< Mass Effect

Mass Effect/Awesome Music

The music in Mass Effect is brilliant by itself, but when used to underscore the many, many epic sequences in the game, it really comes to life.

Mass Effect 1

  • The Love Theme and a more dramatic tune called From The Wreckage. The latter is hilarious once you know it, though - a really, really tinny version plays in some of the game's various elevators long before it's used "properly".
  • Spectre Induction. That it's the soundtrack playing during your Awesome Moment of Crowning only makes it better.
  • M4 Part II by Canadian band Faunts really deserves a spot here.
  • The Main Title. *music builds to a crescendo* "They called it the greatest discovery in human history. The civilizations of the galaxy call it... (crescendo) Mass Effect."
    • It gets played again in a reprise at the end of the game as the Normandy is flying off into the sunset, and again at the end of the second game (but only during the best ending where Everybody Lives during the suicide mission). Yep, it's the Main Theme, alright.
  • Vigil's theme. It's a sad piece as the virtual intelligence discusses how the Protheans sacrificed everything to Fling a Light Into the Future in the vain, faint hope that some species not yet born would have some chance of fighting off the Reapers. It's hard not to feel sorry for Vigil, who has been waiting for 50,000 years for someone to listen to his message, after having to deactivate and euthanize most of the survivors to still have enough power to remain active. It's even sadder in retrospect in that you learn in Mass Effect 2 Vigil shut down shortly after you spoke to it, due to a lack of power.
    • Epicly intertwined is the Collector theme from Mass Effect 2, when you learn that the Collectors are genetically modified Protheans, and their theme is a twisted version of Vigil's theme.
      • And again in Mass Effect 2 when it plays during Shepard's encounters with old teammates, basically an Epic Hail to the previous game.
      • Its use in the main menu shouldn't be downplayed either. A calm yet dramatic tune, being played over an image of a moon orbiting a massive blue planet. It's the perfect way to start the game(and by extension the whole series).
      • It's used when Liara returns to the Normandy at the end of the Lair of the Shadow Broker DLC. It will either make you feel happy for Shepard as it gives a hope spot, or it will reach Tear Jerker levels as it helps highlight how crappy Shepard's life currently is.
      • This is a follow-up to its use during the reunion on Horizon, which itself was another tear jerking reminder of everything Shepard has been forced to leave behind.
      • It's used again to great effect when Shepard and co. finally cure the Krogan genophage. Tears were shed.
  • "Sovereign's Theme" never ceases to be epic, especially when combined with the Nightmare Fuel flashbacks implanted into Shepard's mind.
  • It's not as bombastic or epic as some of the other examples, but the Galaxy Map theme just makes you want to get out there and explore.
  • Final Assault, the theme played for the final battle against Saren Husk. Its basically an orchestrated remix of Sovereign's theme, and it is glorious.
    • The best part about this song is that it's a remix of Sovereign's theme, yes; but it has tones from Saren's Theme layered on top of it. That mix pretty much expresses what the final boss is.
  • In Pursuit of Saren, played over the opening of the Battle of the Citadel. When Sovereign emerges from the mass relay with the geth fleet and pounding drums, it gave me goosebumps.
    • The impossibly epic opening of the song is reused in Mass Effect 3, when Shepard is facing down a Reaper... on foot.
    • Reused again later in the third game, when a Reaper emerges from the Geth base on Rannoch.
  • This Troper wants to put forward Victory and would like to suggest that it return in Mass Effect 3, preferably as Joker destroys some sentient Starships.
  • While it may not be as spectacular as some other examples, Ilos Battle is a solid piece that practically BECKONS you to rush to stop Saren from reaching the Conduit It highlights a sort of tension, and fuels adrenaline for the final battle.
  • The theme as the Alliance fleet rushes in to save the Destiny Ascension.
  • The music from Flux.
  • Saren's theme is menacing.
    • You know what makes it even worse? You hear the theme every time you die, which means that if Shepard dies Saren automatically wins.
  • An unreleased track: Final Battle. This song plays during the ascent up the side of Citadel Tower, with Sovereign at the top while you battle numerous Geth and Krogan. It goes really well considering everything that's at stake.
  • Virmire Ride and Virmire Battle.

