Llamas with Hats
Llamas with Hats (and its sequel [and the sequel's sequel and the sequel's sequel's sequel]) is a YouTube video from the creator of Charlie the Unicorn. It depicts a short conversation between two llamas wearing spiffy hats.
Also, Carl has a serious problem. Both with his homicidal tendencies and his seeming inability to remember them.
(And he eats hands.)
- Affably Evil: Carl is a mass murdering, remorseless psychopath. A cheerful mass murdering, remorseless psychopath.
- Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: Second vid:
Paul: Carl, I watched you fire a harpoon into the captain's face!
Carl: That sounds dangerous!
Paul: You were headbutting children off the side of the ship!
Carl: That, uh, that must have been horrifying to watch.
Paul: And then you started making out with the ice sculptures!
Carl: Well, thank God that the children weren't on board to see it!
- Inverted in 4, here it looks like Carl's latest crime is ruining the carpet with muddy hoofprints... then the nuke detonates.
- Artistic Licence Biology: In-universe example - stabbing someone 37 times in the chest will usually kill them. Carl is apparently unaware of this.
- You like to think that he died before Carl cut off his hands and ate them.
- Ax Crazy: Is an Informed Attribute of Carl's. The bloody remains and the orphan meat are a good indication anyway.
- He certainly has a taste for human flesh.
- Blatant Lies:
Carl: I do not kill people. That - that is my least favorite thing to do.
- Carl's refusal to take the blame for the muddy hoofprints on the carpet in episode 4.
Carl: I'm not responsible for this, I've been jamming on the saxophone all morning.
Paul: They're clearly your hoofprints, Carl.
Carl: Then there is an imposter on the loose!
Paul: They lead directly to you!
Carl: Clue #1: The imposter is a phantom!
Paul: Tell me, Carl, exactly what you were doing before I got home!
Carl: Alright, well... I - I was upstairs...
Paul: Okay.
Carl: I was, uh, I was sitting in my room...
Paul: Yes?
Carl: Reading a book...
Paul: Go on.
Carl: And, uh, well, this guy walked in...
Paul: Okay...
Carl: So I went up to him...
Paul: Yes?
Carl: And I, uh, I stabbed him 37 times in the chest.
Paul: Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarl!
- But for Me It Was Tuesday: Slaughtering and mutilating humans, crossing the Moral Event Horizon, all of this is just another weekday to Carl. Of course, even Paul starts getting used to it. Carl's response is to find another Moral Event Horizon to cross.
- Card-Carrying Villain:
Paul: Why would you think any of this was a good idea?
Carl: Probably because I'm a dangerous sociopath with a long history of violence.
Paul: ... Oh.
Carl: I don't understand how you keep forgetting that.
- Catch Phrase: CAAAAAAARL!
- Comedic Sociopathy: It becomes obvious that Carl is a total psychopath, but he otherwise acts like a normal person, which is kinda why it's so damn funny.
- Completely Missing the Point: Paul doesn't appreciate Carl's birthday gift of human faces tied to balloons. Carl assumes it's because the nuclear explosion left them undercooked.
- Complete Monster Roommate: Yes, Paul is very annoyed that Carl is a psychopathic monster who destroys people, ships, and countries when they're on vacation.
- Cruel and Unusual Death: Carl likes to be inventive and creative with his homicidal urges. And then he likes to do stuff with the remaining corpse. Usually of a culinary nature.
- Dark Comedy: Sweet Jesus yes.
- Dead Baby Comedy: Well Dead Orphan Comedy at the very least. We don't really know the ages of the dead orphans. However, considering that its Film Cow we're dealing with, it's Surreal Dead Baby Comedy.
- Deadly Rotary Fan: In the third video, Carl has apparently pushed people, including a South American resistance leader, into a giant fan.
- Disproportionate Retribution
Carl: Fine, It's the lovely elderly couple from 2B.
Carl: Well, they were, uh, they were hogging all of the crescent rolls.
- Dissonant Serenity: Carl, especially in the aftermath of the nuke.
