< Lyrical Nanoha

Lyrical Nanoha/Fanfic Recs

Proof that the remaining 10% is worth getting befriended for is here.

These are recommendations made by Tropers for Lyrical Nanoha fanfics, all of which have to be signed to stay on the page. Feel free to add a fanfic of your own to the list, but remember to use the template found here.

Refrain from posting Conversation in the Main Page. That goes on the review discussion page.

Authors, Archives, and Websites

The animesuki.com forums' Nanoha fanfic thread by variouSilent Outlaw

  • This thread gets several pages worth of fiction a day, and the average quality is higher than Sturgeon's Law would suggest. (That is, more than 10% of it is worthwhile.) Particularly good for short crack, either humorous or lime, or both, but there's all kinds of stuff here. Very, very long. Bring a map, you will get lost in here.


  • Recommended by Comartemis
  • Penguin's already got a bunch of individual recommendations listed further down the page, but pretty much everything he writes for this series is worth looking at if you like the Original Flavor. Blood and Spirit in particular is a must-read for fans of Suzuka and Arisa, and Stahlkönigin and the rest of the Steel Queen Chronicles are a treat for Vivio fans (Caramel Milk in particular contains 300% your daily recommended sugar intake). The rest is largely drabbles and one-shots, some of which is written for RadiantBeam's Lutecia/Vivio series Shadows and Sunrise, but it's all pretty entertaining stuff as long as you're not looking for a sweeping epic (Note that I'm only reviewing his Nanoha materials here; he's also got a bunch of work from other series that I haven't touched yet).


  • Recommended by Yukari-chan, Silent Outlaw
  • Seems like a fairly new writer who has put out a ton of fanfiction. It's all Nanoha, but whether you like action, adventure, angst, drama, or comedy (especially comedy!), there is something you'll like. His main work appears to be MGLN Crisis, of which he has two spinoffs, and another two in the works. He also has Unexpected Expectations which deals with mature subjects, and the darker Future Tense. There is also a bunch of shorts that are guaranteed to make you laugh! You can find a number of his fics on this page, and he updates often, like once a week at least.

General Fics

Stories focused on the family and the friendly relationships of the cast. Plot-focused stories or light day-in-the-life stories. Pretty much anything that isn't focused on romance.

My Fault by Dracis Tran.

  • Recommended by Golden Dragon 326
  • Synopsis: Vita reflects on Nanoha's accident that's flashbacked on in Striker S. The story takes place right after the accident happens; Vita is sitting outside of the hospital room where Nanoha is lying unconscious.

Academy Blues by Daishi Prime (AU-Divergence between A's and StrikerS)

  • Recommended by DKN 117
  • Synopsis: Instead of organizing a military force in Midchilda, Hayate decides to found a school on Earth for magically gifted students.

Movements by KC Komicer

  • Recommended by Person With Many Aliases, DKN 117
  • Synopsis: In London, a mysterious figure is stealing Mage's Devices. Nanoha and company are sent to apprehend the culprit. Meanwhile, Arisa and Suzuka chase after their friends on their own, and end up meeting a "Ms. Testarossa"... It only gets crazier from there.

Infinity by Andy Moczo

  • Recommended by DKN 117
  • Synopsis: The Book of Darkness case is over, giving Nanoha and company some much-needed rest. But the peace ends abruptly as a pair of unknown mages descend on Earth, seeking a lost artifact and reigniting an ancient conflict. It's time to save the world again...

Stahlkönigin by DezoPenguin

  • Recommended by Diamond Edge
  • Synopsis: The conclusion to his Vivio-centric AU story (although it wasn't so when he began the series). Follows mostly the cast from A's (although Teana makes a cameo) as they try to thwart a terrorist plot. This story is the finale to his Vivio storyline, so you may want to start here.

