< Meat Boy

Meat Boy/Characters

Main Characters

Meat Boy

A skinless boy who looks like a hunk of meat. He's on a mission to save his girlfriend Bandage girl from Dr. Fetus dispite the many dangers (and deaths) he'll have to face along the way.

  • Badass: Not surprising, seeing all the crap he has to go through over the course of the game.
  • Body Horror: For whatever reason he lacks skin, but never dies of blood loss.
  • Determinator: Things might slow him down, but they never stop him. Not buzzsaws, syringes, salt, hell, the rapture, or even really hard platforming and boss battles.
  • Dude in Distress: During Cotton Alley.
  • Overdrawn At the Blood Bank: Just moving around coats the area surrounding him in blood.

Bandage Girl

A pink wad of gauze who loves meat boy. She spends most of the game suffering abuse at the hands of Dr. Fetus whil waiting for Meat Boy to save her.

Dr. Fetus

An evil fetus in a jar with a suit and monoclue. He serves as the Big Bad of the game and sets off the plot by beating up Meat Boy and kidnapping Bandage Girl.

  • Determinator: Just like Meat Boy, he refuses to give up. Even when his jar gets broken he still jumps on and attacks bandage Girl, of course by that point she's had enough of his crap...
  • Flipping the Bird: Does this several times over the course of the game.
  • Kick the Dog: Every time he appears!
  • Why Don't You Just Shoot Him?: Tries this in the last level, but it fails due to Meat Boys ability to reform himself.
  • Would Hit a Girl: Oh yes. He beats the crap out of Bandage Girl at the end of every single level!


Lil' Slugger

A robot suit made by Dr. Fetus that is equipped with a large chainsaw.


A strange fish-like thing that Meat Boy fights at the end of the hospital level.

  • Weakened by the Light: The entire boss fight has Meat Boy running around collecting keys that eventually unlock the roof, which was blocking out the sun. Once it gets opened C.H.A.D. shrinks to a weaker, smaller form of himself.

Brownie Boy

A giant poo who "fights" Meat Boy in the salt factory by attempting to outrun him and leave him at the mercy of a rising pile of salt.

  • Disney Death: Appears to die by falling to his death after Dr. Fetus tosses bricks at his head to prevent Meat Boy from pulling him to safety. Apparently, he survived this and was able to return at the last second and save Meat Boy from dying in Dr. Fetuses collapsing lair.
  • Heel Face Turn: After Meat Boy attempts to save him from falling to his (supposed) death.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Saves Meat Boy in the ending at the cost of being left behind.
  • Talking Poo: Okay, he doesn't actually talk, but he IS a giant living poo...
  • Toilet Humor: Ewwww...

Little Horn

A massive monster made up of all the dead Meat Boys that fell into hell.

  • Hard Head: MASSIVELY averted, after just 3 hits he goes down for the count.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: The only thing its headbutts end up hurting is itself.
  • Use Your Head: Attempts to use this form of attack, only to end up injuring itself in the process.

Larries Lament

Three giant maggots that battle with Meat Boy at the end of the rapture level.

  • Bullfight Boss: The only way to kill them is to use Meat Boy as bait and lure them into nearby sawblades.
  • Tactical Suicide Boss: Those buzzsaws placed about finally end up being useful instead of just annoying...
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