Made of Fail Podcast
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Made of Fail is a monthly podcast hosted by Kevin O'Shea and Dayna Abel. Scattered, rather than centered, around nerd culture it discusses video games, comic books, music and speculative fiction. Most episodes feature at least one guest, whose ranks include Cleolinda Jones, Mark Oshiro of Mark Reads Harry Potter and Mark reads that other stuff, Lady Scarlett of The Spoony Experiment, and comic book writer Sterling Gates, among others.
The production's main website is here and its episode list is here.
Tropes used in Made of Fail Podcast include:
- Ascended Fanboy - Episode 38 featured George, a listener who won the episode in a charity auction.
- Also Random Listener Noel, first person to find the podcast at random.
- Also Jo.
- Also Ceilidh, Adam's Scottish fangirl.
- Catch Phrase - "That's what she said" is Dayna's pet gag, to the point where Kevin the guests are warned off it if they try to infringe on her territory.
- Deadpan Snarker - Kevin
- Derailed Train of Thought - In episode 42, the spirit of Pinkie Pie takes over guest Tessa with terrifying results.
- Happens to Kevin with alarming frequency.
- Fan Girl - While being a fan of stuff is the basic premise of the show, when it comes to Wil Wheaton, Dayna's adoration is legendary among guests and listeners.
- Incredibly Lame Pun - Kevin lives this trope.
- Often results in a punning war between himself and Dayna.
- Musical Episode - Episode 21, "Something To Sing About".
- Only Sane Man - Kevin appears to frequently feel like this.
- Remember When You Blew Up a Sun? - Hey Dayna, remember when you rolled Diplomacy against a Dire Rat? And it worked?
- Hey, Wil Wheaton does.
- Shotacon - Dayna's tendency to flirt with guys who turn out to be teenage boys is one of the show's running gags.
- Wimp Fight - The Daynapocalypse. Specifically, the Final Showdown at the end.
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