Mega Girl
Rock Girl R/Mega Girl R is a fan-made PC game in progress by baragon-kun (aka Gatuca), begun in March 2009 and based on the Mega Man/Rockman series of games. The game stars Roll, and features a unique cast of Female Robot Masters, as well as Waltz and Toque (two fan-created robots)
This game is similar to Rockman R in premise, except it's fully done in 8-bit graphic style, with the limited color palette of the original Nintendo Entertainment System. Rockman Perfect Memories has a forum dedicated to the game.
For any and all current developments, the source is here.
Tropes used in Mega Girl include:
- Action Girl: Roll and Waltz both fit, but then again so do all the Female Robot Masters, as it's an all-girl-star game.
- A Day in the Limelight: The game IS about Roll-chan after all.
- An Ice Person: Gelato's attacks are ice cream shots and freezing waves.
- Amusement Park: Gelato Girl's level is most definitely this.
- Animal Motifs: Swan Woman.
- Arm Cannon: Roll now has one just like her brother Rock!
- Ascended Extra: Roll is the main character, after all.
- Waltz is this, having first appeared in the OCW artbook in an Alternate Universe picture.
- Asskicking Pose: Can't have a Boss Battle without one.
- Author Appeal: Judging from Luau Woman's design and the enemy roster in her stage, Gatuca seems to have a fondness for hula girls.
- Cats Are Mean: Toque, Waltz's Egyptian cat-based support unit.
- Chainsaw Good: Chainsaw Woman's weapon and moveset basically run on this.
- Changed My Mind, Kid: Feather Woman was scrapped for a future project and Psy-Woman is her replacement.
- Clueless Aesop: While the game is intended to have a pro-feminist theme, the abundance of very attractive and statuesque Robot Mistresses sort of mitigates it.
- Cyber Cyclops: The Roll-Joe-bots and Devils just like in the original series.
- Development Hell: The game has been under development for over two years, and it likely won't be finished any time soon. When you consider that much of it is done by one guy using an outdated computer (from 2001), this is very much justified. It's now gotten to the point that he finally has his own devteam helping him.
- Expy: Waltz is this to Roll, just as Forte is to Rockman.
- Elemental Rock-Paper-Scissors: As usual a weapon beats a Robot Master whose weapons beats the next, etc.
- Everyone Looks Sexier If French: This applies to Swan Woman, being now based in France now.
- Flash of Pain: All foes are to do this when hit.
- Gaiden Game
- Horny Vikings: Opera Woman, of course!
- Hotter and Sexier: Compared to the other Classic series entries and fan games. However, since the series is almost completely devoid of (sexual) Fan Service, this can be more than a little jarring to longtime fans.
- Husky Russkie: Psy Woman, hence the fur-covered legs and hat-like helmet. She also has the most masculine appearance among the Female Robot Masters (Chainsaw Woman aside), which would have her be mistaken for a male if she lacked her pink eyelids and eyelashes.
- Ladette: Chainsaw Woman, full stop. She even has a crotch bump, for some reason.
- Lethal Lava Land: Luau Woman's entire level takes place on a French Polynesian island.
- Lipstick Lesbian: Luau Woman, if one of her likes is any indication.
- Mega Manning: Wouldn't be a Mega Man game without it!
- Mishmash Museum: Psy-Woman's stage is a museum in Russia, so far we only know it's a mix of history and <?> psychic powers.
- Ms. Fanservice: Some of the Female Robot Masters qualify, but Luau Woman is particularly blatant in that regard.
- Musical Assassin: Opera Woman's stage is based around Vikings, opera and noise attacks.
- Her attack also gives Roll the power to shoot music notes.
- Playing with Fire: Luau Woman and all her mooks, hands down.
- Powered Armor: Roll's upgraded body suit, Valentine Armor, most certainly counts!
- Psychic Powers: Psy Woman's abilities consist of these.
- Shock and Awe: Static Woman's Electric Touch attack.
- Shout-Out: Roll's armor and look is VERY similar to how she looks in the Rock Man: Wish Upon A Star animated special.
- This is also a canon look for Roll, as she was originally intended to have been a player character in Rockman 2: The Mystery of Dr. Wily, complete with her white and pink armor.
- In Rockman Rockman! aka Mega Man Powered Up! - Copy Roll hints at a few odd things, including her "Special Valentine Armor" of love.
- Space Jews: Some of the roster, with Luau Woman being the most obvious.
- Space Level: Lunar Woman's level looks like this and apparently has a gravity gimmick.
- Spikes of Doom: A few will be featured in levels.
- The Dragon: Waltz is this to Dr. Witty.
- What Could Have Been: As of September, 2011 - Tai Chi, Perfume, and Feather Woman were removed.
- Blossom Woman was once considered for the roster, until Chainsaw Woman became the winner of a poll and got chosen over her.
- A sequel is already in the works and will use the missing R Ms.
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