MSLN Test Dummies by Admiral Tigerclaw (Tropes page)

  • Recommended by SAMAS
  • Synopsis: "Crash" is a pilot for the B.E.S.T. Force, a force designed to test out new technologies, and "dispose" of confiscated Mass Weapons (Translation: We get to play with missiles). He's got a suit of Powered Armor, a partner with a noted resemblance to Asuka Langley, this universe's version of Coop, and seriously bad luck when it comes to machines. He's got just enough skill to survive when the Numbers Cyborgs came after him during the Jail Scaglietti Incident, but when Riot Force Six comes over to check out B.E.S.T.'s new countermeasure for Gadget Drones, Nanoha sees potential for more than just their new AI fighter... Comes with its own trailer.

Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha Crisis by Kaijo (TV series continuation off StrikerS)

Christmas for Everyone? by TheShinySword

  • Recommended by S Noble Jr
  • Pairings: Some teasing of Nove/Wendi, which gets elaborated on in Someone for Everyone, mentioned further down.
  • Synopsis: A sort-of spinoff/prequel of Someone for Everyone (see below). Jail wants to understand what Christmas is about... and decides that stealing it is the best way to do so. The consequences are nothing short of insane.

Material Days, by Nanya and Epsilon Zeta (Tropes page)

  • Recommended by Night
  • Synopsis: Takes place circa Force. When an excavation team uncovers lost scriptures from the Book of the Silver Cross, Yuuno gets called away from his civilian life to lend his expertise to the case, but things get really weird really fast when he finds the excavation site blown to smithereens and the Huckbein fighting... the Materials? Yeah baby, it's everyone's favorite Evil Twins from The Battle of Aces, and things are about to get very very interesting for our dear Ferret Boy...

Future Tense by Kaijo

  • Recommended by Nanya
  • Synopsis: The future went very, very wrong due to some unfortunate events. Nanoha wakes up to find a future where everything she knew is now wrong and nothing makes sense.

Echoes of the Past, by DezoPenguin

  • Recommended by Comartemis
  • Synopsis: Senior Enforcer Valentine Yaris wasn't looking to babysitting child prodigy Fate T. Harlaown on her first mission, but when the Lost Logia investigation proves to be more than it appeared, the child will have to learn rapidly if they hope to close the case.

Ready, Sette, Go!, by Moczo

  • Recommended by Comartemis, robkelk
  • Synopsis: Sette of the Numbers has been released from prison early for model behavior. With no other reasonable mission objectives, she does the only logical thing: move into the Nakajima house, and attempt to integrate into society. Key word being, 'attempt'.

Behind the Smile, by F91

  • Recommended by Nanya
  • Synopsis: Hayate's almost always smiling, no matter what. Sometimes, those smiles hide deep secrets.

Due by Nanya

  • Recommended by Silverage
  • Synopsis: A Due-centric story. This is the story about life, death, and mice that don't make very good conversationalists. Wait, what?

Changes by Nanya

  • Recommended by Silverage
  • Synopsis: Changes to the past affect the present. Even the smallest changes can cause things that appear similar to be completely different.

Rise of the Daemon Kaiser by F91

  • Recommended by Silent Outlaw
  • Synposis:On the tail of tragedy comes the revival of an ancient evil. Can Nanoha, Fate, and the others overcome their grief and face this new foe?

I Stand Alone by Old Iron

  • Recommended by lhklan
  • Synopsis: Yuuno-centric story wherein a worn man wonders how far he has to go.

Game Theory by Immatrael (fanfiction.net link)

  • Recommended by Nanya
  • Synopsis: Who dares stand between a mother and her daughter's life? Precia will do anything to achieve her goals. Even if it means accepting Fate.
  • Comments: Now THIS is an AWESOME retelling of the first season. Four chapters so far, but it is VERY compelling to read. Quite a bit different than season one was, for one thing, Linith is still around, for another Precia is actually somewhat likeable in this fic and the fic actually explores realistic revelations about Nanoha's progress in magic not to mention the injuries she gets here are far more severe than they were in canon. As far as I'm concerned, THIS should have been the movie.

