Maka Maka (video game)

Maka Maka is an obscure (at least in America) RPG for the Super Nintendo made by Office Koukan and published by Sigma Enterprises in 1992. It is also considered kuso-ge (shit game), and is hated by many Japanese gamers. It takes place on Earth where Ultraman-syle aliens, giant, cannibalistic princesses, and evil, homosexual ant-men are completely normal, and the main character is the reincarnated form of an alien prince who defeated an evil demon king millenia ago. Now, completely resurrected and full of power again, said demon king wants revenge. It's a standard JRPG full of quirky Japanese humor that makes you wonder if the designers were on anything.
So, why is this game not very well liked? Basically, Office Koukan took so much time working on the game that it only got up to prototype phase by the time the release date was beginning to draw near. So, the publisher, Sigma, having no choice but to cancel the game if they didn't release it, did the only thing they could possibly do to avoid losing money: They copied, shipped, and sold the prototype of the game in bulk. With the game in such a terrible, glitchy state, it quickly became a part of many Japanese gamers' Bottom 100 games, and Sigma went out of business thanks to their boneheadedness.
Idea no Hi is a spiritual successor that was actually finished before release.
Not to be confused with a certain not safe for work manga.
- Accidental Marriage: Near the beginning of the game after the airplane crashes in the Southern Country. Corum is rescued by the natives, and forced to marry Cynthia, the princess of the island, and eventual party member.
- This comes back to haunt him when El finds out.
- Chef of Iron: Masa
- Cloudcuckoolander: Johnny, the box-wearing explorer, could count for this.
- Cool Airship The Metempsychosis Ship in the Past Life World.
- The Don: Michael, the leader of the gang in Monte Chicago, and eventual party member.
- Doomed Hometown: The main character's hometown is destroyed right at the game's beginning, and stays that way the whole time.
- Dropped a Bridget On Him: One of the main characters, Mitchie, used to be a guy, but became a girl after jumping into the magical fountain in Ramonu's Castle
- On a related note, after defeating Ramonu, the player must use the magical gender changing fountain to change the male party members into girls, in order to sneak into a Women's Bathhouse to get a key.
- Faceless Goons: The aforementioned army of evil Homosexual Ant-Men, referred to in game as Zakos.
- Fartillery: the only way to get out of Princess Gourmet's stomach. Also, it's her only real form of attack.
- Game Breaking Bug: Not as many as one would think...
- The most obvious one is in New Queen Town when Corum has to fight Baseran alone. If the player loses to her (which is likely) Corum is thrown out of the castle (naked), and all the while the party will stand in front of the castle where the fight takes place, and not rejoin him, and blocking him from getting back into the castle to re-fight the boss.
- However, this is easily avoidable by just reloading one's save after losing.
- Another rather deadly bug is known by Japanese fans as the Shuffle Bug, which involves constantly using a healing item on any character with full HP until the game's graphics and area boundaries wig out. Improper use of the bug can cause your save file to be corrupted or the game to freeze... though it also glitches out shop data, allowing you to buy plot-important items and beat the game as soon as you start it if you know what you're doing.
- For no good reason Corum and El's defense stat will get bugged near the end of the game, dropping their defense a bit. Not really game breaking per se, just annoying.
- There is also a chance of this happening to Johnny.
- Due to a bug, only Corum's magic can be used outside of battle at any time, even if you're trying to use someone else's magic.
- Thanks to some sort of memory overflow, the credit roll is rendered unreadable.
- The most obvious one is in New Queen Town when Corum has to fight Baseran alone. If the player loses to her (which is likely) Corum is thrown out of the castle (naked), and all the while the party will stand in front of the castle where the fight takes place, and not rejoin him, and blocking him from getting back into the castle to re-fight the boss.
- Gasshole:Princess Gourmet's only real abillity is Farting. It makes you wonder why the town's people was so scared of her.
- Guide Dang It: Some treasure chests have secret compartments with other items inside, but to check this you'll need to check already open chests. To this troper's knowledge, however, you'll never find plot-important items this way, so unless you want to do a 100% completion run of this, you shouldn't worry too much.
- Horse of a Different Color: Saizou-kun the giant green elephanty-rhinoceros-ish thing (apparently big enough for all eight main characters to sit on him at once), given to the party by King Gallon in the Past Life World.
- Infinity+1 Sword: Well actually a dress in this case. Fairly early on in the game the player can purchase the Powered Dress (armor) for El, immediately making her the strongest character due to its bugged stats.
- And to make matters worse, there is a Powered Dress II, that can be purchased late in the game, but for a very high price.
- Mirror World: The Past Life World visited late in the game. The Past Life World seems to be more of a conglomeration of the different time periods from the main cast's past lives, than one point in the past.
- No Export for You: Justified by its quality.
- Obvious Beta: Literally, it was not bug tested.
- One-Winged Angel: The final boss starts out looking like a fetus, and transforms as a last ditch effort.
- Only to be killed in one hit. Whether or not this was intentional is unclear.
- Random Encounters: LOTS AND LOTS OF THEM.
- Thankfully, at least on the Overworld Map, they can be avoided by using the Kattobi Rocket, given to the party fairly early on by Dr. Pascal, to warp between already visited towns.
- The Harite item also helps, by allowing the party to fly, but it's only usable for a short span of the game.
- Although it can only move over water...
- But hey, it has a great song that plays when piloting it.
- Thankfully, at least on the Overworld Map, they can be avoided by using the Kattobi Rocket, given to the party fairly early on by Dr. Pascal, to warp between already visited towns.
- Reincarnation: All of the main characters are reincarnations of great heroes from the past, and are able to transform into their past selves to perform special abilities (which serves as the game's magic system).
- Role-Playing Game
- Spiritual Successor: The creator of the game, Office Koukan, actually made another RPG after this known as Idea No Hi, or Day Of The Idea. It's got an oddball sense of humor similar to Maka Maka's, but a more serious story, fairly interesting gameplay mechanics, and actual bug-testing to it's name.
- Sword of Plot Advancement: To an extent, Corum's Silver Sword, which is the only way to damage the boss "Galjin" but serves no purpose after that.
- Although it can be upgraded to a better sword later on via the appraisal shop.
- There everyone can get either their most game breaking skill or their best weapon, if the player so desires.
- What Do You Mean It Wasn't Made on Drugs?: One needs not look any further than the enemies of this game, they're bizarre beyond belief.
- Widget Series