Mass Effect 2

  • The sequel introduces "The End Run", the dramatic track that plays when you and your team run towards the Normandy during the suicide mission. It kicks into gear as you start running (and the Harbinger gives his speech to Shepard), then really ramps up as Shepard is hanging off the ship after jumping towards it. The track then introduces a choir that gets louder and louder as the Normandy escapes the Collector base, and the Harbinger releases the Collector General, finally culminating in the final crescendo as the ship outruns the blastwave and warps back to Alliance space.
    • The End Run, combined with Suicide Mission, is basically the Good Twin of The Imperial March. It's THAT awesome people.
      • Bonus points to both of those for pulling off 7/4 time.
  • The track that plays in the second part of the derelict Reaper.
  • So, apparently Samara had to compensate for her theme being played only twice in the game by having one of the greatest musical tracks in recent memory. Holy Crap.
  • Suicide Mission. No more needs to be said.
    • But you won't mind if I will, right? The best thing about Suicide Mission—hell, all the music post Omega 4 relay—is how fitting it is. And that is saying a lot considering how varyingly the mission can go. If you haven't lost anyone and are kicking Harbinger's ass and defeating Scions and Abominations left and right, it's a triumphant, epic and victorious piece that makes you feel like THE biggest badass. If you're doing less well, are struggling to reach the next segment and have lost team mates, it's melancholic enough to keep you aware of your losses, and dramatic enough to drive you onwards—to survive, to avenge and to complete the mission. By the end of the Reaper Larva match you're either feeling utterly unstoppable or desperate just to survive.
    • What's better than Suicide Mission? Suicide Mission with full orchestra.
  • You also can't go wrong with the music in Afterlife on Omega.
  • If The Chessmaster could have a theme song, it's unquestionably The Illusive Man. Chills, people.
  • The Normandy Reborn - This plays (on a slightly higher pitch than the official soundtrack, mind) when the Normandy SR2 is first unveiled. The music, coupled with the scene, secures the Normandy's place at the top of the list of epic science-fiction ships, such as the Millennium Falcon and the Enterprise.
    • It plays again at the end of the game. You'd better check for a pulse if it wasn't racing as this played when the Reaper fleet was revealed.
  • The music from the Mass Effect 2 launch trailer. That is some epic music.
  • Kasumi Goto's theme manages to convey menace, melancholy, action and an Oriental theme.
    • It's also fitting to the best thief of the galaxy that her theme just screams heist movie.
  • Like Kasumi, Lair of the Shadowbroker has one of the greatest scores of the series, which contributes a great deal to making it one of the best downloadable contents ever released. It is just amazing for both a an great action packed chase scene across the roofs of Illium, as well as for a frontal assault against a giant fortress floating in the skies of a hellish planet.
  • Tali's theme. Especially once it starts to kick in at 1:20, and then again at 3:20.
    • The Mysterious tunes in the first part of that video (<40 sec in) that is played during the trail. Between the atmosphere, with all of the vegetation growing inside the ships, to the strange-looking runic writing all over the walls, to this race of people stuck inside of biosuits all their lives, to this music playing, to the whole trial thing, made this one of the most awesome scenes in the game.
    • Pretty much all of the character themes are pretty awesome, but BioWare really outdid themselves with Kasumi's themes (yes, she has more than one), especially with the haunting woodwind melody in tracks 2 & 3.
    • That fourth one? If you listen that's actually a rendition of Ave Maria, a fitting piece for a Classy Cat Burglar to pull a heist from an intergalactic crime lord. With an Afrikaans accent.
      • This troper recommends that Kasumi's theme in Track 3 become one of the main pieces of Mass Effect 3. It really is that good. It fits the universe so well, and is both awesome and strangely relaxing at the same time. I remember when Kasumi called a statue surprisingly relaxing while the music was playing and I thought the same about the music.
  • The music during the final battle on Horizon is epic.
  • You've got to warn them. More are coming. In my opinion, saddest music I have ever heard, mostly it's because Shepard dies. Thankfully, I never had that ending, been getting all no one left behind saves.
    • Oh gosh, particularly gut wrenching if you've heard the song during the good endings. The music swells as Shepard jumps...and then the music just drops...