Circuit Clout by Extrinsical

  • Recommended by Silent Outlaw
  • Synopsis: In a time where Fate did not become an enforcer but a convict-turned-civilian collaborator. A world where TSAB is forgiving, but not forgiving enough to let ex-convicts into its organization. This is how her path was re-shaped.
  • Comments: This is one long, epic, story told from Fate's perspective detailing her life if she never had the opportunity to join the TSAB. This fic swings from light, fluffy scenes to serious discussions to heart pounding action. It's one of the best fics I have ever read.

The Name of War by Allquall

  • Recommended by biodude711
  • Synopsis: Ten years after the Scaglietti Incident, Hayate, Fate, Nanoha, and Vivio realize that the most dangerous enemy comes from within.
  • Comments: This is an AU take on the events that take place after Striker S. It also gets dark as the story progresses. Overall, a definite recommended read.
    • Side Note: The author just finished editing the already posted chapters in preparation for posting new chapters, so stay tuned.

Graceful Degradation by Tirfarthuan

  • Recommended by Keimarios
  • Synopsis: Cutting corners hurt Precia once and she wasn't going to risk Alicia's last chance by doing so again. And when the Arthra encounters a distortion of time-space, things get dicey on Non-Administered Planet 97 without the TSAB to support Nanoha and Yuuno...
  • Comments: A well done AU in which the TSAB doesn't get involved with the Garden of Time. Also, notable for including the Takamachi family in the action. Shirou Takamachi's assassin skills shine when he bypasses threatening Wolkenritter to hold Hayate hostage.

Crossover Fics

Yuuno's Vault of Whispers by Sorain

  • Recommended by Comartemis
  • Synopsis: A few months after StrikerS, Yuuno gets an itch to go adventuring again for old times sake and after digging up some information on the so-called 'Vault of Whispers', hops the next flight out to the unadministered planet said to hold it. Shame that the planet in question is Pandora.

Crystal Energy by Twilights Herald (Crossover with Mai-Otome)

  • Recommended by User:Looney Toons
  • Synopsis: The TSAB has found two new Lost Logia in a remote pocket dimension—the planet Earl and its moon. Complicating matters is that Earl is inhabited by a human civilization that seems to be tapping unknowingly into the power of the planet-sized Logia to turn girls into the strategic weapons called Otome. The TSAB dispatches its two best—Nanoha Takamichi and Fate Testarossa Harlaown—to infiltrate the school that manufactures the Otome, Garderobe Academy, in the form of its two newest students. Unfortunately, their Intelligent Devices are locked down into passive scanners to prevent them from drawing too much attention to themselves. Even so, they quickly gain the nickname "The Terrors of Garderobe". And their first trimester is barely over when Arika Yumemiya appears out of the desert to claim her own place at the school.

Magical Girl Nanoha 1/2 by Lost Star (AU Crossover with Ranma 1/2)

  • Recommended by Nanya, User:Looney Toons
  • Synopsis: A simple meeting between two characters creates changes that snowball from a small chance encounter. The character interactions are just hilarious and very much in character for the characters involved. Plus it's one of the few fanfictions that this troper has ever seen that makes both Shiro and Genma awesome without them doing anything directly.

Chronicle of the Imperial Wars -- Book 1: Unfortunate Meetings by Base Delta Zero

  • Recommended by DKN 117
  • Synopsis: Two ships crash on Mid-Chlida through dimensional space. Unfortunately, either one of them alone represents a threat to all life on the planet. Da Orks and the Death Korps of Krieg seem to be of a like mind about the state of the planet: Kill'Em All!

Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha Decade by F91

  • Recommended by Nanya
  • Synopsis: While on Earth, Vivio overhears a comment made by Nanoha that causes her to run off and meet someone who will change her destiny. At least for the time he's on Earth. Crosses over with Kamen Rider Decade.

Lyrical Decade by Katsugi

  • Recommended by Psyga 315
  • Synopsis: The sequel to the above fanfic. Vivio unexpectedly finds Tsukasa, who claims that he no longer needs comrades, while everyone begins to attempt to cast the destroyer out of Nanoha's World once again.

