< Mahoromatic


Most of the first season's main characters.

Note: The original character descriptions on this page were copied from Wikipedia. Thus, WARNING! There are unmarked Spoilers ahead. Beware.

Characters from Mahoromatic include:

Misato Residence

Mahoro Andou

Voiced by Ayako Kawasumi (Japanese), Bridget Hoffman (English)

Mahoro is an android created by VESPER to fight an alien invasion by Saint during the 1980s. She is fast and immensely powerful, and is considered to be a formidable opponent by her enemies.

Being an android, she has a limited life span. At the beginning of the story, she has just 398 days to live and VESPER gives her the freedom to do anything she wants. She chooses to become a maid for Suguru Misato: his father was her superior officer who was also killed (as collateral damage) when she killed an alien who had taken him hostage.

Mahoro has a very sunny disposition and is friendly to just about everyone—she becomes a welcome regular at the market and becomes famous at Suguru's school when it is made known that she is working for him. She also quickly becomes an excellent cook, able to emulate and recreate dishes from the best restaurants. She is also quite devoted to Suguru, with feelings for him reminiscent of both a doting mother and a shy girlfriend.

However, she is very hostile towards anything perverted. A good portion of the story's humour comes from Mahoro chasing after Suguru's secret stash of pornographic magazines which, given her training, she is easily able to find. She is well known for this attitude from her Catch Phrase: "Ecchi na no wa ikenai to omoimasu" ("I think that dirty thoughts are bad"). Mahoro and Shikijo-sensei's dislike of one another stems from the fact that Shikijo is constantly trying to engage in an illicit relationship with Suguru. As such, Mahoro is very protective of Suguru when it comes to Shikijo's advances towards him.

Mahoro is very concerned about appearances, refusing to wear normal clothes given her position as a maid. She is also obsessed with her small breasts, and some stories actually deal with her rivalry with Shikijo (who has very large breasts), as well as her techniques and requests to VESPER for larger breasts.

Mahoro retains access to many of her weapons and gadgets from her VESPER days, and is able to pull out her gun at any time. She also has access to the "silpheed", which when worn on her back allows her to fly, as well as her support mech, Slash. She is able to call both the Silpheed and Slash at a moment's notice from the badge she wears on her maid uniform. In addition, she also has access to a fully equipped and armed BMW sports convertible and MV Agusta motorcycle.

Mahoro was created using Saint alien technology, so she has a true soul and a pure heart. Later in the series it is revealed that Mahoro is directly connected to the memories of Matthew, who occasionally advises her

She had no surname until the name Andou (short for android) was created by Suguru.

Tropes exhibited by Mahoro include:
  • A-Cup Angst: Though not quite flat, Mahoro wishes for a larger chest, and Shikijo often insults her chest size. The ending song even makes reference to her relative lack of endowment.
  • Action Girl
  • Artificial Human
  • Catch Phrase: "I think dirty thoughts are bad!"
  • Circling Birdies: Played with, as it's shown once in the second season that Mahoro's birdies will re-enter her head when she wakes up.
  • Expressive Hair: Mahoro's hair thingies perk up when she's happy, or droop when she's tired or sad, and even a bit at times.
  • Failure Knight: The reason Mahoro decided to remove her armaments and work for (and move in with) Suguru in the first place.
  • Hidden Eyes
  • Magical Girlfriend
  • Meido: Of the Ninja Maid variety.
  • Robot Girl
  • Robot Maid
  • Supreme Chef: One of the few cooks who can meet - and exceed - Chizuko's high standards. (While Mahoro could be a Chef of Iron, she doesn't usually use kitchen implements in combat.)
  • Universal Driver's License: Mahoro has the skills to drive/pilot/operate practically every vehicle in her world. She presents a literal (and very large) Universal Driver's License on-screen once, listing every single type of civilian vehicle and more than a few military vehicles, from cars to different tonnage trucks to construction machinery to boats and ships, including even military fighter aircraft.

Suguru Misato

Voiced by Fujiko Takimoto (Japanese), Derek Stephen Prince (English), Wendee Lee (English, as a child)

Suguru Misato is a junior high school student living in Tokyo. He lost both his parents earlier—his mother (who was half Saint), and years later, his father. While he believed his father was killed in an accident during a business trip, he was actually a commander (and Mahoro's commanding officer) in VESPER and was killed in action during the alien war. Although relatives offered to take him in, he refused and lived alone prior to Mahoro's arrival.

