< Last Window

Last Window/YMMV

  • Accidental Innuendo: The lighthouse scene on the roof. When inquired on what she thinks of the lighthouse, Mila says she thought that it was bigger when seen from ground level, but now having seen it from upclose she now thinks that it is much smaller. This comment then causes Kyle to pop a wide smirk on his face, prompting Mila to ask if she said "something wrong". Kyle then dodges a potentially awkward conversation by saying that it's a funny coincidence, because he also thought the same thing as she did when he first saw it.
  • Complete Monster: George Patrice.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: "Belief", which is composed by Tony in-game, is very touching and uplifting. Tony's theme "Shadowy Men" is also very catchy and hard to get out of your head.
  • Even Better Sequel: The plot is overall much more polished and better thought out than Hotel Dusk's. The puzzles are also harder in general, with less filler or braindead ones.
  • Ho Yay: Kyle and Tony. You can even make Kyle tell Tony it feels like a betrayal when the latter goes out with Betty on Christmas Eve.
  • The Scrappy: Dylan, for being obnoxiously intrusive on Kyle's (and everyone else's) affairs. You'll also get sick of seeing him due to how much he pops up throughout the game.
  • The Woobie: Lots of people, but special mention goes to Marie and Margaret.
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