L's Empire
Mr L: Excellent, everything is mostly going somewhat according to my vague plan.—Luigi showing he has no idea what he's doing.
L's Empire is a webcomic hosted on Smack Jeeves written by two brothers, Gamermaster and SubrosianDimitri, that follows Luigi leaving Mario and then going off to form his own "Empire." To accomplish his vague goals, he enlists a gay clown, a narcissistic robot, and a mentally unstable green guy with a spear. Hilarity Ensues.
The comic updates 8:00 AM and PM EST every day, except when the authors get lazy. Also the Authors have a habit of putting A LOT of information in their author comments, so a good chunk of the tropes are All There in the Manual.
Has nothing to do with that other L.
- All Just A Movie: The April Fools' Day special.
- All There in the Manual: The authors really like doing this, especially with the Lcyclopedia and the Author Comments. They're the only places where you can find out the powers of the other two Y Guys.
- Inverted with Mr L's entry in the character page, which tells the reader to go read the comic for more information.
- Aloof Big Brother: Shadowpalm
- Alt Text: Every single page [1]. Sometimes their jokes will span multiple pages.
- Amazing Technicolor Population: The Kayoss, well the males at any rate.
- Arc Fatigue: In-Universe example. The authors themselves get tired of the arc, so they just fast forward to the end of it.
- Arc Words: "Beware the night of five lights." [2]
- Art Initiates Life: Reco makes recolors by painting them on a canvas. However, he has no control over his creations once they come to life.
- Artistic License: Biology: The Slash Fic Future!Void was reading:
Future!Void: Ugh, don't these fanfiction writers have the slightest clue on how Kayoss biology works?
- Author Avatars: Both of the authors have one and so does Dark Star.
- Author Powers: The authors can freeze time, make glitch holes and warp the fabric of reality itself. They normally don't get involved because the story would then be boring.
- Authority Equals Asskicking: A literal example, where the king or queen of Kayoss is granted the ability of Strong as They Need to Be.
- Badass Princess: Hime. While she is never shown doing anything awesome herself, she trained Endboss to become a ninja.
- Beam Spam: While not used per se, there is a running gag where all Kamehame Hadoken are referred to as such.
- Berserk Button: Dimentios dislike of fancy intros. Also, calling Geminiman ugly.
- Beta Test Baddie: QS, who feels incomplete in the fact that he can't form his body from the waist down into anything but a pile of mercury.
- Big Bad: Dark Star for the DS Saga.
- Big Damn Hero: All 6 of the grandmasters of Nej-Lök show up to help L's Empire in the fight against Dark Star.
- Bizarre Alien Biology: All Kayoss have disembodied feet and male Kayoss breath through their eyes and skin, have disembodied hands, and no mouths. The Limbs are controlled via pheromones.
- Bizarre Alien Reproduction: Kayoss can only reproduce with a single being (although they being can be of any species, and sometimes it doesn't even need to be a living thing), they exchange genetic material by wanting to have a kid and holding hands, and they can only have three (living) children at a time.
- Bizarre Sexual Dimorphism: Female Kayoss look like human women with Raymanian feet and no noses. Male Kayoss have no hair or mouths along with a Majin Buu head tentacle, can breath through their eyes, have Raymanian hands to go along with their feet and can absorb life energy though their hands.
- Blade on a Stick: Void started off with one but later gained the ability to create them with his bare hands. His aim still sucks though.
- The Blank: See Eyeless Face
- Bond Creatures: Peri to Shadowpalm.
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: The fourth walls entry in the Lcyclopedia is "Purely hypothetical."
- Brick Joke: What was clogging up Mario's toilet? Yoshi.
- Butt Monkey: Void
- Calling Your Attacks: Since Gamermaster is a fan of Shonen manga like Naruto and One Piece, this trope is a given.
- The Coats Are Off: When Palmaster decided to fight seriously against Shadowpalm, he took off his cloak (he also put away the portable copy of Battletoads that he was playing, but that was more for laughs.)
