Larry and The Gnomes
Larry and The Gnomes is an adventure flash game which can be found on Newgrounds.
The kingdom of Karryon, once a peaceful land, has been plagued by a dark influence, and now hordes of Gnomes from the near Whackpork forest are wreaking havoc in the capital. You play as Larry, the Chosen one, a short 19 years old knight with a bad temper, hired with the dangerous task of finding the Gnome King and find out what's the matter. All by slashing his way through hordes of gnomes and monsters ready to tear him apart.
Tropes used in Larry and The Gnomes include:
- Anime Hair: Larry.
- Anti-Hero: Larry.
- Authority Equals Asskicking: The Gnome King is also the Final Boss.
- Badass: Larry.
- Badass Boast: The Boar Rider does one before his boss fight.
- BFS: Sometimes giant enemies will drop huge weapons which you can pick up. They can do a lot of damage, but you can barely slash once while using it.
- Boss Banter: The Boar Rider will taunt you whenever you're hit.
- Bullfight Boss: The Boar Rider is part this, part Puzzle Boss.
- Carry a Big Stick: The Gnome King's giant golden mace.
- Color Coded for Your Convenience: White weapons deals a little more damage, green one poisons, blue one freezes and red one deals fire damage.
- Collapsing Ceiling Boss: The Gnome King will sometimes smash his fat butt on the ground, causing some rocks to fall.
- Damage Sponge Boss: The Wizard and later the Gnome King.
- Deadpan Snarker: Larry.
- Degraded Boss: The Wizard in the end of the first act. You can stumble into gnome wizards as regular mooks later.
- Fat Bastard: The larger gnomes and the Gnome King.
- Full Boar Action: The second boss rides a giant boar.
- Giant Mook: Larger gnomes, which are also MightyGlaciers.
- Grimy Water: Justified, as the water is glowing green and possibly poisonous.
- Javelin Thrower: The Boar Rider. You have to pick up said javelins and use them to stun him.
- Killer Rabbit: Larry himself looks like a cute, tiny kid with a sword. Then watch him butchering hordes of gnomes like nothing.
- Load-Bearing Boss: When you kill the Gnome King, his kingdom is consumed by flames.
- The Man Behind the Man: The "Man in the Flames" who orders around the Gnome King.
- Playing with Fire: The Gnome King can cast fireballs from his crown.
- Puzzle Boss: The Second and Third bosses requires some clever thinking.
- Rush Boss: The purple Freak has the least number of health points, but if he lands a hit, you're finished.
- Sequel Hook: The Gnomes are gone, but the Man of the Flames? Not so much...
- Shout-Out: You can find the Keyblade and Frostmourne among other weapons.
- This Is Gonna Suck: After seeing the Gnome King.
Larry:"Oh bother...."
- Throwing Your Sword Always Works: You can pick up and toss any weapon for massive damage.
- Too Dumb to Live: The King of Karryon.
- Unstoppable Rage: You can go into a berserker rage which allows you to kill almost everything in one hit while sparing you from any damage.
- Voice of the Legion: The Gnome King.
- Weapons Kitchen Sink: In a vaguely medieval setting you can pick up tons of weapons including: swords, sabers, sticks, clubs, hammers, axes, hatchets, knives, serrated blades, polearms, sickles, double pikes, ji halbeards, katana-like swords, monk's spades and blunderbusses.
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