< Las Vegas Bloodbath
Las Vegas Bloodbath/YMMV
- Complete Monster: Sam.
- Fetish Retardant: Most of the nudity is not... pleasant.
- Fight Scene Failure
- Narm
- Narm Charm: While the massacre is piss poorly acted and loaded with Special Effects Failure, some of the imagery, like the cut out fetus and blood spattered bathroom, is still pretty messed up.
- Nausea Fuel: The fetus scene.
- Retroactive Recognition: Elizabeth Anderson, who played Ruth, was the writer of 1994's Lassie and The Little Mermaid 2: Return to the Sea.
- Special Effects Failure:
- No attempt is made to make it look like Sam's gun is firing, he just points it and a sound effect is added.
- The hilariously poor dubbing of Sam's name in a scene where he's terrorizing one of the women.
- When the would-be savior takes a swing at Sam with his bat, he's obviously just hitting a partially visible pad.
- The walls of the apartment are covered in large paper, to keep messiness to a minimum.
- Squick: Loads.
- They Just Didn't Care
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