League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions
Here they come to save the day!
The League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions, or LICC for short, was a round-robin, chaotic, zany superhero sci-fi spoof that ran for several years on the discussion boards of Nitcentral.
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Tropes used in League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions include:
- The Adjectival Superhero: The Amazing Quantum Man
- Ace Pilot: Rikard, Kiehart, Kent
- Action Girl: Pretty much every main female character short of Tammy Tembar
- Action Mom: Buttrfli, Artsy-Fartsy.
- A.I. Is a Crapshoot: Colanator's malfunction, Tacoputer
- All-Encompassing Mantle: Soyburger Patricia wore one.
- All There in the Manual
- Alliterative Name: Rocket Ranger, Crimson Crossbow, Tammy Tembar...
- Alpha Bitch: Parodied with Tammy Tembar.
- Alternative Calendar: The year 3000 was the Year 0 of the New Calendar.
- Amusement Park of Doom: Dinsey World
- Animal Superheroes: The Insector
- The Atoner: The Masked Enigma
- Back from the Dead: Tacoman, Adon
- Backup Twin: Alex Tacoman (sort of)
- Badass Normal: Enesku, Ansh Tembar, Inspector Mystery, Crimson Crossbow, Le Femme Superbe, Lopez
- Big Bad: Taconator
- Boring Invincible Hero: Several could be accused of this, though Ojanon comes to mind.
- Brainwashed: Soyburger Patricia
- Breaking the Fourth Wall
- Brought Down to Normal: The Observer when he becomes Keiran Alec Morgan, Artsy once or twice, Adon during the Whyte Kastles storyline
- But Now I Must Go: Hamburger Pattie
- The Captain: (may also be The Hero) Frangelica, Tacoman, Milkshake
- Captain Patriotic: The Great Emancipator
- The Chosen One: Both Milkshake and Kiehart had shades of this.
- Color Character: Crimson Crossbow, Robot Redshirt, Silver Maiden, The Man In Black
- Comedic Hero
- Cool Ship: The Spidership, Seeker, Snow Crane, Thunder Wolf, Adon's battlesuit
- Cross Player: Several authors
- Dark Is Not Evil: Sailor Evil
- Dark Magical Girl: Soyburger Patrica
- Demonic Possession: Mr. Obvious by Asmodeus Beelzebub.
- Drop the Cow: Ze French Knight
- Earth Is the Center of the Universe: Got to the point where the authors noticed and complained.
- Edible Theme Naming: Tacoman, Hamburger Pattie, Taquito Boy, Frangelica, Commander Milkshake, & Soyburger Patricia
- Embarrassing First Name: Sailor Evil's full name is Griselda Ethylene Evil.
- Embarrassing Middle Name: Sailor Evil's full name is Griselda Ethylene Evil.
- Enemy Within: Adon/Darth Terror, Observer/Sorcerer
- Evil Twin: Quite a few, handled in a variety of ways. (Straight, Inverted, Parodied, etc.)
- Executive Meddling: Spoofed with the Evil K-NIT TV-47 Executive.
- Extraordinarily Empowered Girl: Frangelica, Soyburger Patricia, Donna
- Face Heel Turn: Silver Maiden, GROSS, Colanator, Rogat
- Fan of the Past: Kiehart, Quantum Man, Tacoman, Milkshake, and The Observer (though all but Kiehart lived there at one point)
- Fan Service: Supermodels invade the ship, 12 of 10
- The Federation: Earth System Government, though one or two arcs had it acting more like The Empire. Also, the Galactic Order.
- The 47 Society
- Fun with Acronyms: LICC, KILL, GROSS, TRASH, SASI
- The Future: Where the series was set... although it wasn't realized at first... then no one was sure when exactly in the future it was... but finally it was decided to be the 30th/31st Century.
- Genre Savvy
- Government Agency of Fiction: The Department of Superheroics, Terran Security
- The Gunslinger: Kiehart
- Half-Human Hybrid: Fran and Logan
- Hard Light: The Spidermobile's doctor
- Heel Face Turn: Colanator, Silver Maiden, reversing her Face Heel Turn
- The Hero: As a rule of premise, most of the cast.
- Hero with Bad Publicity: Happened from time to time.