He is smart and has an IQ of 130. He makes a favorable impression on members of the opposite sex. Suguru had a whole stash of dirty magazines which were all thrown away when Mahoro first arrived. Although he continues to try to smuggle them in and hide them, Mahoro will often find them—leading to comical confrontations between the two. Suguru uses a whole range of creative tactics to conceal his magazines, and is capable of running away very fast when being chased.

Suguru hired a maid because of the filthy state of his house. He was expecting an older woman, and Mahoro's arrival completely surprised him. At the end of the series Mahoro and Suguru have fallen in love.

Tropes exhibited by Suguru include:
  • Took a Level in Badass: In the final episode/chapter.
  • Unwanted Harem: he knows that the "Triomatic" (see below) all love him, but he values their friendship too much to choose any one of them over the others.

Minawa Andou

Voiced by Ai Shimizu (Japanese), Lara Jill Miller (English, Something More Beautiful), Christine Marie Cabanos (English, I'm Home)

Minawa is first introduced in Mahoromatic ~Something More Beautiful~. Clumsy and anemic, she ends up living with Mahoro and Suguru and going to school under the pretext of being Mahoro's younger sister. She has a habit of apologizing for everything she does, even when she does nothing wrong. She claims to be a runaway member of The Management, but is later revealed to have been sent to gather information on VESPER's battle android Mahoro after being promised a heart in return. However, Mahoro convinces her that the fact that she can cry means she already has a heart. Suguru's friend Hamaguchi develops a crush on her, and, despite her shortcomings, it is later insinuated that they form a relationship. It was later revealed that Minawa is not an android but a cyborg, and her body is in horrible shape due to all the experiments performed on her. Near the end of the series, she leaves earth so she can get treatment at Saint's home world. At the end of the anime, it is suggested she was completely healed and is with Hamaguchi.

Like Mahoro, Minawa had no surname until one was created by Suguru, and it better enabled her pretend to be Mahoro's little sister. Unlike Mahoro, she didn't have a given name, either; Management called her "370".

Tropes exhibited by Minawa include:
  • Action Girl
  • Cyborg
  • Dojikko: Minawa, although her klutziness may be due to repeated bone alteration experiments at the hands of Management. It's more than a little disturbing to see the X-ray results of her limbs near the end of the second season, and one character's comments that she should be in constant, extreme pain.
  • Kawaiiko: Although she doesn't realize it herself, Hamaguchi notices.
  • Robot Girl: More accurately a Cyborg Girl, but the trope still applies.
  • What Is This Thing You Call Love?: Minawa's subplot is driven and defined by this trope. At the beginning of Something More Beautiful, she wants a heart, doesn't know how to express her emotions, and is puzzled by Hamaguchi's interest in her - all of these change during her Character Arc.
  • You Are Number Six: Until she met Mahoro and Suguru, her only name was "370".


Voiced by Keiichi Noda (Japanese), Lex Lang (English)

Slash is known as a "support mech" and assists Mahoro during combat. He has the form of a panther and can be summoned at any time by Mahoro. Although he can speak, his mouth never moves except during times when he expresses emotions. Although used for combat in the past, he often now acts as a guard dog around the Misato residence and a friend to the Misato's dog—a role he was not thrilled to take in the beginning.

He is friendly but tough and will lend a helping paw when asked. Although Mahoro is Slash's master, he will now take commands from Suguru: since Suguru is Mahoro's employer, he is also her master and thus Slash's master as well.

Near the end of the anime series, he was used to wipe out Management and was last seen standing at the side of the fallen Vesper leader.

However, (in the manga) he firmly stands by Mahoro's side, as she uses her final powers to destroy the asteroid to save mankind.

Tropes exhibited by Slash include:

Suguru's Classmates

Saori Shikijo

Voiced by Yumi Takada (Japanese), Wendee Lee (English)

Saori Shikijo, or Shikijo-sensei, is Suguru's perverted Junior High School teacher and is extremely attracted to him. She has an extreme shota complex, or an attraction to young boys. Many of the jokes stem from her attempts to openly physically seduce Suguru, and the ways in which her attempts are foiled by Mahoro.

She is a beautiful and surprisingly strong woman; she also happens to be a heavy drinker and as a result is often broke and unable to afford food. Soon after Mahoro arrives at the Misato household, Shikijo starts inviting herself for dinner on a daily basis despite Mahoro's protests.

Shikijo and Mahoro often compete with each other, usually with Mahoro emerging victorious except when it comes to insults. She has much larger breasts than Mahoro, or any other character in the series, which she flaunts when comparing herself to Mahoro or in taunting her. Her large breasts are also a focus of her many attempts to seduce Suguru.

