< Mega Man Star Force

Mega Man Star Force/Headscratchers

  • After the fight with Hallow in the 2nd game, Solo appears and transforms in front of you (and is knocked out of his wave change after the fight) and Hyde just stands there unchanged, how exactly are they standing on the wave road before he transforms?
    • Hyde is a guy made of Matter Waves, so it makes perfect sense for him. I don't know about Solo, though.
      • ? When was that stated? The third game?
      • Actually, that's wrong. Hollow's the Matter Wave guy. Hyde's the drama guy.
      • It was stated in the first game that constant (or at least a pretty long exposure to a major source) exposure to EM radiation allows humans to temporarily remain on the wave world. They eventually fade off. As for Solo... well, the Ancient Mu Star Carriers apparently do some really weird things to the modern Wave world, seeing just how often Mega Man turning visible (a supposed "rare" event) happens.
      • Exposure to Zet Waves, specifically, and they just turn you into EM Beings. Consider: modern Matter Wave technology was founded on Murian tech, it could be that the grounds, so-called, of the Bermuda Maze are powerful proto-Matter Waves, hence the standing.
  • On the subject of that part, how Genre Blind are Sonia/Geo? "let the hero's beat the traps for you" is likely one of the oldest ones in the book. Not to mention the stupidity of the "blast Geo away to face Solo alone" thing that does nothing more then give the player a chance to use a subchip/save.
  • How do the Stellers survive? There is no indication Hope has a job, and Kelvin isn't believed to be dead by his family and he isn't, so no money comes from his death.
    • Just because they don't think he's dead doesn't mean the insurance company doesn't believe the same, and I doubt Hope is dumb enough to refuse the money.
    • Alternatively, he had built up MASSIVE savings before vanishing.
    • In the show she has a part-time job. Not sure about the game. I also imagine the space program compensated them very well.
      • Her part-time job does exists in the game, as Geo mentions it when both Bob Copper and Chrys Golds enter their house, but it is unknown what her job is.
  • Which brings me to another point, why does Sonia's hair change color when she transforms into Harp Note?
    • Rule of Cool.
    • Geo's does as well, though it's more subtle (brown to purple.) It even varies a bit depending on the transformation.
      • Since when does his hair change color when he transforms?
      • It only happened in the first game, in the 2nd and third one, it does not change, which probably indicates that the hair color change is the result of lazy palette swap, since the first game's 2D sprite style is different from its sequels.
      • The changes only occur if you examine the official art. The games' graphics didn't have much to spare for noticing that particular aspect.
    • Because they didn't think you'd catch that she was a Roll Expy otherwise.
      • ... But she ISN'T a Roll Expy! Sure, she's pink, is a girl, is the main Love Interest (which only works for Battle Network Battle Network), and has blond hair in Harp Note form, but otherwise is NOTHING like Roll. She's more like Protoman- showing up to help save Mega Man in the nick of time, with a long flowing scarf, has a recognizable sound(the guitar noise thing), is a recognized battler... The list goes on. And it just bugs me.
      • Actually, that list and the hair would make her a Zero Expy.
    • Power Dyes Your Hair. Sonia's brightens, Geo's darkens. Do we ask why Super Saiyans get blonde? No. Move along.
  • The behind the back viewpoint in battles bugs the hell out of me. Whoever thought the game would be more fun if you could only take one step to the left or right rather than having a proper grid to yourself should be beaten with a sack of quarters.
    • Worse Still are the Killer Eye type chips that are COMPLETELY unavoidable because of that.
    • The game is meant to be more fast paced with the back view. The wierd thing is why you can only move left or right
  • WHERE THE HELL IS PAT? Geo was so caught up with him, I was really disappointed when he didn't show up in 2, and now not even in 3?
    • What's funny is that in 2 the game even acknowledges that they have plot points to wrap up regarding him, and then in 3 Luna apparently flat out states that he's "gone". A shame. Gemini Spark was quite fun to battle against, plus it would be hilarious if he was the Gay Option in the dating sim-esque bit in SF3.
