Mahou Shounen Fight
Mahou Shounen Fight is a webcomic that parodies and pays homage to the Magical Girl genre, written by DustyJack and JadePrince.
Mike Smith is pretty much done with trying new and exciting things. Being raised by the grown up equivalent of a Granola Girl he hopes to avoid the weirdness trend set by his mom by going to a new prestigious private school that will look great on his college applications. The first day seems completely fine, except the second day he wakes up and sees the living embodiment of Summer has taken host in his head. Things only get weirder from there.
He finds in his school the other three season spirits inhabiting three other boys, Yuki with Winter, Raji with Autumn and Oliver with Spring. All of them are a part of the Environmental Awareness club with Joe Lachlan, a combination Team Mom and Drill Sergeant Nasty elementary school gym teacher and only other person who can see the spirits as their adviser.
Mahou Shounen Fight is a Deconstruction of Magical Girl and Save the World tropes, mostly in the fact that most of the people in the club have spirits but don't actually have powers (they are planning for it though, having already made costumes and named their powers since it's based on seasons it's not that hard to guess what it'll get).
- Agent Peacock: Raji seems to be heading in this direction.
- Ambiguously Gay: So far, Joe and Oliver. Raji, surprisingly, is straight.
- Anthropomorphic Personification: The spirits.
- The Archer: Yuki practices kyudo.
- Badass: Yuki when he transforms.
- Badass Cape: The Guapa Gaucho.
- Blow You Away: Autumn and Raji.
- Calling Your Attacks
- Camp Straight: Raji.
- Color Coded for Your Convenience: The spirits again. Summer is yellow, Autumn is red/orange, Winter is light blue-gray and Spring is green.
- Combination Attack: Mike and Yuki.
- Coming Out Story: Seems to be Yuki's character arc.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass
- The Fashionista: Oh, Oliver. Justified, it's his area of expertise.
- Finger Gun: Mike.
- Frickin' Laser Beams: Thanks, Summer.
- Light'Em Up
- The Power of the Sun
- Gender Bender: Subverted with Raji's transformation (it's just a very convincing crossdress).
- Granola Girl: Teri, Mike's mom.
- Hair-Trigger Temper: Autumn.
- Heroes Want Redheads: Sonya.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: Mike and Yuki. Enough so that Alex asks Mike if they're dating. This becomes funny when you realize Yuki is gay and Alex might be as well. The "quick thaw" scene has their powers interacting in an, interesting way...
- An Ice Person: Yuki.
- I Just Want to Be Normal: An interesting case in that this was Mike before he found out about having powers.
- Invisible to Normals: The spirits which can only be seen by other spirit holders and Joe.
- Jumped At the Call: Oliver and Raji, it seems.
- Keet: Summer and Raji.
- Kiss of Death: Raji's "Finishing Blow."
- Large Ham: Yuki loves him some theater. Raji... pretty much all the time.
- Loves My Alter Ego: Sonya to Mike.
- Marilyn Maneuver: Not quite, but the imagery is there...
- Masculine Girl, Feminine Boy: Raji and his fiancée, they're both crossdressers.
- Mysterious Protector: The Guapa Gaucho.
- Nice Hat: Mike's outfit came with a cowboy hat.
- Odd Couple: Summer and Mike, Autumn and Raji.
- Only Sane Man: Mike and Winter, it seems.
- Paper-Thin Disguise: This is a Magical Girl parody. It's a pretty much a LAW.
- Perfectly Arranged Marriage: Nothing's final yet, but Raji and Anjika.
- Purple Eyes: Again Sonya. Her character bio hints it might be a case of purple eyes take warning.
- Red Baron: Raji takes to making these up for the group. Also naming himself the leader.
- Ring of Power: Raji's Transformation Trinket.
- The Quiet One: Winter.
- Samurai: Yuki's outfit. Raji names him the "Winter Ronin."
- Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: Autumn is the most masculine looking spirit (and most short tempered) and he is rather upset that he is in the super feminine Raji.
- Shipper on Deck: Mike ( and Raji arguably even morso) for Alex/Yuki.
- The Smart Guy: Oliver and Anjika, according to the website.
- The Stoic: Yuki, most of the time.
- Invisible to Gaydar: Yuki. Probably Alex too.
- Straight Man and Wise Guy: Mike and Summer.
- Team Dad: Autumn and Joe.
- Team Mom: Spring and Joe again.
- Teen Genius: Oliver.
- Transformation Sequence
- Transformation Trinket: Mike has underwear, Raji has a ring, Yuki has his archery glove.
- Underwear of Power: Mike has to have his Mantis-Man underpants clean at all times because they're his Transformation Trinket.
- Unresolved Sexual Tension: Alex and Yuki, pretty obvious to the audience, but it confuses Mike.
- Wake Up, Go to School, Save the World: Subverted, they haven't actually fought anyone yet nor do they do much more then basic community service.
- Wholesome Crossdresser: Raji when he transforms, justified in that Oliver designs the outfits they get when they do change.
- His fiancee Anjika, too.