
  • Game Breaker: Oh. So. MANY. In the second game. There are this things called "Wave Commands" that can basically give you any card you want, including cards you can't get anyway else. Another Wave Command transforms you into the Tribe King, and in form, ALL ATTACKS HAVE DOUBLE POWER. Finally, you can use Wave Commands to power yourself up by increasing max HP by varying amounts, letting you use more than one intentionally broken card, increasing the speed of your custom gauge, and powering up your buster. This can be done as early as the first time you hit the select button. WOW, CAPCOM, WOW.
    • The point of all these is that normally you have to buy them with real money. Unfortunately, you don't actually need the cards to use them, just a map showing where on the screen to tap. This got so bad the third game has an option in its versus mode to only search for people not using them.
      • These have been removed from the American version, though it was primarily due to licensing issues.
        • Swords in general in the 3rd game seeing as almost every transformation powers them up, but Edogiri/Bushido especially in the 3rd game. Each one increase by 50 for each one you choose up until you reach + 150 damage, and also increases the hitrange of the sword until it's basically Lifesword. This may not seem like a lot but the weakest bushido card does 110 by itself, 260 if fully boosted. Add that to the fact that under the right circumstances it is poosible to make 36/40 cards bushidoes and you have an easy possibly of doing over 700 damage at the first custom screen. With the right tranformation you can put someone in a stunlock. Did I mention that the sword hits BEFORE YOU EVEN SWING IT?
    • Even worse are the Cipher codes. Basically, you can send an E-mail to either a satellite (1st game) or L.M. Shin (2nd game) with a secret code on them. Doing this allows you to get a variety of items, with the biggest being SP Mega cards of all the bosses. This completely broke the games in two, as early bosses and enemies had no chance against what are essentially endgame weapons. Hell, the Satellite Admin cards alone (ESPECIALLY Pegasus Magic) completely shattered the first game. This too can be done as soon as you can hit the Select button.
      • The 3rd game changed things up a bit; you have to wait till you can enter Big Wave before you can start using the Cipher Codes.
    • Adding on to that are the Blank Cards of Star Force 2. Hidden away all over the game, these cards allow you to input codes into them to change them into any card in the game. Including Giga cards from Star Force 1. There is nothing as sweet as abusing Pegasus Magic GX (hits a 3x3 square for 450 freezing aqua damage) with Tribe King (doubles all card damage, so your Pegasus Magic GX now does 900 damage). And you're always going to find at least one of these if you're thorough about pulsing in to everything.
    • There's even something comparitively more simple: the Favorites system. You could select up to 4 (6 in the first game) cards to appear on your profile. These cards then get changed to white cards in battle. In other words, that means you can use them with anything without being limited to rows of cards. What really drives this into Game Breaker status? You can select any card to be a Favorite. Yes, that means you can use your Giga Card(s) with anything.
      • And if you're using the Wi-Fi functions, Brother cards randomly scroll through your Brother's favorite cards before stopping on one. This can lead to all kinds of abuses.
    • Best Combos. After a certain event in every game, you can turn your Best Combos into cards. Best Combos are basically a series of cards you own that you can create every time you battle with a boss. Using a Best Combo card unleashes all these cards at once. For example, if in, say, Star Force 1, you used 6 cards in one round to deal massive damage, you can convert that chain of 6 cards into one card that, when used, acts like a Navi card. Yeah, it's pretty hard to explain, but the end result is absurd amounts of damage that you can use to defeat every boss in the game in a second.
      • Best Combos were so broken that in every single game the requirements to create them changed in an attempt to weaken them. Didn't work.
    • The Noise Cards. Good GOD, are they broken. On the Japanese versions of the 3rd game, by simply touching your stylus to the Abilities box, you could input codes to give you extra abilities, which do anything from changing your buster to giving you the ability to not flinch, not break panels and more with just one code. Worse still, they work like playing cards; if you have a flush/pair /straight/whatever, you get an extra ability. One combo that has been utilized starts you off with an Aura, increases the power of the already-broken Sword attacks, increases your max HP, turns all your Support Cards into Invisible (YMMV on how broken that is, though), speeds up the Custom Gauge, and increases your maximum Mega cards by 2. No wonder they put an extra search filter on the Wi-Fi fights.
      • Of course, the drawback here is unless you use cards of the same suit, you'll be riddled with bugs. But on the other hand, there are four special Joker cards that technically count as whatever suit you're using. These Joker cards grant obscene bonuses; either maxing out your Buster's stats, giving you the four best passive Ability Waves, increasing your HP by 500, or granting you Auto Lock-on.
    • May qualify as a Disc One Nuke but I know in both the second one and third games, you have access to both the Vulcan Cannon and the Atk+ 10 mod right from the start. Which may not seem like much, except, the Vulcan Cannon does five rounds of 10 Dmg. The Atk+ 10 makes this five rounds of 20 Dmg. Allowing you to tear through everyone of the early viruses and some of the early bosses. Later in the game you get the field effect that allows for Atk+ 10 for two turns. However, by that time, you typically have other multiple hit attacks that do up to about 30 Dmg each hit. Allowing you to have some rather unlikely over powered weapons by a chip that probably would have been best to only put that + 10 addition onto the first shot. (that is, 20, 10, 10, 10, 10, rather than 20,20,20,20,20). This Troper loads up her folders with Atk+ 10 and Atk+ 10 Field effects as much as possible, simply for this.