      • Gemini Spark was probably the enemy I liked more to fight against. Well, let's just hope 3 isn't really the last game.
  • Why is everything wired for radio signals in Mega Man Star Force? It's fairly common knowledge that radio waves are notoriously unreliable as far as any sort of internet communications go, what with their extreme vulnerability to interference and whatnot. If I remember correctly, there's at least a few wireless internet communications that's faster and more reliable than those based on radio or even microwaves, so why the backpedaling?
    • I suspect that like how Battle Network cashed in on the "Internet Craze", Star Force was created to cash in on the "Cellular Phone Craze", but got hit by Executive Meddling or something somewhere along the way that prevented them from using Super Cellphones instead of Super Radios.
    • All wireless standards for more than just a room are radio-based. Let's look at the EM spectrum. Anything beyond visible light (and maybe UV), you can toss out, thanks to health hazards. Infra-red, visible light (and UV), are halted quite easily by just about any surface that isn't transparent, not to mention hard to get any real distance without a focused beam. Below that, what's left? The various forms of Radio and Microwave. Even MW typically needs to be a focused transmission in order to get any range.
    • The term that's always used in the Japanese game can refer both radio wave AND electromagnetic radiation. It's completely possible that the names AM and FM are just that - names - and everything just runs on a vaguely-defined wireless network. The English translation seems to take this interpretation.
    • Wireless networks are also almost constantly developing, besides. They've had 200 years to improve.
    • Items just seem to develop random wireless connections in these games. You find a freaking rock that transmits intensely enough to have its own Wave World in 2.
  • Okay, so in the time skip between Battle Network and Starforce, humanity for some reason decides to get rid of Navis (one of the primary purposes they had was virus busting) but not get rid of what they need to do (bust virus), so as a result there are viruses everywhere but nothing to stop them with. What were they thinking?
    • Is Star Force actually in Battle Network's future? I thought it was an AU.
      • Officially, Starforce takes place 200 years after Battle Network.
    • Battle Cards. According to the anime, any idiot with a Transer can use a card to damage a virus. The only difference between Rockman and everyone else is that Rockman jumps through the additional hoop of performing Predation with the card and then having to actually wield whatever weapon the card manifests rather than just sliding it in to his Transer and watching the virus die. Presumably, Rockman's way is somehow more efficient or effective than what normal use of a Battle Card can do.
      • Also, Navis still exist, but generally work more closer to what Light intended the Robot masters to do in the original series (i.e.: Operate things, deliver e-mail, the like).
      • Rockman's way is more efficient due to the fact that he can aim and reuse. Just normally swiping a Widesword card causes a Widesword to appear, slash the nearby area, and disappear. However, Predation allows for the battle card to not disappear instantly and for him to hit the more agile viruses.
      • Rockman's point is that he can take on things besides viruses, such as the FM-ians and their Planet Eater. Idiots with Battle Cards would be useless.
    • In response to the actual question: The humans actually got rid of the viruses some undefined amount of time ago. In fact, they only started being seen three years before the first game begins, when the wreckage of the Peace crashed back to earth. How do I know this? Just talk to the easy-to-miss, easy-to-forget Mr. Hertz that you see immediately after you Geo and Mega become Mega Man for the first time. There's been enough time since the Battle Network's games instituted the Colonel and Iris network defense systems (c.f. Battle Network 6's ending) that the Net Navis no longer have to engage in antiviral activity, and so, the last remaining models have all been sufficiently downgraded.
      • Besides, the virus in Battle Network are computer network viruses. The viruses in Star Force are EM viruses; they are different.
      • Technically, they would be the same -- the chief difference is that the Star Force viruses are wireless. They still deal in computer networks.
  • Why is Rockman himself is on a few of the Battle Cards even when Rockman was completely non-existant at the time of their creation?