- Code Name: Mr L
- Coincidental Broadcast: When Gemini Man gets locked into a video game.
- Combo-Platter Powers: The members of the Kayoss Royal family get complete control over a word, and all its definitions.
- Compelling Voice: Carnation
- Also her father, Wyrld Distrukshun.
- Cover Identity Anomaly: Mirror!Luigi blows his cover when Dimentio ask's him what Mr L got him as a wedding present. He didn't get him anything.
- Cursed with Awesome: ANY power up that Geminiman might get is deemed useless by him because they make him ugly.
- Cutscene Incompetence: When Rib and Bow are kidnapped, the kidnappers run right past L's Empire and the Y Guys. The authors stated that the reason they didn't try to stop them is because it was a cutscene.
- Dark Is Evil: Dark Star
- Death Is Cheap: Mario gets their head cut of multiple time, in a matter of a few minutes. However a new head just pops up every time.
- Also pointed out by Mr L here.
- Dead Guy, Junior: Kind of, as Hector is named after his grandfathers and they're all undead.
- Demonic Possession: Dimentio was possessed by Dark Star during the events of Super Paper Mario.
- Deus Ex Machina: Used and justified by the authors, this is a comedy after all.
- Disproportionate Retribution: Geminiman wants to kill Void for for doing the following (all in the first saga): Calling him an 8 bit recolor, going on a date with his older half sister, stealing his credit card to pay for said date, making a bunch of head puns when he was decapitated, impaling him on a spear, freezing him with a deus ex machina, destroying his blue armor polish, ruining his armor after another polishing, and blowing up his arm. What's so disproportionate about that? He wants to kill him once for each event.
- Don't Explain the Joke: Void has a bad habit of explaining jokes and pointing out obvious plot points.
- Drill Sergeant Nasty: Hime, but you can't argue with her results.
- Drop the Cow: Happens to Mr L three times in a row. He lampshades it after the second time.
Mr L: Why... Me?
- Dude, Not Funny: In-Universe example. At one point, they find themselves in a pocket dimension inside Daisy's womb (don't ask), and Geminiman decides that the best way to get out is to blast the fetus. Mr L whips out his lightsaber and scolds Geminiman for even thinking of threatening his child. Gamermaster even says that they've gone beyond the realm of good taste.
- Early-Bird Cameo: Toadbas first appeared in a video showing off a texture hack for Super Mario 64 before showing up in the actual comic 2 years later.
- Gaio the Ancient made his first appearance when Link held SubrosianDimitri hostage. He entered the story proper 345 pages later.
- Gold Joe appeared in silhouette when the comic went on hiatus. He wasn't properly introduced for another 353 pages.
- Pix first appeared at the same time as Gaio and didn't appear in the present for another 382 pages.
- Enfant Terrible: Carnation... Just Carnation [3]
- Eureka Moment: Geminiman pointing out a star shaped hole in the ceiling makes Dimentio realize that someone is collecting five specific shards of the Master Stars (by arranging the stars into a pentagon it shows that the missing shards form a star).
- Everything's Better with Penguins: Snowball, a bumpty with Sizeshifter powers.
- Everything's Better with Princesses: Peach, Bow, Daisy, and Carnation.
- Evil Younger Sybling: Carnation, if it wasn't already obvious. When she's bored, she tortures Void. When she can't find Void, she tortures Shadowpalm. When she cant find Shadowpalm, she commits mass genocide.
- Also SubrosianDimitri.
- Everything Sounds Cooler In Japanese: Mr L certainly thinks so.
- Exactly What It Says on the Tin: Sue Ez Spensive, it's an expensive restaurant.
- Also, the princess of the Sammer Guys is named Hime.
- Expospeak Gag: Here.
- Extreme Omnivore: Fluffy will swallow anything except a mass of mercury based nano-machines.