- Heroic Sacrifice: Adon, Quantum Man
- Heroic Sociopath: The Furbies could go there, Enesku to an extent, Donna
- Heroic Wannabe: Enesku, Insane somewhat
- Hilarious Outtakes: The Blooper special
- Homage
- Jerkass: Kiehart (well, his author anyway, by his own admission), Cyber-9
- Jumped At the Call: Insane, Enesku, Shadow Senshi, Klassikos, Artsy-Fartsy
- Kid Hero: Ansh, Enesku, Shadow Senshi, Quito Power
- Killed Off for Real: Quantum Man, Super Bob, The Masked Enigma, Colanator
- Lampshading
- The Lancer: Milkshake, Rikard; also Number Two
- Leotard of Power: Some heroes
- Light Is Not Good: Sailor Good, GROSS
- Loads and Loads of Characters
- Loveable Rogue: The Furbies
- Mad Scientist: Professor Negative
- Mauve Shirt: Lt. Liza, Lts. Who, What, and Idontknow, Ensign First, Lt. First, Cid, Plevyak
- The Medic: Holodoc, Butrfli
- Mind Screw: It's both a story of superheroes in the future & a TV show about superheroes in the future.
- Mirror Universe: The KILL universe, also JARD was the mirror of Jarso (another related cybersoap), as well as the Bizarro universe.
- Missing Episode: The earliest version was erased without warning & it's unknown how many posts were lost. Copies of most of the early version were later put up on a Geocities site, but since that shut down, those versions are once again missing from the web.
- Most Common Superpower: Hamburger Pattie. Inverted with Frangelica.
- Mr. Alt Disney: Walt Wonderful
- Multiple Choice Past: Tacoman had several different backstories, Mr. Absurd had two.
- The Multiverse
- Mysterious Waif: Quito
- Nanomachines
- Oh Crap: Rikard sees Terran Security's Giant Robot; Enesku and Rikard face to face with hundreds of vicious, charging aliens
- Older Than They Look: Adon is old, so is the Observer. Tacoman is immortal so give him time. Donna
- Parental Substitute: Artsy-Fartsy to Quito Power.
- Person of Mass Destruction: Adon, The Observer's Sorcerer, Donna
- Posthumous Character: Qunicy Rnager
- Powered Armor
- Punny Name: Scott Free, Quito Power
- Put on a Bus: KAM tended to do this with his characters whenever he threw a hissy fit & quit.
- "Previously On..."
- The Psycho Rangers: KILL (King's Interstellar Lethal Legionnaires).
- Redemption Equals Death: The Masked Enigma
- Red Shirt: killed by the thousands. ;-) Subverted with Scott Free, Jason Kiehart, and Robot Redshirt.
- Robot Buddy: Colanator, Robot Redshirt.
- Sdrawkcab Name: Counterparts Hamburger Pattie & Soyburger Patricia had the real names of Suzy Wood & Yzus Doow.
- Shout-Out: The Frank Conspiracy is a double Shout-Out to the Dave Conspiracy from Narbonic mixed with a forum running gag about every minor character in Red Dwarf being called Frank.
- Single-Minded Twins: Hamburger Pattie.
- The Smart Guy: The Observer, Quantum Man, and Ansh Tembar, though most of the crew was pretty intelligent.
- Something Person: The Amazing Quantum Man, Tacoman, Comet Lad, The Answer Man, Ubermensch, Jadlad Superguy among others.
- Spirit Advisor: Bill, the slightly crazed shoulder
- State Sec: Terran Security
- Sufficiently Advanced Alien: The Q Continuum, The Queue, Dnar'af
- Superhero: It was a spaceship full of them.
- Superheroes Wear Capes: Some of them
- Superpower Lottery: The Queue (omnipotent power when they stand in a straight line), Soyburger Patricia (sorceress nicknamed Dues Ex Patricia after one such incident), q (a junior member of Star Trek's Q continuum), although Adon & the Observer tended toward the overpowered side as well.
- Super Team
- Sword and Gun: Kiehart
- Teen Genius: Ansh
- Time Travel: Many times. LICC (Legion of ICC), The Rose Parade, Old Jadlad, LICC kids vs. Negative, K-NIT storyline
- Took a Level in Badass: Sailor Evil, Kiehart, Rikard, Rocket Ranger, Insane, Donna
- Touched by Vorlons: Adon, The Observer, Kiehart, arguably Milkshake and Rikard, Shadow Senshi
- Twist Ending: Dnar'af's storyline
- Unobtainium: Plotonium as a generic whatever-the-plot-required supermetal. A building block of the universe that allowed people to have superpowers was Nevesytrof (much more stable then the Sub-Reality or Super-Reality of other universes.)
- Black Holes Suck: Where the first Spidermobile ended up & later revealed to be the home of the X-Cw X
- Vain Sorceress: Hamburger Pattie.
- Wagon Train to the Stars
- Waif Fu: Enesku
- Weirdness Magnet: Lampshaded with Milkshake's "How do these ships find us in top secret locations?"
- What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway?: Mr. Obvious
- Who's On First?
- Xanatos Roulette: The Man In Black's plans.
- You Mean "Xmas": Kwistanakahdon
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