    • Maybe the Battle Cards just show the user. For example, if Rogue were to use a battle card like Warrior Soul, the picture would show him, not Zerker tribe Mega Man.
      • I would agree with that, except for the cards like Warrior Soul, which are more like extra abilities of Mega Man's transformation. That, and Battle Cards are being created all the time, it's not too hard to assume that some cards were given his image after he showed up. It's an homage. (Admittedly this isn't the case in S.F. 1, or at least the first part).
        • More than an homage I would like to think it kind of works like both virus/EM beings dropping their ability cards and/or bosses reappearing as ghosts: let's say that after Rockman constantly used a mad with many hits swords combo once or many times some data fragments were left behind, which would come together to form a Sword Fighter card. TL;DR they might be made just like bosses cards.
  • What exactly is the Taurus we see in the third game? Is he the same one from the first game who was somehow summoned with the card used to transform Bud, or a sort of clone created from the card?
    • Presumablly the same way Taurus appears in the second game, or the way ghost navis appear.
      • The trouble with that is that it's stated in 2 that it's not the real Taurus that appears, just residual energy. It's never really stated how "real" the Ghost Data battles are either (Though considering Ghost-Taurus emails you in two games, they probably are.)
        • The thing about the FM-ians is that they're fairly easy to reconstruct. Cepheus does it after Mega Man beats Taurus and everyone else, though he probably used new parts (or something) - most of Taurus' power stayed with Bud and naturally reinforced itself over time - resulting in the Taurus Fire boss fight in the post-game (not the I.F. version - WMG? What's WMG?), so that when the original Taurus returns, he simply hides out until the plot calls him back into play.
  • Why did Cepheus think that firing missiles at the Black Hole server would work? It's a black hole.
    • How would you even have a server in a black hole in the first place? Fight nonsense with nonsense.
    • Actually, the server is created from the EM waves in the black hole, so not that much nonsense.
    • The server is a massive freaking Noise Wave. It consumes everything for the purposes of Data Storage, a la Brainiac.
  • Why couldn't A.C. Eos have made more copies of the Ace Program? It seems to me the ability to filter out Noise is important.
    • He could've, but they would seriously mess up anyone other than Mega Man.
    • Actually the one he gave Geo was a prototype, not a copy. And only two of those programs were made, meaning it was probably difficlt to create.
    • Both the Ace and Joker programs were made from materials Ace stole from Dealer when he ditched. Two of a kind, and Ace really isn't likely to go asking for some more.
  • In 3 Mega notes the only female EM being he knows is Lyra. Ignoring the Idiot Ball of forgetting someone he met less than an hour ago, what about that one that fused with Luna in the first game?
    • Whoever said that Ouphica was female? Maybe there was a reason Mega was refusing her advances.
    • He might have assumed Ophiuca was gone for good, though considering Cepheus' powers of resurrection and the fact that Taurus had just regenerated from Bud, it seems like a stupid assumption to make.
    • Maybe when Mega refers to knowing a female, he means personally. Which would make sense if he and Lyra were friends and he never met; he's saying he only knows one EM female, not that he doesn't know OF others.
  • How exactly did Rogue acquire the Noise powers he has as a Bonus Boss in 3?
    • The Official site describes the bracelet he wears on his arm as a Darklight Harvester, and that Darklight is a force more powerful and deadly than your run-of-the-mill electrophlebotinum that everyone else uses. My guess is that Darklight is the Murian term for Noise.
  • How come there aren't Illegal Data cards in SF3 for Hollow, Kung Foo Kidd, or Harp Note?
    • Fridge Brilliance because Hollow was only a matter wave not a EM being, Harp Note and Kung Foo Kidd was never deleted.
  • Why is it that no officials actually respect Geo in the third game? That kid is an expert in Wave battling compared to them (and hell, he did it before them), and certainly should get more then a "let's test him and see how good he is".
    • Same reason Lan and MegaMan.EXE had to put up with all that "test" nonsense in their games. Nobody seems willing to believe that these particular kids saved the world multiple times.
