Last Window/Characters
This the the character page for the Last Window video game. The character page for the first game in the series, Hotel Dusk: Room 215, is here. Note that the main and recurring character entries are duplicated; trope entries should go on the page of the game in which they appear.
Main and Recurring Characters
Kyle Hyde
Fired from Red Crown and facing eviction in two weeks due to Cape West Apartments' sale, the ex-detective's fortunes look particularly dim when a mysterious order sheet arrives requesting him to search for the "Scarlet Star", which disappeared in the building 25 years ago. Lives in room 202.
- Badass: Oh yes.
- Captain Obvious: When examining items, he often does this, sometimes on purpose.
- Dark and Troubled Past
- Deadpan Snarker
- First-Person Smartass
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Parrot Exposition
- Through His Stomach: Not a straight example, but... the shortest and surest way to get in Kyle's good graces is to fix him a good meal or drink.
Mila Evans
The young mute woman whom Kyle met in Hotel Dusk, Mila has now returned to normal life and is currently attending art school out of state.
Ed Vincent
Finally tired of Kyle's attitude, Ed fires him from Red Crown at the beginning of the game, but still keeps contact from time to time.
- The Faceless: His eyes are never shown.
- Grumpy Old Man: Although his grumpiness doesn't show in the first game.
- Voice with an Internet Connection: Albeit with a phone instead of the internet: it is 1980.
Ed's secretary and a friend of Kyle's.
- Love Interest: She may or may not be this to Kyle. Kyle doesn't seem to mind her constant flirting, and they do mention having a dinner together on Christmas Eve in New Game+.
- Sassy Secretary
- Sexy Secretary
- Voice with an Internet Connection
Last Window Characters
Margaret Patrice
The owner of the Cape West apartments and Kyle's landlady. She thinks highly of herself and is always dressed to impress. She has her own highly opulent living quarters in the apartments. Less likely to toss you out of the apartments than Dunning would the hotel, but it's still not a good idea to make her mad.
- All Girls Want Bad Boys: She knew from the start George Patrice was a horrible man but fell for him regardless. Their marriage didn't work out in the end.
- Dark and Troubled Past
- Don't You Dare Pity Me!: "I've stood on my own this far, Mr. Hyde. I don't intend to stop now."
- Game Over Man
Marie Rivet
A woman who lives by herself at Cape West after her husband and brother died in a car accident. Lives in room 206.
- Driven to Suicide: Although you save her in the game's most frustrating puzzle.
- Florence Nightingale Effect: How she fell in love with her late husband.
Rex Foster
A mysterious man who shows up at Cape West after Kyle begins investigating. Seems to know Marie and Kyle, though Kyle doesn't know him.
- Intrepid Reporter
- Jerkass
- The Rival: He is one for Kyle, but mostly at the start of the game.
Tony Wolf
A down-on-his-luck musician who lives at Cape West. Since nobody buys his albums, he's always short of cash and tends to bug people to let him borrow money.
- Chivalrous Pervert
- Dub Name Change: Was Steve in the JP version.
- Expy: Of Louis.
- Will They or Won't They?: It's implied that he gets together with Betty in the end, but it's never outright stated.
Jeanie Hyde
Kyle's mother, who lives on her own in New Jersey.
Sidney Reagan
The owner of Lucky's Cafe at Cape West, a kind man in his fifties who takes pride in his work.
- The Bartender
- It's All My Fault: Blames himself for his wife leaving him.
Claire Reagan
Sidney's daughter who helps him out at the cafe.
- Dub Name Change: Was Nicole in the JP version.
- Supreme Chef: Kyle can't help but love her food.
Betty Meyer
One of Kyle's neighbors at Cape West, an energetic and kind woman who tends to complain when her neighbors get too noisy. Lives in room 203.
Dylan Fitchar
Cape West's resident handyman. Lives in room 304.
- Karma Houdini: Sorta. He does manage to escape from any sort of in-game punishment, but is now on the run from Nile with an unknown fate.
- The Mole: He works for Nile.
- Nerd: Has a collection of butterflies and stones, and really likes mysteries.
- Nosy Neighbor: To stalkerish levels. The other resident find it creepy.
- Obfuscating Stupidity
- Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Ultimately decides to make a run for it.
Charles Jeunet
An aspiring student filmmaker who lives at Cape West. Lives in room 305.
Frank Raver
A somewhat grumpy old man who spends his days wandering the halls of Cape West. Lives in room 302.
- Cool Old Guy
- Grumpy Old Man
- Jerkass: More so at the beginning than later in the game though.
Will White (Will McGrath)
A gentlemanly salesman whose behavior is the opposite of Kyle's. Lives in room 306.
- Foil: Likely of Hyde. Both are salesmen and they do share some traits, but their personalities are the exact opposite of each other's.
- Jerkass: Once you figure out what his job is.
- Missing Mom
Chris Hyde
Kyle's father. A master thief who decided to give up his life of crime for his family, he was killed during his final job when Kyle was nine.
George Patrice
Margaret's late husband, a jazz-musician-turned-restaurant-entrepreneur.
- Posthumous Character
- Start of Darkness: Subverted. Margaret initially says that he changed after losing his ability to play the saxophone, but later admits he was a sleazebag from the beginning.
- Your Cheating Heart: Was cheating on Margaret with Kathy McGrath.
Michael McGrath
The original owner of Hotel Cape West.
Kathy McGrath
Michael's late wife, who was found dead in the hotel thirteen years ago.
Hugh Speck
An ex-cop who is being elected for mayor.
- Karma Houdini: Until the end of the game.
- President Evil