    • In the third game, the Noise system introduced about a fourth in to the game can be so heavily abused it isn't even funny. Basically, it goes up every time you hit an enemy with a non elemental non time freezing attack. Once it reaches about 200% or so, you have the option to Finalize, which resets your noise to 0% and changes your folder into a special folder. Don't Finalize. At 200%, all of your attacks gain the ability to pierce through Invulnerabilty. This, combined with the absurd power and range of the already mentioned Bushido cards and the multi-hit Sword Fighter cards and Gemini/Rogue noise, which grant a stunning effect to all Sword cards, allows you to stunlock any opponent in the game to death.
  • Genius Bonus: Most players don't know what "Laplace" refers to, or even how to pronounce it.
    • The villain of the second game and her Dragon both draw from the mythology of the Tanabata festival. Their English names draw from the stars featured in the myth.
  • Ho Yay: Oh lord, the Gemini Spark chapter of Star Force, between Pat and Geo. The first part of which is more or less Pat and Geo going on a date together and then Geo shyly and awkwardly asking Pat if he wanted to be "Brothers" afterwards.
  • Memetic Badass: Goyouda Heiji. This trope was basically the fan response to that Wall Paper.
  • Moe Moe: Luna's Day in The Limelight episode two-fer consists of her trying to learn how to kick for Rockman. She finally gets it down (after a long string of failures), and presents it to Rockman only to find that her creation was ruined in the latest attack. Her pout is adorable.
  • Moral Event Horizon: Joker vaporizing Luna. Sure, she gets better, but that changes nothing.
    • He laughs and pulls a What Measure Is a Non Super , calling her "a stain upon the Earth." simply because she's a normal.
    • In the anime, for Gemini, it's either when he just starts killing the FM-ians, just when he kills Wolf, or when he kills his other half. In the games, him sweet-talking Cepheus into using Andromeda to destroy Planet FM is his biggest evil achievement.
  • Narm: The final boss of the second game is Le Mu, an overwhelmingly powerful god of EM Waves... that constantly bellows "MU!" Like a goddamned cow.
    • From the same game, there's the part near the end where Lady Vega's dead lover Altair seriously beams down a message that tells her he will always love her from heaven itself. Even from a series that puts tons of emphasis on the bonds made among people who love each other, it's incredibly sappy and overblown.
  • Scrappy Mechanic: The PegLeoDra games had levels that fell into the same rut that many other Nintendo DS games fell into early on, with level puzzles relying largely on Touch Screen gimmicks rather than button pressing. The Zerk/Nin/Saur games did away with this.
  • Ship-to-Ship Combat: Between Geo/Luna and Geo/Sonia shippers, sometimes elevating to idiotic heights.
  • That One Boss: A few opponents have the chance to become this during the games, though like the Battle Network games most of them are either fairly easy or are souped up bonus bosses. Star Force 2 has a combination of Goddamned Boss and Bonus Boss that takes the cake though for possibly the entire series. After completing all of the bonus content, facing the final boss again results in a mandatory souped-up encounter. Winning that, unlike every other Battle Network and Star Force game, results in Solo deciding that he wants to have a real final battle with Geo, instead of just leaving for when Geo's ready. Cue the battle with Rogue SX, who is so stupidly fast and powerful chances are the battle will last only a few seconds before you're just dead--if you can even survive a combo from him. Your only chance against him is either being really good with countering him(Mad Vulcan three works particularly well), stun lock, or cheating. What makes this battle even more rageworthy is that if you screw it up, you have to go back, beat the souped-up final boss again, and watch the unskippable credits, to fight it again.
  • The Scrappy: Zack, thanks to the events of the start of the first game. He still suffers from it, but people have started to like him for his roles in the later games.
    • Luna as well, especially among American audiences for being absolutely obnoxious and insufferable.
  • Sequelitis: The first game was decent, but most people agree the second was a fair step down... but the third was a much larger step up.
  • They Changed It, Now It Sucks: Well, it is Mega Man. Fans weren't in particular sure whether they preferred old Mega with War Rock's head for a blaster or new Mega with a much more streamlined variant.
  • Viewer Gender Confusion: Pat (as in Patrick, not Patricia) is dressed in purple spandex, and wears a purple headband with long hair. His androgynous name was probably an intentional carryover from the Japanese version, where he was named Tsukasa, a common Japanese name for both genders. To further the point, the name Tsukasa is usually written in hiragana if it belongs to a girl, and kanji if it belongs to a boy. But Tsukasa Futaba Takes a Third Option and writes his name in katakana.
  • Woolseyism: The original names of Lyra and Taurus--Harp and Ox--were changed to fit with the rest of the FM-ians' Theme Naming. Though one wonders why Lyra and Sonia still wave change to form Harp Note.
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