- Eyeless Face: Palmaster partially deconstructs this while combining it with The Blank. Male Kayoss only have eyes on their heads to begin with, and since they breath through their eyes (and partially through their skin), he can't move that much because of a lack of oxygen.
- Face Palm: Here.
- Fantastic Fighting Style: Nej-Lök and Mer-Krydda.
- Filler Strips: Very rarely, and always put up outside of the regular update schedule.
- Finagle's Law: By the words of Gamermaster, "In Webcomics, the only law is Murphys law."
- Fluffy the Ultimate Chimera
- Foreshadowing: Done with all the subtlety of a brick to the face and lampshaded to the Nth degree.
- Fun with Acronyms: FUSS[4], TACT[5] and LEET [6].
- There's also an inverted case with Reco's Recolor Genesis Brush.
- Fusion Dance: Pix has the unique ability to act as a catalyst for a composite type for any two objects or people he wants. He can also undo the fusion whenever he wants.
- Future Badass: 700 after the main story, Void has ascended to the Throne of Chaos and can beat anyone in the raw power department. Plus his aim has improved.
- GIS Syndrome: The 4th anniversary.
- Glowing Eyes of Doom: The start of the DS Saga.
- God Mode: Averted by the God Mod Formula.
- God of Evil: Dark Star
- Gotta Catch Them All: The Master Stars. Subverted. Only the last shard of the Mirror Star was actually important (it's the one that Dark Star needed to complete his plans). This was lampshaded by Void.
- Gratuitous Swedish: The fighting style Nej-Lök and all related terms.
- Green Thumb: Sort of, as Gardeners power lets her make easily removable hypo-allergenic flowers grow on the heads of people she touches. Technically the first queen of the Kayoss, Kaamylla Ryndum, had this as part of her power.
- Half the Man He Used To Be: Dark Star cuts Fluffy in half off-screen.
- Halloween Cosplay: here and here.
- Handicapped Badass: Palmaster was born without eyes so he can't see or move that much[7], but that doesn't stop him from being one of the most powerful fighters in the comic.
- Healing Factor: Both Geminiman and the the Hooniversity itself are granted this through the power of Voids Chaos Heart.
- Highly-Visible Ninja: Endboss may have become a ninja, but he still wears the same bright yellow outfit. Void also claims to be one, but his credentials are questionable.
- Hostile Show Takeover: While Geminiman was trapped inside a video game, Link from the Authors previous comic drugs and takes SubrosianDimitri hostage. His motive? His comic hadn't been updated in two years.
- Hypnotize the Princess: Inverted by Carnation.
- Hypocritical Heartwarming: Hime is the only one allowed to insult her students.
- I Am Legion: Sometimes Gemini Man talks like this. Justified because he can multiply, and there's someone else living in his head.
- I Am Not Left-Handed: Mr L wears shoes with heavy iron soles. When he takes them off...
- Idiot Ball: In the words of Gamermaster "...this is a comic so everyone has to be slightly on the idiotic side."
- IKEA Erotica: Once again, the Slash Fic that future!Void was reading (Although Geminiman is a robot, so it might be accurate).
Future!Void: And then Geminiman inserted his flashdrive into Void's...
- Immortal Immaturity: Void, along with his brother and sister, act a lot less mature than people who are technically: 17, 21 and 5 respectively.
- Imperial Stormtrooper Marksmanship Academy: Poor Void. He even misses at point blank range.
- Improbably High IQ: Dimentio has an IQ of 256.
- Incorruptible Pure Pureness: Pix.
- Incredibly Lame Pun: All the time.
- Intercontinuity Crossover: Done with the authors previous work, a Legend of Zelda High School AU, and with the younger authors Parody of bad sprite comics[8].
- Interspecies Romance: Several examples
- Rib (a Dry Bones) and Bow (a Boo).
- Carnation (a Kayoss) and Pix (a half pixl).
- Shadowpalm (a Kayoss) and Pari (a Nutrimensnam Sentent)
- Invisibility: Void's Great Uncle has the power to control the transparency of anything; up to and including lies and emotions.
