Man-Thing (film)
Man-Thing is a 2005 horror movie based on the Marvel comic book. It was directed by Brett Leonard[1].
The film starts with one Kyle Roberts arriving the town of Bywater to be its new sheriff. He then starts investigating the deaths in the swamp near it, which all seem to be linked to the Schist Petroleum oil rig nearby. It seems that the company's wrongdoings in the area has awakened its guardian...
There was also a three-part tie-in comic book series released in 2004. A prequel to the film, it details insurance adjuster Nathan Mehr's investigation on the attacks against Schist's oil drilling equipment.
- Antagonist Title
- An Arm and a Leg: Man-Thing rips Fraser limb from limb before Kyle's eyes.
- Blood-Splattered Innocents: Billy's girl in the opening.
- Caught in a Snare: Kyle is caught on one when he is searching for Rene in Darkwater.
- Combat Tentacles: Man-Thing's vines.
- Corrupt Corporate Executive: Frederic Schist.
- Darkness Equals Death: Lights go out in Schist's oil rig before Man-Thing attacks Steve.
- Death by Sex
- Deep South
- Evil Laugh: Schists let out one after Frederic tells Jake that the new sheriff will be dead soon.
- Eye Scream: When Man-Thing kills Pete, we are shown his eyes bursting.
- Fan Service: Not even five minutes into this film and there's already a pair of bare breasts.
- Flipping the Bird: Frederic gives Kyle the finger after threatening him near Pete's place.
- Gaia's Vengeance: How Man-Thing is portrayed.
- Good Ol' Boy: Brothers Thibedeaux.
- Hollywood Darkness
- I Am the Trope:
Kyle: "We'll take this to the county."
Frederic: "I am the county!"
- In the Hood: LaRoque.
- Jump Scare: The comatose victim suddenly attacking Kyle in the hospital.
- Magical Native American: Pete Horn.
- Meaningful Name: Town's name.
Kyle: "Why they call it 'Bywater'?"
Boat driver: "Because it is by the water."
- Never Smile At a Crocodile: Man-Thing's previous attacks has been chalked up to be 'gator attacks.
- Ooh, Me Accent's Slipping: Teri's southern drawl comes and goes.
- Ominous Fog
- Out with a Bang: The end of the Cold Open.
- Putting on the Reich: Schist company logo is very similar to the Nazi-party flag.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Man-Thing.
- Stealth Hi Bye: Man-Thing does it to Jake before attacking Steve in the oil rig.
- Swamps Are Evil
- Token Romance
- Two First Names: Billy James, the first onscreen victim.
- Vomiting Cop: Averted. Fraser almost throws up when he sees the condition of Billy's corpse, but manages to hold himself.
- What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?: The rapid cuts showing the swamp as transitions. There's also some guy flipping his slow motion!
- What Happened to the Mouse?: Ploogs dogs disappear after he leaves Kyle to take the picture of Man-Thing near the end.
- When Trees Attack: Man-Thing resembles some sort of small Ent. It's very helpful for hiding in the scenery.