Lip Service

Lip Service (2010-2012) was a BBC drama series about a group of lesbian friends in Glasgow.
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Tropes used in Lip Service include:
- All Gays Are Promiscuous: Played straight with Frankie; most of the other gay characters, however, are looking for something more long-term and substantial.
- Black Comedy Rape: In episode 4, Frankie suggests to Ed "you should stay. The state [Tess] is in, you won't even need Rohypnol." Ed's response is to give her a look that says Dude, Not Funny.
- Butch Lesbian: Sam and Frankie though she swings both ways
- Fin and her football team
- Butt Monkey: Tess. Flitting between soul-crushing temp jobs, cheated on by her girlfriends, and surrounded by more successful friends.
- Casanova: Frankie, definitely -- she gets through three different women in the first two episodes. Jay appears to have been one of these, but is now trying to go monogamous.
- Cast Full of Gay: It's a lesbian show, what do you expect?
- Cute Clumsy Girl: Both Cat and Tess.
- Deadpan Snarker: Ed.
- Fair Cop: Sam.
- Five-Finger Discount: Sadie's preferred method of acquiring possessions.
- Gaydar: Funeral homes, bookshops, random street corners -- Frankie can find lesbians anywhere.
- Gender Blender Name: Sam, Frankie, Jay. Frankie tried to make use of this to pass herself off as Jay, which would have worked better if it weren't for his Embarrassing Middle Name.
- Het Is Ew: Tess's reaction to Frankie's having sex with Jay.
- Hospital Hottie: Lexy
- I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: Ed fits this trope very well. Despite his long-standing crush on Tess (which is doomed to failure because of her Incompatible Orientation), he actively tries to help her love life: in the opening episode, he made a feeble excuse for not joining Tess and Lou for a drink, so that it would have some chance of turning into a date.
- Frankie says she wants Cat to be happy in episode 3, but it's undoubtedly an inversion- since as Cat points out all Frankie cares about is herself.
- Interrupted Intimacy: In the fourth episode when the interruptor turns out to be the husband of one of the women who is hoping to watch his wife and Tess have sex.
- Killed Off for Real: Cat in the second episode of series 2.
- The Ladette: Frankie.
- Lez Bro: Jay.
- Lipstick Lesbian: Tess and Cat, though Tess is a bit of a tomboy.
- Making Love in All the Wrong Places: In the funeral parlour, close to the corpse? It's an unusual location, to say the least.
- In a police station? Really?
- Neat Freak: Cat.
- Nice Guy: Ed.
- No Bisexuals: Frankie doesn't mind sleeping with guys but she doesn't consider herself Bi as she says "men are only when women are not around".
- Odd Couple: Cat and Tess.
- Oblivious to Love: Tess has no idea that Ed has feelings for her. Frankie, however, does.
- Shrinking Violet: Cat.
- Switched At Birth: Frankie. Or rather, switched at age three.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: This seems to be Cat's preferred relationship model.
- Tomboyish Name: Frankie which is short for Francesca and Sam whose name may or may not be Samantha.
- The Unfavourite: Frankie's family seem to pretty much hate her, apparently just because she's a lesbian (although given how she behaves, there may be other reasons).
- What the Hell, Hero?: Cat finally snaps and gives Frankie a lecture on how selfish she is in episode 2. It seems to have been a long time coming.
- Word Of Bi: Frankie supposedly goes both ways, but we've only seen her with other women.
- As of episode 4, word becomes deed - she has sex with Jay.
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