  • The name of the music from the Mass Effect Cinematic trailer. Drumbeats and a choir as Shepard, Grunt, and Thane walk off towards a Collector ship? Epic.
  • This troper would like to put forward the music that plays during combat in the Overlord DLC pack.
  • Mordin Solus sings Scientist Salarian. Also a Crowning Moment of Funny and Non Sequitur Scene
  • The music that plays during the combat in the final mission, while your specialist is in the tubes. It's perfect for the circumstance. What makes it worse is that, for some baffling reason, that song ISN'T IN THE OST.
    • It was released on October 5, 2010, in the new album Combat, with the title Infiltration (listen to it here). A part of it can also be heard during Tali's recruit mission.
      • On a related note: The music that plays during the second part of the Collector base has elements of Samara's theme, Wild Mass Guessing, This means the "canonical" (default, if you don't import your character to ME3) choices for the Collectors base are Tali and Samara for the first and second parts respectively.
        • The track you are talking about is called Long Walk, part of the Mass Effect 2: Combat soundtrack.
      • Makes sense- the other option than Tali for part one is optional. (You can sell Legion to Cerberus while still deactivated instead of recruiting him.) Samara, meanwhile, is the one who suggests the second part in the first place.
      • This particular piece also comes up in Legion's loyalty mission when you have to hold the line at a particular point of the mission. Must be a Geth-Quarian thing, seeing how this piece shows up within the presence of either races.
  • The song that plays in the Dark Star bar in Mass Effect 2 will ALWAYS put this troper in a good mood. Just listen...and smile.
    • Just how good is that piece of music? The Australian morning show Sunrise uses it for their finance reports (seen in this video).
  • Since the rest of the club music from ME2 has already been mentioned, I'll point out "To Hide To Seek" by Comaduster, the song that plays in Eternity. Very chill but still very awesome.
  • The Lazarus Project. Perfectly captures the emotion of Shepard's resurrection.
  • While not everyone likes Jacob, many agree that his suite is still one of the best tracks in the game.
  • When you fight the Collector ship during the suicide mission. Here it is, and skip to about 0:23 in, and go to 1:23. Sorry about the dialogue and extra sounds. No one has distilled the music from the scene yet.
    • The particular piece of music that plays there. Crash Landing is the full track on the OST for this segment of the game.
      • The best part, Crash Landing is one of the fist appearances of the Suicide Mission Leitmotif, and the first time with a full choir. In short, that track is the moment when the plot goes from "we're so screwed" to "the Collectors are so screwed."
  • What, no love for Garrus's Theme? Here it is. And it's awesome.
  • MEII (and its sound track album) start off strong with one of the most haunting and ominous pieces of incidental music ever, Humans are Disappearing.
    • After the Collectors kidnap every other member of the Normandy crew and Joker is standing dejected in the mass effect core room, the piano part plays just once, fading into the silence... Who ever expected that one of the most haunting moments in a game could be a reprise of the music that plays over its menu?
      • Well, Mass Effect 1 did it first (see "Vigil", above). But then, nobody expected them to deliver twice...
    • The riff from Humans are Disappearing is used again in The Final Reckoning, which plays if you lose anyone during the Suicide Mission.
  • The first "real" mission features the Freedom's Progress theme, which has copious amounts of tension-building punctuated by a particular squishy percussion players quickly learn means deep shit of the Collector variety.
  • How is there not any music from Arrival? Object Rho.
    • Captured, which doesn't play as often as it should.
  • There is a suspicious lack of music from the Combat album. Let's fix that.
  • You're on the collector ship. It's supposedly drifting in space disabled. You land on it, it's quiet, way too quiet for the ship that blew yours up in the opening. Even when you realize just how dire the situation is it's way too quiet. If there was any music playing I didn't notice it. Then the trap is sprung, you have to run or else you're food for the Collectors and you'll lose the Normandy again. This is where I noticed the music. And dear lord if you're not thinking "I HAVE TO GET THE HELL OFF THIS THING!" already, listening to the music definitely will.
  • The Human-Reaper's theme is essentially the Mass Effect 2 version of In Pursuit of Saren. Notably gets reused in Mass Effect 3 when Harbinger attacks Hammer Task Force.
  • The second love theme, Reflection, like the one in ME is nicely done and very touching. It is perfect for what is too come after the scene.

