Magica Madoka Veneficus Puella/Characters
Because the characters of Madoka Magica have been changed ever-so-slightly, we have a new character sheet just for you.
Tropes that apply to all of them include
- Action Girl
- Badass
- Battle Couple
- Child Soldier
- Combat Pragmatist: Varies. EnBey has a tendency to teach the girls that honor is meaningless, and you have to use any tactic available to succeed.
- Dark Magical Girl: Some what of an inverse.
- Five-Man Band:
- The Hero / The Ace — Madoka Kaname.
- The Lancer / The Ace / Broken Ace — Homura Akemi.
- The Leader / Team Mom / The Smart Guy — Mami Tomoe.
- The Big Guy / Boisterous Bruiser — Kyoko Sakura.
- The Chick/ Emotional Bruiser / The Brute — Sayaka Miki.
- For Want of a Nail: World history has been changed, radically, thanks to the Veneficus Puella system.
- Humanoid Abomination: the Veneficus Puella... maybe. Word of God says...yes.
- Ragtag Bunch of Misfits
- Little Miss Badass
- Magical Girl Warrior: Well, duh.
- Person of Mass Destruction: If each of these Magical Girl Warrior are capable of turning their weapon into a gigantic size and freely spamming them without breaking a sweat, of course they are this.
'You are one hell of a determinator.'
The total opposite of KyuBey in every way, shape, and form, right down to his black fur and blue eyes. A crass, sarcastic, and incredibly rude "Interceptor," he really does care for the Venefici, and will do anything to make sure that they survive until the end of their "terms."
- Big Good: Mami might be the Matriarch of the Venefici, but EnBey is the face of the good guys here.
- Catch Phrase: Always says "Hold still." when making contracts with the girls.
- Good Is Not Nice
- Cluster F-Bomb: The worst offender of the story. Mami lampshaded it when he doesn't swear in one sentence and he said that he only swore to gain attention.
Same as canon but, has gold eyes. Possibly completely nuts.
- Humans Are the Real Monsters his opinion of humans
- Not So Stoic: has a mental condition called "Hate".
- Omnicidal Maniac... maybe
He is the much more proactive version of KyuBey. Described as being one-and-a-half times bigger than KyuBey also, having clawed "ears" and combat ready halos.
- Hearing Voices / Gaslighting: TorBey gets people to make wishes by acting as voices in their head.
- Me's a Crowd
As Sir Not Appearing In This Fanfic
Veneficus Puellae
Alt!Madoka Kaname
"I wish for a world... where my friends will survive." her theme.
Pretty much the canon Madoka, with only one slight difference; a power and backbone upgrade.
- The Archer
- Adrenaline Makeover
- Determinator: Her Homura rescue. Already injured in a previous battle and still bleeding to death, she tore through the demon hurricane that was Homura and made it to the center to convince her to stop. Note that this storm was capable of driving the whole population of Mitakihara insane and making the collective strength of the Venefici look like a slap on wrist.
- Martyr Without a Cause
- Took a Level in Badass: (see backbone upgrade.)
Alt!Homura Akemi A.K.A Homuicfer
"Well, let me tell you a tale. I have gone through something that most people would call 'Hell.'" her theme
Homura is the same as canon, but has only one slight problem; god-like powers. Combine this with a bit of Sanity Slippage, and you have a problem on your hands.
- (Formerly) Badass Normal.
- Badass Abnormal.
- Broken Ace: Has shades of this.
- Determinator
- From Nobody to Nightmare: A very rare "good" example.
Other!Madoka Kaname
"There is no way in hell that I would contract!"
When the wish was made, a native Madoka was transported to the canonverse. Unlike, the canon Madoka. She is bitter and less "pure".
- The Archer
- Broken Bird: After being transported to a canon universe and undergoing the same process that Homura did in canon, for Sayaka's sake.
- Determinator
- Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: She punched Madokami after the stress of time travel started to get to her. She also literally broke her arm.
- Heroic BSOD /SanitySlippage
Other!Homura Akemi
- Morality Pet
- Undying Loyalty: To Other!Madoka.
Alt!Sayaka Miki
"I dunno. Change the government? Become a public speaker? BECOME GOD?" her theme.
A badass knight or a vengeful fiend? Yours to decide, but her past wins her Woobie points.
- A God Am I: See the quote above. A Mythology Gag from the original series about the nature of contracts, but never pursues it further because she views herself as flawed.
- Immune to Bullets: see Shooting Superman
- Knight Templar Big Sister: To Yoshio.