Takamachi Nanoha of 2814, by Shadow Crystal Mage

The White Devil of the Moon, by Bissek

  • Recommended by tennessean
  • Synopsis: Fifteen year-old Nanoha isn't just the TSAB's Ace of Aces; she's also the reincarnation of Princess Serenity, and the Sailor Senshi desperately need her power to break a precarious stalemate with the Dark Kingdom that's been going on for over a year without Sailor Moon's help. There's just one small problem; Nanoha is newly crippled and still recovering from her timeskip injuries, but if the Senshi ask for her help she'll give it regardless of what it may cost her. Luckily Fate and Arf are around to stop the Senshi from bothering Nanoha while she's on medical leave, but when Beryl gets wind of Serenity's return and the Senshi mistake Fate for a witch keeping their Princess under a spell... well, there's really only one way this can end.

Fate, Stay Ranma, by Bean Bandit (Crossover with Ranma 1/2)

  • Recommended by Comartemis
  • Synopsis: In the great city of Tokyo, Ranma and Genma Saotome arrive at the Tendo Dojo to fulfill Genma's dream of joining the twin schools of Anything Goes Martial Arts. That's great, but Ranma has much more pressing issues than romance, like the fact that he turns into a magical girl when splashed with cold water, or the fact that he's best friends with the ghost of that same magical girl and is very interested in remedying that whole "ghost" thing...

It Could Always Be Worse by Shaun Garin

The Doorstop, by Iaculus

  • Recommended by Diamond Edge
  • Synopsis: The main characters of Neon Genesis Evangelion take the powers fanon has tended to give them to the extreme and morph into physical manifestations of the Warhammer 40,000 Warp Gods. As they break into the multiverse, they meet up with Nanoha and the TSAB; chaos ensues.

Blood That Flows by Nanya (Crossover with Slayers, TV Tropes Page)

  • Recommended by Golden Darkness
  • Synopsis: What if Nanoha's mother was really a certain sorceress known for destructive magic usage? Earth and Mid-Childa will never be the same again. Or much less said mother's home universe. That's right, her mother is none other than Lina Inverse.

Big Sister by Academia Nut (Tropes Page)

  • Recommended by SAMAS
  • Synopsis: Nanoha finds herself stranded on a Death World of ash and fire, her only companion a baby with burning red eyes and jet-black skin. Still recovering from injuries sustained prior to her arrival, taking the child to the safety of a nearby village takes nearly all of her strength and magic ability. As she recovers, she teaches the rapidly-growing child and leaves a lasting impression on him. This child is Vulkan, future Primarch of the Salamanders, and Nanoha's love will have a big impact on the 31st Millennium.

Equal and Opposite Attraction by Zephyr-Fiction

  • Recommended by Shadow Crystal Mage
  • Synopsis: Negi Springfield is transferred to Uminari so he can find out wha't it's like to be a teacher in the real world. He ends up teacher of Nanoha's Class. Hilarity, of course, Ensues. Set after A's, and goes for Original Flavor.

Lyrical Nanoha - You are (not) a magical girl 1.0 Sachiel I and Sachiel II by wadatsumi garland (WARNING Doujin is SFW. Site is Not.)

Lyrical Chronicles by Ol'Velsper

  • Recommended by: dalekandrews
  • Crossing over with: Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Magic Knight Rayearth and some Super Robot Wars
  • Synopsis: Precia Testarossa's use of the Jewel Seeds causes more damage to the dimensional walls surrounding Earth than anyone could've expected. Now magical girls from across time and space have gathered. Forging new allegiances and battling new foes. Set up. Go!

Nanoha Genesis Evangelion By ProfMorbius

  • Reccomended by: Kid Kaizer
  • Crossing over with:Neon Genesis Evangelion
  • Synopsis: A crossover with Evangelion. Mostly with Nanoha characters and some Evangelion characters. The year is 2015 and young Nanoha has just been chosen to become a Magical Girl by NERV as she is on the verge of puberty, the perfect time to become a Magical Girl. Follow Nanoha, Fate, Hayate, Shamal, Signum, and Vita as they try to protect Tokyo-3 and the Earth from the Invading Angels.

