Luke Mochrie and The Inners/Characters
Luke Mochrie
- Literal Split Personality
- Old Shame: averted. On occasion, he's been showing a few of his earlier efforts, such as short films and school-related work. Granted, he doesn't come off as that proud of them either...
- Only Sane Man
- Berserk Button: Shall we start? Flashbacks, contemporary romantic comedies, any time someone tries to make a case for So Bad It's Good...
- Celibate Hero: Played with: a visit from James, the Inner Romantic ends with him saying "time to move on, before I swear off women forever".
- The Cynic: So much so, when he opens an argument on Let Me In with the words "starting with the positive...", Ringo calls him on it.
"The positive? Is that word actually part of your vocabulary?"
Ringo: How are you so consistently frustrating?
Phillip: It's a gift. Merry Christmas.
- Disproportionate Retribution: Ends his side of the Clash of The Titans review with a barrel of such vivid, Gorn-y imagery regarding what the movie "deserves" to encounter on its way, Ringo is seriously worried about him.
- Friendly Enemy: to Ringo, on their better days. Otherwise, they seem to fall into Enemy Mine territory, with the occasional slide towards Vitriolic Best Buds.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Loves being right? Check. Loves being right over Ringo in any kind of discussion? Check. Yet he seems genuinely concerned about him in Skyline.
- No Sense of Humor: Has a hard time enjoying mainstream comedies and general escapist fare; Ringo plain dares him to have fun at several points.
Ringo: I think the real question is, are you happy? Let me ask you, Phil. Do you know what smiling is?
(Phillip stares at him.)
Ringo: ... did you learn anything outside of the Batman school of brooding?
- Scare'Em Straight: Played with. While reviewing The Rite he starts with a mundane anecdote, then drops hints about himself waking up with amnesia and body parts on his nightstand, just to show Ringo how a horror story's supposed to be told. It works.
"Too easy." (smirks)
- Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: The latter
- The Smart Guy: Sees himself as one.
- Surrounded by Idiots: Evoked in the Shock Treatment review.
Ringo: First off, this movie's got some really cool and colorful sets, that really help emphasize the mood of the film.
Phillip: Yeah, if the mood of the film is taking a trip thrpugh Stanley Kubrick's Chocolate Factory.
Luke: That sounds awesome.
Phillip: ...I forgot I was dealing with a simpleton.
- Tough Love: Displays a mild case of it towards Lucas, the Inner Child.
- You Need to Get Laid: a version of it.
Ringo: And once again, I think you need to take the flaming rod out of your urethra, and stop taking things so seriously.
- Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny: At times. While discussing Tron: Legacy, he tends to focus on the visual aspects of storytelling, without letting plot holes or recycled storylines bother him that much.
- Buffy-Speak: slips into it while distressed.
"What's wrong with you, you Mr. Sour Pants, always going to the movies wearing his sour pants, and just being... sour... pants."
- The Cutie
- Heroic BSOD: He barely functions throughout the first few minutes of Skyline, without offering any real defense for the movie. By the end he's stopped trying.
"The movie's awful, ok? That's right! The optimist can hate! THE OPTIMIST CAN HATE!"
- The Idealist: Played with. He does seem to genuinely strive to see the best in most movies, but it also has to do with Pessimist Phillip playing up the critical angle, and their relationship bordering on Vitriolic Best Buds.
- Musical Theme Naming: And he named himself. Luke tried to talk him out of it, to no avail.
- Non Sequitur: on the average, he's quite coherent, but he does enjoy going off a tangent from time to time. Possibly as a way to taunt Phillip.
Phillip: Robert Sheehan, every time he says a line, I can actually hear my brain cells dying.
Ringo: What's that sound like?
Phillip: Kinda like bacon sizzling on a frying pan.
Ringo: Ooh, bacon. Man, it's been a while since I had bacon. Like, the really good kind. Like, I had some of that turkey bacon, but... I don't know. We should all get together and have brunch...
Phillip: Alright, we're getting off topic.
- The Pollyanna: Phillip even called him "Perky" a couple of times.
- Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: The former.
- That Came Out Wrong: Poor Wretch.
Ringo: Wretch, we're actually going to share you this week.
Wretch: You're not - propositioning me or anything, are you?
Ringo: No! No, we're just both going to use you for our own gain.
Wretch: Not making me feel much better about this.
Ringo: Our minds are - metaphorically - going to have sexual intercourse. A three-way of the mind, if that makes it easier.
Wretch: ...Let's just do this.
- Cool Shades
- Gorn: He seems to be a fan, judging from his love for the Hostel saga.
