Llamas with Hats/YMMV
- Complete Monster: Carl's "incidents" become increasingly extreme - from killing and partially eating a single person, to sinking an ocean liner (after putting holes in all the lifeboats), to triggering the collapse of a South American government via a bloody civil war... And slaughtering the resistance movement with a giant fan, to blowing up a city with a nuclear device; basically, the only winner is Carl. And Paul, because Carl likes him too much to kill him as well, though Paul is really sick of it happening all the time.
- Crosses the Line Twice: And three times and four times and five times and... You know what? Forget it, the line has been crossed so many times it pretty much doesn't exist anymore. That is, until Carl draws a new line purely for the sake of crossing it again.
- Crowning Moment of Funny: Caaaarl! That kills people!
Carl: My stomach was makin' the rumblies that only hands could satisfy.
. . .
Paul: What is wrong with you, Carl?
Carl: Well, I kill people and I eat hands--that's two things.
. . .
Carl: Shh - do you hear that? That's the sound of forgiveness.
Paul: That's the sound of people drowning, Carl!
Carl: That is what forgiveness sounds like. Screaming and then silence.
. . .
Paul: You were headbutting children off the side of the ship!
Carl: That must have been horrifying to watch.
Paul: And then you started making out with the ice sculpture.
Carl: Well thank God the children weren't on board to see it!
. . .
Carl: Well... If you excuse me, I have some pictures to delete from my computer...
. . .
Carl: That was a foot - I appear to have swallowed an entire person.
Paul: That would be the hotel bartender.
Carl: Well, that explains why my Mojito is taking so long.
Paul: It was horrifying! Your mouth unhinged like a snake!
Carl: Wow that sounds pretty awesome!
. . .
Carl: Happy birthdaaay!
. . .
Paul: You've gone too far this time, Carl!
Carl: What's that? It's hard to hear you over the sound of melting city!
- Germans Love Llamas With Hats: The German Dub of the video has developed into a national phenomenon in both Germany and Austria. Especially in high schools, iPhone versions of the videos are currently the most popular pastime of the students.
- Memetic Mutation: Ever since episode one came out, the series practically became this. The quotes are said everywhere on the Internet. In addition, there's already crossover fanfiction with characters from another media practically speaking their own varied version of the episodes. Damn, this could beat Charlie the Unicorn.
- Moral Event Horizon: Carl blowing up his own city with a nuke.
- Squick: Flayed faces. Raw flayed faces. Raw flayed faces attached to balloons.
Paul: I think I'm gonna throw... oh God, one touched me.