    • I see your point, (even though it doesn't make sense considering Mega Man saved the world on Live TV in the second game) but when Lan did the closest thing (join a team in BN 5), all he had to do was kick the crap out of Protoman/Colonel, and that's it; he's in, and he's pretty much second in command. Geo? He doesn't get in for a while, and even after he finally does, the only people in the entire place who actually respect him at first are Ace and the Professor. The commander of the Satella police even states he can't believe the fate of the world rests in the hands of a child, despite that happening two (eight if you count Battle Network) times already.
      • 9, counting Transmission.
    • That's more an adult not wanting to depend on a child for saving them kind of thing.
  • So at the end of Star Force 2, in the credits, we see a bunch of stone slabs showing everything Mega Man did in the game, including his battle with Mu'd god, Le Mu. Because they were apparently foretold. If this is the case, why don't Solo or the people of Whazzap acknowledge Mega Man, who looks exactly like the person in the pictures? Or was the whole stone just an early Fanfic?
    • Most likely it wasn't actually anything important, and was probably just cool imagery. Like in the first game, where you get to see the outlines of the bosses in their constellations, and in the third with the little photographs. Granted, those were most likely canon, but then again, there were a lot of things wrong with the second game...
    • Eye candy, if not prophetic ancestors. If prophetic ancestors, one, Rogue is a Murian, but not necessarily all that aware of his own history. The destruction of his race has to be explained to him, remember? And the Whazzapians know way less than he does, and all they've got are pictures in the sand, besides, no Mega Man pictures.
  • Here is somthing that bugs my brother. In the first game,just after the defeat of Libra during the school play, when it was time for Geo to turn up on stage as Mega Man, he appears in his battle armor, which surprises everyone, Than the light when out and when they come back on, Geo is in his Mega Man costume. How did he get into his costume, yet he still could be seen by the rest, and how did he get into his armor and yet was been able to be seen by the rest of the aduance when it is clearly know that it is impossible for humans to see the wave lengths?
    • Well, we actually saw no reaction from the audience pertaining to Geo's entrance as Mega Man. In fact, it was heavily implied to just be Luna seeing through Geo's "disguise" as Mega Man. That said, several times in the series we've had "rare" occurrences (read: cutscenes) where humans have seen wave beings. See every baddie in the first game, practically every other Mega Man cutscene in the second game, and a large chunk of the third game. Seriously, the only time it seems they can't see Mega Man is during normal gameplay.
      • I tend to go with the anime's take when it comes to things like this. Geo's a human. Mega (and the other EM beings/viruses/Navis) are all invisible. Mega Man, while he's still Electromagnetic, also has enough human in him to be visible. When he and other Wave Changers are close enough in proximity, it's easier to see the Radio World around them. So, Mega Man is perfectly visible to everyone else as Mega Man. I tend to take his scene in the play as him actually showing up as Mega Man (while Luna is the only one who really reacts, she's probably the only one paying enough attention to - Bud's probably suffocating in his own outfit, after all - just LOOK at that thing), which is why they're playing the Hero theme when he does. Geo simply orchestrated the light switch-off to be just long enough for him to release the Wave Change back to his original, crappy costume.
  • Why is the BN Blaster a rapid fire weapon? Don't get me wrong, I love using it, but did anyone who was playing Battle Network actually prioritize Rapid? I mean, Attack or Charge level 5 would make more sense. Hell, if we're going to be realistic most people generally either max their buster's stats, or keep everything at roughly the same level.
    • Here's some advice, in the words of this guy stop complaning.
    • I think you missed the point of the Just Bugs Me trope.
    • Simple really, if you did play BN then you know the basic mega buster takes forever to charge and didn't do a lot of damagae but did fire off in a constant rate. So they just took the only thing it does not that slowly (Rapid Fire) and based the weapon on that
  • Why hasn't Tecmo sued Capcom yet?
    • Shhhhh!... too... soon... hehe...
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