- It Makes Sense in Context: Pointed out by Gamermaster when Luigi defeats Mirror!Luigi.
- Jerkass: Dark Star. When he became an author, he constantly posted rude responses to the readers comments.
- The Juggernaut: Fluffy. He isn't called the Ultimate Invincible Chimera for nothing. It's to the point where he was cut in half and one fan's reaction was "He'll get over it."
- Kamehame Hadoken: Dimentio fires them as part of a Running Gag.
- Kid From the Future: Hector Calcius Bone.
- Killer Rabbit: Carnation, although she isn't physically dangerous, she can hypnotize you to kill yourself and is perfectly willing to do so.
- Landlord: General Man.
- Laser-Guided Amnesia: Dimentio doesn't have any memory of the events of Super Paper Mario because he was possessed by Dark Star at the time.
- Life Energy: Vim
- Literal Split Personality: Siruv and Geminiman are the good and the ego respectively.
- Loads and Loads of Characters: There are over 90 named characters listed on the character page.
- Losing Your Head: Happens to Geminiman, and Void attempts to milk it for all it's worth, in every way except a Hamlet quote.
- Love At First Sight: As a result of their magical genetics, and being the living embodiments of order and chaos, all Kayoss will find true love at first sight (and suffer a condition known as Love Struck, where they drool out of their eyes). Mind you, it has to be first sight without time travel involved as shown with Carnation and Pix in the Valentines Day Special.
- Magic Genetics: The Kayoss. Just take a look at Bizarre Alien Reproduction above to see how magical.
- Massive Multiplayer Crossover: Due to the release of Super Smash Bros Brawl, the boundaries between the video game universes kind of... er, merged to the point where it's neither a Multiverse or a Universe but something in between. The Conglomiverse. To put it simply, The dimensions are now like countries. You can walk from one to the other but depending on which one your in determines what the rules are.
- Meaningful Name: Several. One particular example would be the god of recolors who is named Reco Lord.
- Meaningful Titles: All of the Grand Masters of Nej-Lök are given titles that reflect their fighting techniques, (with the exception of Stonemaster, who is named such because of his body patterns).[9]
- Me's a Crowd: While originally Gemini Man had the ability to create a hologram of himself, upon coming within proximity of Voids Chaos Heart he gained the ability to create an army of solid clones.
- Mind Control Eyes: Anyone under Carnation's spell gets blank pink eyes.
- Mirror Universe: One storyline takes place in one. For bonus points, they actually get there by going through a mirror.
- Monster Mash: Hector Calcius Bone is the son of a Boo and a Dry Bones.
- Motor Mouth: Wheel Man. Also SubrosianDimitri when he's excited.
- Multi-Armed and Dangerous- Palamaster can make a near infinite amount of floating hands, without having to worry about the limb part.
- Shadowpalm technically counts, as he has two pairs of hands instead of having a pair of feet.
- Multiversal Conqueror: What Empress Peach thought she was. Dimentio thought otherwise.
- The Multiverse: Actually a Conglomiverse (The universes are partially melded so that their boundaries connect but the different laws of physics still apply in separate sections).
- Mythology Gag- Taken to it's most literal extreme, where the main cast from the creators previous comic show up because their comic hadn't been updated in two years.
- My Nayme Is: All Kayoss, because they can't spell.
- My Sister Is Off-Limits: Gemini Man towards Void about Roll.
- No Mouth: All male Kayoss.
- Won't Work On Me: Unlike with previous characters who either absorbed it or regenerated, Dark Star takes a full blast from Dimentio's Pet Peeves without a scratch or even flinching (He asked if it was supposed to tickle).
- Not Just a Tournament: QS took over King Sammer's Generic Tournament for Fighter Type People so he could collect all the pieces of the Vim Star.
- Obfuscating Stupidity: SubrosianDimitri, the younger author, at least according to his brother.
