Marvel Animation
In 2008, Marvel Comics created a label under which it would publish future animated movies and series. The movies benefit from not being as bogged down as many of Marvels past animated works by having to appease to the sensors, and in general have bigger budget and better writing.
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The Animated Movies are:
- Ultimate Avengers
- Ultimate Avengers 2
- The Invincible Iron Man
- Doctor Strange: The Sorcerer Supreme
- Next Avengers: Heroes of Tomorrow
- Hulk Vs - Two short films, Hulk Vs Wolverine and Hulk Vs Thor.
- Planet Hulk - An adaptation
- Thor: Tales of Asgard
The Animated Series are:
- The Incredible Hulk - Set in the original Marvel Animated Universe from 1992-1998.
- Wolverine and the X-Men - Sniktbub and His Amazing Friends, set in the same universe as Hulk Vs. Wolverine
- Iron Man: Armored Adventures - CG series with a teen Tony Stark becoming Iron Man After the death of his father.
- The Superhero Squad Show - Aimed at younger audiences.
- Black Panther - Short series only shown in Australia.
- Avengers Earths Mightiest Heroes - Set in the same universe as Sniktbub and His Amazing Friends
- The upcoming Ultimate Spider-Man based cartoon series.
- The upcoming Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H. cartoon series.
Tropes used in Marvel Animation include:
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