The Top Gear Midchilda Special by DrunkenGrognard

  • Recommended by Knight of Lsama
  • Crossing over with:Top Gear
  • Synopsis: To anyone familiar with Top Gear it's pretty much Exactly What It Says on the Tin. For those not familiar with Top Gear it's best described as Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May go to Mid-Childa, get their hands on some local cars and faff about.

Mahou Senki Lyrical Days by Hero_Slayer

  • Recommended by Antimage
  • Crossing over with: Fate/Stay Night
  • Synopsis: The wheel of fate is derailed as Emiya Shirou is brought up in Uminari City. Watch the birth of a Magical Hero as the boy with a body of swords meets the White Devil.

Professor Takamachi by Rick_Dias

  • Recommended by Bluepencil
  • Crossing over with: Harry Potter
  • Synopsis: After the JS Incident, Nanoha goes to Earth on sick leave, only to meet Dumbledore, looking for a new Defense professor. Set right after Strikers, and during fifth year. It's Nanoha at her absolute best- as a hellmaster instructor of future aces. Complete.

Fate Night Sky, by Beasts lair's Fraggle

  • Beast's Lair link: http://forums.nrvnqsr.com/showthread.php/1000-FSN-x-MGLN-crossover-Fate-Night-Sky
  • Recommended by nitewind
  • Crossover with Fate/stay night
  • Synopsis: It was just a small wish: To live with their master and their friends as those uneventful days passed by, to see him grow up as he chased his ideals by his own strength. To become an ally of justice; a hero who can save everyone.
  • Comments: A story in which the Book Of Darkness binds itself to Emiya Shirou instead of Yagami Hayate. A interesting idea with a good deal of potential, and a greater amount of work put into it. Even though it is still in its infancy, it delivers some well-done character interactions. The initial development of the Wolkenritter's feelings towards Shirou as their master is truly endearing and heartwarming.

Sonic Adventure: Lyrical Step, By Sonic ANIME 2010

  • Recommended by Sonicfan2011
  • Crossover with Sonic the Hedgehog
  • Synopsis: A machine made by Dr Eggman takes Sonic the Hedgehog, the Chaos Emeralds, and Shahra into Mid-Childa. A new adventure unfolds when the World's Fastest Hedgehog meets the Ace of Aces Nanoha Takamachi! A story that takes some of the Sonic characters and adds them to the cast of StrikerS, with a few twists to the StrikerS story.

Sonic: Knight of the Night Sky, by Sonic ANIME 2010

  • Recommended by Sonicfan2011
  • Crossover with Sonic the Hedgehog
  • Synopsis: It was a meeting by chance that leads Sonic into this new adventure, that cold peaceful winter's night where he met that girl in the wheelchair.. little did he know the adventures he was going to have with her and her friends. Plainly put, it's Sonic joining with the Wolkenritter.

Nanoha Takamachi and the School of Witchcraft by Ryvaken Lucius Tadrya

  • Recommended by Looney Toons
  • Crossover with Harry Potter
  • Synopsis: When men with sticks and strange magic attack retired TSAB Admiral Graham in England, the TSAB discovers that Earth has a native magical population that is both well-organized and well-hidden. As part of a diplomatic outreach program between the TSAB and the Wizarding World, Nanoha Takamachi and Fate Harlaown are dispatched to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry—and the Wizarding World may never be the same again.
  • Comments: Fun, well-written crossover. Incomplete, but not a Dead Fic; the most recent chapter was released in November 2013.

Shipping Fics

Blood & Spirit, by DezoPenguin

  • Recommended by Diamond Edge
  • Pairing: Suzuka/Arisa
  • Synopsis: The feelings of those left behind can be as strong as those of the ones who pass into the future; Arisa and Suzuka are forced to come face to face with those feelings when Nanoha's world forces itself into theirs.

Mahou Shounen Enforcer Chrono by James Ray Edwards (massive AU)

  • Recommended by Extraintrovert
  • Pairing: Chrono/HAREM effect (or at least that's what the summary says)
  • Synopsis: The story of Chrono The Blue Breaker, his rise through the military, his allies, enemies, family, friends and...other. Divided into four parts, a prologue and one part for each of the three seasons, although not even the first part has yet reached completion (despite already being over 110,000 words long).