- Odd Name Out: Shadowpalm does not match the doom based naming conventions of male Kayoss.
- Actually that's just a title. His birth name, Deethin, fits the normal pattern just fine.
- Older Than They Look: Shadowpalm, Void, Carnation and Kayoss in general; who age 100 times slower than humans do.
- One Steve Limit: Averted. Mr L actually gets confused when one character is introduced that shares their name with another one.
- One True Love: Every Kayoss is guaranteed to meet theirs. However, it won't always be the same species or even a living thing (yet they're still able to have fertile kids).
- One-Winged Angel: Both Gaio the Ancient and Dark Star pull this off.
- Ooh, Me Accent's Slipping: Literal in universe example, where Luigi looses his italian accent when he becomes Mr L.
- Opposites Attract: Pix and Carnation are pure good and pure evil respectively, yet they're each others One True Love.
- Order Versus Chaos: Kayoss are the living representation of this concept.
- Our Gods Are Greater: They are immortal and remember everything that happens on screen (even things they weren't present for). They also can instantly tell if someone else is a god and project a field that prevents plot important items from being detected. There are two types in the story:
- Universal Gods which are extremely powerful, but their abilities only work within their native dimension.
- Subversal Gods which are not as powerful, but their powers work everywhere.
- Our Souls Are Different: Souls develop while the mind is developing with the fetus, only in reverse. They start off selfless and then develop selfishness. Kayoss are the only exception, their souls and minds being the same thing.
- Playing with Fire: The Fyra Herre Flaremaster.
- Portmanteau: Used occasionally with Lcyclopedia (L Encyclopedia), Smashclysm (Smash Cataclysm), and Conglomiverse (Conglomerate Universe) being the main examples.
- Power At a Price: Played with by Geminiman's Virus Mode, which grants him a huge amount of power at the cost of, in his view, making him hideous.
- Power Glows: Void's old spear.
- Princesses Prefer Pink: Peach and Carnation, although for the latter it's actually her skin.
- Projectile Toast: The way that Geminiman communicates while in Nap Time.
- Punny Name: All male Kayoss.
- Puppy Dog Eyes: Carnation's method of hypnotizing her older brothers.
- Pure Is Not Good: Carnation is pure evil.
- Rage Against the Author: Link from the the creators previous comic, holds the younger author hostage because they haven't updated his comic in two years.
- Real Life Writes the Plot: Discussed here.
- Also when their landlord showed up, he tells them they haven't paid rent since the comic went on hiatus.
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: See Older Than They Look.
- Real Women Don't Wear Dresses: Discussed. Tomboy Princess Daisy wears a yellow dress. When questioned on why, she responds as follows:
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Quite a few characters (most notably Dark Star). Pix averts this as, despite him always having red eyes, he's the nicest guy in existence.
- Robosexual: Void and Roll.
- Royals Who Actually Do Something: Hector Calcius Bone is both the heir to two kingdoms (the Boos and the Dry Bones) and is an active member of T.A.C.T.
- Rule of Cool: Mr L seems to be a fan of this trope as it's the reason his group is called L's Empire and why he started off his fight with Mirror!Luigi with a head on collision.
- Running Gag: 5, misnamed tropes, everything being Void' fault, Fancy Intro's, spelling mistakes (especially the word sibling).
- Schedule Slip: Weaponized (Major Spoilers)
- Sealed Evil in a Can: After his defeat, Dark Star is put in Gamermaster's left pocket and had all of his author powers except the ability to post author comments removed. Since it's another dimension, Dark Star can't use any of his godly powers because he's a universal god.
- Second Hand Storytelling: Often lampshaded.
- Series Hiatus: A very short one that was absolutely nothing compared to the Schedule Slip. It was also worked into the plot.
- Shaggy Dog Story: Only the last piece of the Mirror Star was actually necessary to the plot. The other 25 shards were completely non-concequential. This does not go unnoticed.