Mass Effect 3

  • Some doubted that Clint Mansell would be able to fill in the shoes of Jack Wall. If Escape from Earth is any indication, it's time for those doubters to hang their heads in shame.
  • Remember how awesome Mass Effect 2's launch trailer was? Try Mass Effect 3 with Two Steps From Hell supplying the soundtrack yet again. To make it hit closer to your heart strings, the soundtrack is titled "Protectors of Earth".
  • The Mars Theme. Holy hell, the Mars Theme. It sounds so "Mass Effect". It gives my ears an orgasm every time they hear it.
    • So...an eargasm?
    • Then it segues into this. Best chase music ever.
  • The new romance theme, I Was Lost Without You. The title says it all.
  • The Fleet Arrives. If Escape from Earth is a Tear Jerker in music form, this is a musical Crowning Moment of Awesome.
    • Is it just this troper, or does she hear hints of the "Suicide Mission" theme in there? If so it's extremely fitting in that this is not just a suicide mission for Shepard and crew, but the entire galaxy is resting on this mission.
  • Stand Strong, Stand Together. Played during Admiral Hackett's Rousing Speech. Probably his greatest moment in the trilogy, where he unequivocally states the fleet will prevail.
  • The return of Faunts end credit music!
  • Aralakh Company, the return of Grunt and the premiere of rachni husks along with this track.
  • I'm Proud Of You. Manly Tears, people.
  • An End Once And For All, a combination of Dark Reprise and Triumphant Reprise, because all at once the threat of the Reapers is no more, but so many sacrifices were made along the way.
  • You wouldn't expect this theme to be a Leitmotif for the Krogan, but it is and it's awesome. The game greatly expands on their society and history beyond the fact that they like fighting.
  • The music that plays while you're in the London FOB. Amazingly somber, conveys a sense of impending doom - quite like the "last hours" music in Majora's Mask. And I can't find it on Youtube or anything.
  • Reaper Chase. Too bad only about 15 seconds of it actually get played.
    • And yet the subsequent battle does not disappoint, with this piece of epicness getting played during it. Sadly, for some baffling reason, it is not on the OST.
  • This track isn't part of the OST, but it's pretty awesome. It plays during the Citadel siege when Shepard and company are fighting their way through an army of Cerberus thugs on the Presidium Commons.
  • Say what you will about the endings, the background music when you're talking to The Catalyst is hauntingly beautiful, but yet again another track not on the OST
  • The Mass Effect universe once again shows us it has excellent club music.
  • Perhaps the best music in Mass Effect 3 is the music from the previous two games. That's not to say the new music isn't brilliant, but the emotional connections have been built over the past two games and Bioware knows precisely when to use them.
  • The music that plays during character creation is so cool it almost makes up for me not being able to import my Shepard's face.
  • We Face Our Enemy Together.
  • Mordin Cures the Genophage combines awesome, heartwarming and Tear Jerker all in one piece, just like the scene it accompanies. And Vigil playing after makes it even better.
    • Alternatively, you get this if you sabotage the Genophage and kill Mordin. The title? Betrayal
  • Extraction is everything you need in a simple piece of battle music.
  • I'm Sorry, a beautifully tragic piece that plays if you choose the geth over the quarians.
  • This piece is a slow version of "Leaving Earth" which is played when Shepard is dreaming about that kid on Earth. It's really depressing most especially when you hear the voices of those who died in the fight
  • The theme that plays during the final fight with Kai Leng.


  • Miracle of Sound refuses to have just ONE epic song for Mass Effect, known as 'Commander Shepard', now they have another brilliant track simply titled 'Normandy'. Feel free to weep tears, I know I did.
    • We can now add 'Take It Back' to the list of epic songs.
    • We have now been given the instrumental piece 'Crucible'. Interestingly, this actually samples the Reaper horn from the game, using it for the bass line.
  • Someone did an 8-bit version of the track 'Uncharted Worlds', that awesome music that plays whenever you check the iconic galaxy map. And yes, it's just as awesome.
  • Jimmy Hinson, who participated to Mass Effect 2's soundtrack, just released an album, "Legacy", composed of Mass Effect 2 musics which weren't selected for the game. Also, this album sports a song named "Shepard of the Galaxy", which is freakin' awesome ! Unbroken link here.
  • Give a listen to "Reignite", based on some of the most iconic themes from the first and third games. Manly Tears and Heroic Resolve will soon follow.
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