Relationships by Nanya, co-written with RadiantBeam. (AU, TV Tropes page)

  • Recomended by Darksword
  • Pairing: Nanoha/Yuuno/Fate. Background pairings in Day in the Life include Subaru/Tea and hints of Shamal/Miyuki, Vice/Signum, Vivio/Lutecia, Arf/Zafira, Ginga/Wendi/Nove, and Rein/Agito
  • Synopsis: A crackfic AU in which Nanoha tells her family that she has not one, but two lovers.

Shadowfire by RadiantBeam. (Slight AU)

  • Recomended by Darksword
  • Pairing: Vivio/Lutecia. Some Nanoha/Fate and Hayate/Verossa in the background.
  • Synopsis: A series of little shorts that have as their primary focus the relationship of Vivio Takamachi and Lutecia Alphine.

The Perils of Lost Logia by Kaijo.

  • Recommended by DKN 117
  • Pairing: Nanoha/Yuuno/Fate
  • Synopsis: A four-chapter story. "Nanoha and Fate visit Yuuno at his current assignment: identifying various Lost Logia. One of them is accidentally activated leading to results none of them expected. And to a situation that would scar Yuuno for a long time..."

Under The Table by Enraptured, and Pink On Blonde by Black-Wolf-Ninja

  • Recommended by DKN 117
  • Pairing: Nanoha/Fate (Under The Table), Signum/Shamal (Pink On Blonde)
  • Synopsis: Two stories, tied together. Under The Table shows a funny little interaction between Nanoha & Fate during a meeting, as well as the aftermath conversation between Fate and Signum. Pink On Blonde shows a peek at Signum and Shamal's end of the story.

Someone for Everyone by TheShinySword (Receives more frequent updates on the Animesuki Nanoha Fanfiction Thread)

  • Recommended by Nanya
  • Pairings: Jail/OC, some burgeoning Nove/Wendi
  • Synopsis: Jail Scagiletti decides to go out shopping one day and meets a cashier that causes strange feelings in him. A humorous AU that throws Striker S canon out the window and runs away.

Nanoha's Problem by Kaijo

  • Recommended by Diamond Edge
  • Pairing(s): Nanoha x Everyone[1]
  • Synopsis: Post-StrikerS. Nanoha has a relationship problem, and seeks the help of a psychologist. But it's not your normal brand of relationship problems, and for Nanoha, that means taking it Up to Eleven and beyond.

Shipping Lanes by Op Megs

  • Recommended by Ten Four
  • Pairing(s): Nanoha/Fate, Subaru/Teana, Arisa/Suzaku, Hayate/Reinforce I, Vivio/Einhart, Caro/Lutecia/Erio, Zafira/Arf, Lindy/Precia
  • Synopsis: A series of one-shots exploring various pairings, "just to see if I can do it", according to the writer.

Epiphany, by Person With Many Aliases

  • Recommended by Comartemis
  • Pairings: Caro/Erio
  • Synopsis: At the magical age of Fifteen, one tends to notice things never noticed before, such as "Caro's really hot."

Das Resultat sagt Alles by Shio Nagi (translated by nanofate.us)

  • Recommended by gargargarrick
  • Pairing(s): Nanoha/Fate
  • Synopsis: A fantasy Alternate Universe Fic with Nanoha as a princess and Fate as a knight who apparently betrayed and killed her. However, the unnamed narrator (some 500 years later) finds a letter from the traitorous knight to the princess, and realizes that their relationship was a bit more complex than what's recorded in most histories.

  1. Fate, Yuuno, Chrono, Amy, Arisa, Suzuka, Arf, Hayate, Signum, Vita, Zafira, Shamal, Rein, Agito, Subaru, Teana, Kaijo, Lindy, Genya, Ginga, Nove, Cinque, Wendi, Dieci, Sein, Otto, Deed, Jail, Uno, Quattro, Tre, Sette, Carim, Schach, Alto, Shari, Griffith, Verossa, Mariel, and Auris.
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