Carl: Happy birthdaaay~!
- Dropped a Bridget On Him: Carl, for three years, assumed Paul was a woman. Mostly because of the hat.
- Even Evil Has Standards: Raw face is just gross.
- Everything's Better with Llamas: "With the added comfort of hats".
- Evil Is Petty: Don't hog the Crescent Rolls--if you want to live.
- Foreshadowing:
Carl: I'll have to try harder next time.
- Flat What: "My name is Paul.
- How Did That Get in There?: Carl's first reaction to the body.
- Hypocritical Humor: This moment:
Paul: I can't go anywhere with you, Carl.
Carl: That hurt my feelings. Now we're both in the wrong.
- I Am a Humanitarian: Cooked hands, orphan meat, entire alive human beings...
- Implausible Deniability: Carl, all the time. He will stand next to the corpse of the person he killed and cheerfully deny having any
handhoof in their death. - Improbable Weapon User: In Episode 3, Carl kills La Résistance with a giant fan.
- In Medias Res: The first 3 episodes take place during the aftermath of Carl's rampages.
- Is That A Challenge: at the end of ep 3, Carl takes on a Self-Imposed Challenge to see if he can make things worse. As of the fourth episode, he has succeeded magnificently.
- It Got Worse... and then It Got Worse some more... then It Got Worse again, and finally, yep, It Got Even Worse.
- Karma Houdini: Suffice to say, despite Carl's extremely vulgar atrocities, no actions have been taken against him.
- Mattress Tag Gag: Carl blames a nuclear explosion on him ripping the tag from a mattress. That, or fairy dust.
- Minimalist Cast: Carl and Paul are usually the only characters on the show.
- Murder Is the Best Solution: Always... If there is not a reason, Carl will find one.
- Never Bareheaded: The llamas, appropriately enough.
- Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant: There are two llamas, one who seems intent on absent-mindedly ushering in The End of the World as We Know It
- No Name Given: Until the third animation, Paul's name was never given. Not even Carl could remember it.
- Phrase Catcher: "Caaaaaaaaaaaarl!"
- Powered by a Forsaken Child: "Well, I'm going to build a meat dragon, and not just ANY meat will do!"
- La Résistance: ...no longer exists, thanks to Carl and a giant fan.
- Say My Name: Just take a look at the page quote.
- Seen It All:
Paul: You know what? Forget it. I'm not even shocked anymore.
Carl: Aww, that's no fun!
Paul: This has become the norm for you, Carl!
- Sequel Escalation: In the first video, Carl killed one person. In the fourth, he nukes an entire city.
- Spoof Aesop:
Carl: Shhhh... do you hear that? That's the sound of forgiveness.
Paul: That's the sound of people drowning, Carl.
Carl: That's what forgiveness sounds like, screaming and then silence.
- Status Quo Is God: at the beginning of every video we have Paul being upset with Carl about something he's done (usually something involving dead human flesh) and he never seems to do anything about it. Carl calls him out on it:
Paul: Why would you think any of this was a good idea?
Carl: Probably because I'm a dangerous sociopath with a long history of violence.
Paul: ...Oh.
Carl: I don't understand how you keep forgetting that.
- The Sociopath: Lampshaded by the person in question himself.
- Straight Man and Wise Guy: Guess who.
- Stuff Blowing Up: Episode four. Carl's responsible. Not that it's a surprise.
- Suspiciously Specific Denial: On Carl's part. A lot.
- Tertiary Sexual Characteristics: Paul's hat.
Carl: Oh. I thought you were a woman.
Paul: Why would you think that?
Carl: Mostly the hat. Are you sure?
Paul: Of course I'm sure.
Carl: Well, if you'll excuse me I have some pictures to delete from my computer.
- The Revolution Will Not Be Civilised: And how. Mostly Carl's fault.
- Vacation Episode: Episode 3. Carl enjoys himself rather more than Paul does.
- Villain Protagonist: Carl, of course.
- The Watcher: Paul.
- What The Hell, Carl?