< Lois and Clark

Lois and Clark/YMMV

  • Arc Fatigue: From the first attempt at the wedding, to the actual wedding finally happening, takes eleven episodes.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: This theme.
    • Teri Hatcher's rendition of "I've Got a Crush on You".
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: In "The Night Before Mxymas", Mr. Mxyzptlk (Howie Mandell) asks Superman, "So, are we ready to make a deal?"
    • In "Resurrection", Lois and Clark disguise themselves as greasers in order to sneak into a prison visitor's area. Their aliases? Angel and Spike.
    • Fred Willard makes guest appearances as a U.S. Presidential candidate. We all know how well that went...
  • Nightmare Fuel:
    • In the pilot, Clark is poking around Lex's office and suddenly finds the man himself with a sword at his throat.
    • Also in the pilot, a snake is released into Lex's room while he's distracted, making you think it's an assassination attempt of some kind. Nope. It's a training exercise so he can intimidate the snake into backing down with a blood-curdling stare.
  • Strawwoman Has A Point: The D.A. Mayson Drake dislikes Superman but is in love with Clark Kent. In her first appearance Superman asks her why she dislikes him and gives several legitimate reasons for a clean official to dislike him:

Mayson Drake:(to Superman) "Do you have a license to chase criminals? Do you read them their rights? If you injure someone are you insured?"

    • She also discusses how Clark is standing up for the law despite the inherent risks, and says how she'd like to see Superman do that without his powers. To her, Superman isn't a real hero because he's not human, or at least is not with all human weaknesses.
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