In the manga, it is shown after the time lapse that she has yet to age, most likely due to her mentioned strict beauty regiment, and has also become the principal of the junior high school, which has done nothing to dampen her love for young boys.

Tropes exhibited by Shikijo-sensei include:
  • Big Breasts, Big Deal: Of the "When you've got it, you should flaunt it" type. Often insults Mahoro by commenting on the difference between their bustlines.
  • Hidden Depths: I'm Home shows that she's a virtuoso violinist.
  • Gag Boobs
  • Hard-Drinking Party Girl
  • Hot for Student: Hot for Suguru, specifically, and she takes it to the extreme. The feeling is definitely not reciprocated.
  • Shotacon: In the anime epilogue, she loses all interest in Suguru when she sees him as an adult.

Miyuki Sakura

Voiced by Yumi Kikuchi (Japanese), Michelle Ruff (English)

The blue-haired member of the "Triomatic," Miyuki, whose family owns the local bath house, is very tomboyish by contrast with the other two, but is just as loyal. She and her family have known Suguru since childhood; her father thinks of him as the son he never had. She doesn't admit it openly, but she is in love with Suguru, mentioning that her first kiss with Suguru was on the forehead after he had come to her rescue from a group of bullies; a conflict which she had started.

In the manga, after the time lapse, Miyuki is shown to have inherited, and still manage, the bath house, alongside her family. She is also shown to be married to Suguru's friend and former classmate, Kiyomi Kawahara, with whom she had a child. Despite being separated for so long, Miyuki still cares very deeply for Suguru, and is dismayed that he has yet to be happy or live his own life after Mahoro ceased to function.

Tropes exhibited by Miyuki include:

Rin Todoriki

Voiced by Manabi Mizuno (Japanese), Dorothy Elias-Fahn (English)

Rin is the brown-haired and tallest member of the "Triomatic." She is the most ladylike of the three, but is also a skilled martial artist and very loyal. Like Miyuki, she is in love with Suguru, mentioning that her first kiss with Suguru was on the cheek during a summer class project involving insects.

Rin has also the most physically developed breasts of the Triomatic, which at times causes Miyuki and Chizuko consternation. For the most part Rin seems almost embarrassed when the other two complain about her breasts, but as the series goes on she becomes more and more comfortable with her "advantage", similar to their teacher, Shikijo-sensei.

Rin's family is wealthy (coming from a long military line), and lives in a palatial estate filled with numerous pieces of art.

In the manga, after the time lapse, it is shown that Rin has now become a teacher at the same junior high school she and her friends had attended when they were younger; similar to when they were younger, she is still the most developed.

Tropes exhibited by Rin include:
  • Big Breasts, Big Deal: Starts the series in the "Please don't stare" camp; ends the series in the "When you've got it, you should flaunt it" camp.
  • Ojou: Downplayed, in that her family believes who a person is is more important than who a person is related to or what a person owns, but the stereotypical ojou's elegance shows through in Rin's behavior and she wears her hair in a Hime Cut.
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl: Girly girl to Miyuki's tomboy.
  • True Companions: With Miyuki and Chizuko.

Chizuko Oe

Voiced by Asami Sanada (Japanese), Melissa Fahn (English, original series, Something More Beautiful episodes 5-11, and I'm Home), Rebecca Forstadt (English, Something More Beautiful episodes 1-4 and 12-14)

Chizuko is a cheerful, bright, short, blonde-haired girl, and is the most innocent of the "Triomatic". (More accurately, she acts like she's innocent, but she is shown on-screen to be one of Suguru's sources for dirty magazines.) For the most part she treats Suguru as a friend, almost like a brother, and is very loyal. Some of her comments suggest that she loves him as more than a friend, but that she has put them aside, feeling that her love is unrequited, and chooses to simply remain by Suguru’s side anyway. This notion is made somewhat evident when she states that Suguru won’t choose anyone among the “Triomatic”, because he values their friendship more than love.

Chizuko enjoys food a great deal and has an extremely adept sense of taste, being able to identify the exact restaurant that a dish has come from and the exact origins of ingredients. Chizuko will often scream with absolute delight when she tastes Mahoro's cooking. While some initially mistake it as a scream of fear or horror, her friends know that it is a sign of culinary approval. (She either has or gains a reputation for knowing the subject matter; in one of the later episodes, she's shown in a blink-and-you'll-miss-it scene to be lecturing a professional chef on the shortcomings of his food - and the chef taking the criticism seriously.)

