< Lunar (franchise)

Lunar (franchise)/YMMV

  • Ho Yay:
    • It's sparse, though not absent. The Working Designs versions of Lunar 2 make a Running Gag of Ruby willfully misinterpreting Leo's attempts to get Hiro to join him as come-ons. Also, some have managed to interpret Dyne and Ghaleon's friendship as a bit more than friendship.
    • In the Childhood's End manga, Xenobia says that "Ghaleon-sama's heart always held dear only one person... a human male..." In the same frame, there's a faded outline of Dyne.
      • Combining that with the intro to Silver Star Harmony, which hints at Dyne/Althena as a Generation Xerox of Alex/Luna and shows that Gheleon is quite devoted to his goddess creates an OT3. Xenobia's still out of luck, though.
  • Older Than They Think: More people are probably familiar with the Playstation versions of the two games, without knowing that they were actually playing a remake of two Sega CD games... made at least two years before the Playstation was released (heck, if you were to go by Japanese release dates... the first Lunar remake was at most year before Final Fantasy VII, same with the Sega Saturn version).
  • The Scrappy: Lunar: Dragon Song can be seen as the scrappy game in the series.
  • Scrappy Mechanic: Among Lunar: Dragon Song's problems was the fact that running drained health. If you can get past that, you'll eventually face wave after wave of enemies that can break your equipment. Not fun.
    • There's also the fact that you can't choose which enemy you attack, the game having each character's AI choose their target instead and taking much of the strategy out of the player's hands. Not to mention Combat and Virtue modes, which boils down to having to choose between getting XP from a fight or items. Really, much of the combat system suffers from the designers overcomplicating even the simplest, most basic RPG mechanics.
  • Seinfeld Is Unfunny: It can be really, really hard for people who got into videogaming in at the turn of the millenium or so to get what the big deal with these games is, and can't really grok the massive leap in production value and narrative complexity that the games represented in their original release (to say nothing of the fact that their anime artstyle was very unique in the West, when they were first released). These games even introduced the Evil Albino to most Western gamers, Final Fantasy VII! Nowadays, the plot elements involved are old hat and animesque games are a dime a dozen, so Lunar's significance can be hard for contemporary gamers to grasp.
  • Woolseyism: Working Designs ratcheted up the humor in the process of localization. The concentration of Fourth Wall jokes and Shout Outs in the Working Designs versions comes close to taking the games out of Troperiffic zone and into the Affectionate Parody zone. Not everyone liked the jokes though.
    • Ubisoft gave Lunar Legend and Lunar: Dragon Song pretty much straight formal equvialency translations with usage and grammar on the chintzy side. Fans were not pleased.
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