- Jerk Jock: Has some aspects of this.
- Sarcasm Blind: "Eli Roth directed Twilight?!"
- Bookworm
- Did Not Do the Research: Got caught while reviewing Let Me In: he never read the original novel, yet he was making a case for the American remake being "more faithful".
- Hollywood Nerd
- Analogy Backfire: Often. He will try and argue Skyline works as "an analogy for the horrors of Hollywood", with the aliens being big-budget movies, or My Soul To Take is actually a surreal masterpiece on par with David Lynch's work.
Phillip: Are you comparing Mulholland Drive to a movie in which one of the characters' main goals throughout the whole thing is to get a blowjob ?
Dave: In a sense...
Phillip: No. There is no sense.
Dave: Well, I mean, if you look at it...
Phillip: No.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Some of his ramblings head into this territory.
- Conspiracy Theorist: Has his moments.
Dave: America's trying to take over the world, like, what's up with that?
Ringo: Really? That's America's plan, is it? To take over the world with shitty movies? What the fuck are you talking about?!
- Dude, Not Ironic: Has some trouble dealing with it.
Dave: You're missing the point, man. Was Plan 9 purposefully ironic? Troll 2? The Room? What do those movies have in common?
Phillip: You have a T-shirt for each of them?
Dave: Well, yeah. That.
- Geeky Turn On: Apparently gets a hard-on just thinking about "cult movies, B-movies... obscure movies".
- Nerd Glasses
- The Scrappy: In-universe
Dave: ...did somebody say ironic?
Phillip: No. Get out of here.
Dave: Fascist.
- Berserk Button: Two that we know of, so far: jump scares and Torture Porn. He's not too keen on gore either, but he'll admit it can be done well and serve a purpose in context.
- Cluster F-Bomb: Saw 3D undoes him like that.
"What the FUCK! This movie is SHIT! (gets up) I'm out of here, goddammit!" (leaves the room)
- The Faceless
- Non-Action Snarker: He's a pretty straight-forward guy, but even he exhibits traits of it.
"Another average-looking exorcism movie! Ooh, my apathy can barely be contained!"
- Proud to Be a Geek: hard. He'll bash with little to no regret any movie that disappoints him, even when it comes with a big name director attached (Wes Craven and My Soul to Take, for instance.)
Ralph, the Inner Serial Killer
- Affably Evil
- It's Not Porn, It's Art: Finds violent slasher films to be 'art.'
- Killed Off for Real: Possibly.
- Nightmare Fetishist
Ralph: When I know there's going to be violence involved, I always, always make sure I have a bottle of lubricant and some paper towel on hand.
- The Scourge of God: Gets easily upset by thinking about "filthy scum, prostitutes and pimps". Uh-oh.
- Dawson Casting: Luke, despite being in his twenties, portrays a child surprisingly convincingly.
- From the Mouths of Babes
"Megamind and that reporter probably had sex. I know what that is, you know."
- Soapbox Sadie: And how: the character's introduced just to comment on the (presumably) sexist and homophobic elements of a single movie.
- Straw Feminist
- Lovable Coward
- Nervous Wreck: He can't figure out why anyone would willingly explore caves, let alone dive into one.
"They look so sharp and cold and... kinda slimy on the walls..."
- Security Blanket: Firmly in place. And it's a whole duvet.
- Even the Guys Want Him
- Rule of Romantic: firm believer in it (duh); he waxes poetic about the first sex scene in No Strings Attached.
- Sitcom Arch Nemesis: Phillip's pet name for him is 'Sergeant Sappy'. He just rolls with it, though.
- A Man Is Not a Virgin
- Casanova Wannabe: Right from his introduction:
Phillip: I'm not a woman, but I imagine that it'd be the equivalent of saying "oh, my breasts, they're like bouncy castles in my shirt!".
Donny: Well, then ALLOW me to have a little bounce on, you know what I'm saying?
- Depraved Bisexual: He's disappointed by the lack of female nudity in No Strings Attached, but Ashton Kutcher seems to do it for him:
"I'll take what I can get, you know, I mean, some ass is better than no ass at all, he's got a pretty cute butt for a dude, you know, whatever gets me through the night."
- Refuge in Vulgarity
- Sex Dressed: The messy hair and clothing disarray seem to imply this.
- Walking Shirtless Scene: Borderline; technically he's wearing a shirt, but it's unbuttoned far enough that it barely constitutes as such.
- Cloudcuckoolander
- The Stoner: Implied - when he goes off on a particularly bizarre tangent, Luke glances at Ringo, whose response is to mime smoking a joint.
- The Ditz