In the manga, after the time lapse, it is shown that Chizuko went for her dream and became a popular author, most likely relating to food and taste.

Tropes exhibited by Chizuko include:
  • Balloon Belly: In episode 4.
  • Big Eater
  • True Companions: With Miyuki, Rin, and Suguru - unlike the other "Triomatic" girls, Chizuko thinks of Suguru as a friend, not a possible husband.
  • Unlucky Childhood Friend: While this is true of all three of the "Triomatic", Chizuko is the only one who's willing to admit to herself that Suguru doesn't think of any of them as anything more than friends. (During the Valentine's Day episode, Miyuki and Rin give Suguru homemade chocolate while Chizuko says she's giving him "obligation" chocolate.)

Toshiya Hamaguchi

Voiced by Hideki Ogihara (Japanese), Dave Wittenberg (English, original series and Something More Beautiful), Erik Scott Kimerer (English, I'm Home)

One of Suguru's male friends who shares his interest in dirty magazines. He has a crush on Minawa, which causes him much trouble because she doesn't understand his attempts to express his interest in her.

At the end of the anime, it is suggested that once Minawa is completely healed, Hamaguchi enters into a relationship with Minawa.

Tropes exhibited by Hamaguchi include:
  • Those Two Guys: With Kawahara, although he does step into the spotlight a bit in the second season and in the manga epilogue, he did marry Minawa.

Kiyomi Kawahara

Voiced by Atsushi Kisaichi (Japanese), Kirk Thornton (English, original series and Something More Beautiful), Keith Silverstein (English, I'm Home)

One of Suguru's male friends who also enjoys looking at dirty magazines. He is a kendo student, and is usually with Suguru's other friend Toshiya.

In the manga, after the time lapse, Kiyomi is shown to be in a relationship with Suguru's friend and former classmate, Miyuki Sakura, and works at the bath house.

Tropes exhibited by Kawahara include:


Minato Hokaze

Voiced by Shinji Kawada (Japanese), Kirk Thornton (English)

A friend of Mahoro and her primary care giver, Minato is the scientist primarily responsible for the maintenance of Mahoro; he is also constantly asked by Mahoro (and refuses) to give her a bigger bust.


Tou Ryuga

Voiced by Takehito Koyasu (Japanese), Steven Blum (English, original series and Something More Beautiful), Keith Silverstein (English, I'm Home)

Ryuga is a combat android seen in the first series as a science teacher. His task was to investigate the reason Mahoro was living as a maid. He also wanted to finish the battle with her to see who is the strongest android/warrior, during the final battle he discovers the reason she is living as a maid for Suguru and who the true warrior is. In the second series, he decides to live as a human and continues to teach at Suguru's school much to the irritation to Slash.

In the end of the anime, he visit the members of the Saint for the last time as they depart to another galaxy.

In the manga version, he marries one of his students whom he saved earlier, and becomes a father of a reborn Mahoro.

Tropes exhibited by Ryuga include:


Any image would be a major spoiler.

Voiced by Ayako Kawasumi (Japanese), Bridget Hoffman (English)

Saint's leader. In the anime, appears only in the final episode.



Voiced by Misato Sakamoto (Japanese), Mona Marshall (English)

Feldrance is a cold-hearted android in the form of a youth who was created by and works under the Management's robotics scientist Professor Mephlis during his scheme to take Mahoro for himself. However, Feldrance was actually working for the higher-ups to collect the data that Mephlis gathered on Mahoro. When Mephlis's plans failed, Feldrance made his move and killed the scientist before taking the data as his creator's lab explodes; he felt no remorse for betraying his creator, coldly pointing out that it was Mephlis, after all, who made Feldrance the way he is.

In the anime, he soon met his untimely end along with the death of Mahoro.

In the manga version, he chops Suguru's hands while capturing Mahoro but soon stopped by Slash and Ryuuga. He also witnessed the death of Mahoro to save Mankind. In the epilogue, he was the one of the last defenses of The Management in Mars. he encounters Suguru who kills him. With his last breath, he asks whether the quest of vengeance gave him satisfaction.

Tropes exhibited by Feldrance include:

Professor Mephlis

Voiced by ? (Japanese), Ron Allen (English)

One of Management's top robotics scientists, although he's more capable in the lab than he is at Management's internal power plays.


Voiced by Ryoko Shintani (Japanese), Midge Mayes (English)

Only appearing in Minawa's Troubled Backstory Flashbacks, it's her desire for a heart and her death that drives Minawa to want a heart of her own.

Tropes exhibited by 369 include:

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