- Pay Evil Unto Evil
- Shooting Superman: She lampshaded this. Not that her attacker was stopped by the fact.
- Sociopathic Hero: Clearly enjoys her fights and brutally slaughters anyone that pushed her button wrong. She even says it outright when her adoptive little sister was bullied out of prejudice.
- When All You Have Is a Hammer: Sayaka's primary strategy.
Alt!Mami Tomoe
"If I catch you so much as breathing out of line, then I will personally end your life here. Nobody will stop me, and you know it."
Just as badass as she is in canon. A little loopy, though. Desperately wants to sleep with her teacher, but can't thanks to legal issues.
- A Mother To Her Women
- The Captain
- Da Chief
- One of Us: Oh, yeah. She's a big mecha fan, and Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha is her personal religion. Not to mention her Warhammer 40,000 obsession, the fact that she quotes the Heavy, and that a whole bunch of Shout Outs come from her...
- Spared by the Adaptation: Madoka is especially fearful about her fight against Charlotte, knowing the outcome from her world. Fortunately, Madoka is there to help, and Mami isn't stopped dead in her tracks this time.
- There Is No Kill Like Overkill: Mami's primary strategy.
- Weak but Skilled: Compared to other local VPs.
Alt!Kyoko Sakura
"I would say run, but that would be stupid. You can't run. I would say hide, but that would be pointless. You can't hide. I can say that you can start praying for salvation now. And all I have to say now is… Goodbye."
A loveable rogue. Basically what happens if you give Canon!Kyouko antidepressants and therapy.
- Fantastic Racist: Against the Familiars.
- Knight Templar: Killing a clans of Familiars because one of them got a little greedy.
- Knight Templar Big Sister: to Yuma.
- Loveable Rogue
- Noodle Incident: Her exile. She apparently did something terrible enough for her to be kicked out of Mitakihara, but has never been elaborated further. It apparently had something to do with a boulder.
- Not Worth Killing: Says this to Yuma's mother.
Alt!Yuma Chitose
He's sideways. Silly kitty, gravity goes down!
- The Medic
- Cloudcuckoolander: When she's not being fearful, she's this. When meeting EnBey the first time, she wasn't amazed by the fact that there's an Incubator appearing before her; she was amazed by the fact that he was walking sideways and mused on how gravity doesn't work that way.
- Combat Medic
- Necromancer see rule of cool (And according to Mami.)
- Simple Staff
Alt!Oriko Mikuni
A corrupt Veneficus Puella. She attempted to gather Soul Seeds in order to be able to combat Walpurgisnacht.
Any sane human being would know that this was a bad, bad, bad!! Idea.
She was not sane.
- Ax Crazy
- Break the Cutie
- Broken Bird
- I Did What I Had to Do
- Kill the Cutie
- Mega Manning: this is her strategy.
- The Pollyanna: A hollow facade.
- Sanity Slippage
- Tautological Templar
Alt!Kirika Kure
"Don't hurt me! Don't hurt me! Don't hurt me!"
Oriko's pet thug And Lover.
Alt!Junko Kaname
"Give her hell!"
Madoka's mother and the main breadwinner in the family, who works as an executive for a famous company. The difference is, she knows her daughter is a magical girl.
- Adult Fear: She is well aware that her real daughter is trapped in the Canonvese, and she is ploting with EnBey to get her back.
- Badass Normal: Filling a big void left behind.
- Genre Savvy: So very much. During Madoka and Mami's fight against Charlotte, she knew that two Venifici were running up her office building and restrained her co-workers from going back immediately to their offices. Not even a few seconds later, the Witch chased after the two girls and destroyed the office completely in its wake. Another expample is when she witnesses the Venifici hatred that starts plaguing Mitakihara. As the mother of one of the Venifici, she takes a page from Homura's book of survival and loads herself with various weapons in the event of an attack.
- Yuri Fangirl: Her own daughter does not seem to be exempt from this.
Alt!Kazuko Saotome
Was once a Veneficus Puella in the 90's. Now, she's Madoka's homeroom teacher. She is in relationship with Mami. And is a perennial drinking buddy of Junko.
- Everyone Went to School Together: with Junko in high school.
- Meganekko
- Missing Mom: Temporary. The absorption of her mother's soul was the thing that gave her enough grief to become a Veneficus. After destroying the witch, her mother was restored.
- Power Fist: Her weapon as a Veneficus.
- Retired Badass
- Mentor Ship