- Shock and Awe: Mr L's choice of attack apart from his Light Saber.
- Shout-Out: The Alt Text and author comments make numerous references, from Homestar Runner and The Nostalgia Critic to West Side Story and Buckaroo Banzai.
- Bow and Rib wonder if they could end up like Romeo and Juliet, until they realize that they're already dead.
- Also, Void and Shadowpalm both mention Naruto by name at one point.
- All of Mirror!Luigi's attacks are fire-type moves.
- Several storyline titles are references to other works: War and Peace, Project Runaway, Mission Improbable, Duel of Fakes, The Devil in a Pink Dress, Geminiman II, 1709 Going On 2409, 8-Bit Trip, Shift Me Baby One More Time, A Whole New World, Mirror Mirror in the Hall, and Everybody was Nej-Lök Fighting.
- Somewhere in Egypt... is one long Shout-Out to Yu-Gi-Oh the Abridged Series (specifically, Marik's Evil Council of Doom).
- Professor E. Gadd's mirror world counterpart is called Doctor Gaddsano.
- Show Within a Show: The Impossible Plot Channel. Hosted by The Missingno
- Sibling Team: Shortstop and Fastball.
- Single-Target Sexuality: All Kayoss are destined to fall in love with a single being.
- Sizeshifter: Snowball's superpower that can make him 2, 3, 4, and 5 times bigger exactly. However, this is the only thing he can change, his mass remains the same.
- Sound Effect Bleep: Whenever Gemini Man tries to curse, his programing literally causes him to say bleep.
- Spell My Name With A Space: Gemini Man or Geminiman? It depends on his mood.
- Also, Peri or Pari?
- Spin-Off: Void's Game Reviews. It was originally hinted at in 2008, but didn't come around until 2011.
- Sprite Comic
- Storming the Castle: L's Empire attacks the Mushroom Empire in a storyline appropriately named Storming the Castle.
- Invisible to Gaydar: Dimentio
- Strong as They Need to Be: One of the powers of the King or Queen of the Kayoss is that they will always be stronger than the combined power of those they are fighting.
- Super Mode: Geminiman's Virus Mode. Siruv converts all of Geminiman's ego into power.
- Super-Powered Evil Side: Inverted with the above. The source of the energy (Siruv) is actually nicer than Gemini Man.
- Superpower Lottery: The Kayoss Royal Family's words.
- Super Speed: Void, as a result of growing up with a martial arts master for an older brother, and pure evil incarnate as a younger sister. Naturally it only works when he's running away.
- Mr L also has this when he takes off his shoes.
- This is also Windmasters specialty.
- Star-Crossed Lovers: As Rib and Bow are the children of Feuding Families, they wonder if they will end up like the trope namers. Since it's revealed that they have a Kid From the Future, it's obvious that they won't end up
deadeven more dead than they already are. - Stealth Mentor: Shadowpalm to Void. Although, the reasons are selfish.
- Take That: A good natured one towards recolors:
Reco: Why do you think there are so many (recolors) on this site?
SubrosianDimitri: OWNED!
- The Talk: With a twist. The listener (Void) reproduces in a completely different way than the one giving the talk (Mr L). He is naturally squicked out at it.
- Technicolor Ninjas: Void claims to be one, but the validity of this claim, unlike his coloration, has yet to be seen. Endboss on the other hand, plays it straight.
- Tempting Fate: Multiple characters do this at one point or another with Void being the worst offender, to the point that Mr L actually calls him out on it.
Mr L: Seriously Void, learn basic narrative devices.
- Theme Naming: All Male Kayoss have a full name that means some form of destruction. All Female Kayoss are named after flowers.
- Time Travel: The rules are somewhat complex as explained in this comic. It includes:
- Only One Me Allowed Right Now: Sort of, as is impossible to travel back in time from the point that you were born to the point that you left.
- San Dimas Time
- Stable Time Loop
- Time Police: The Temporal Anomaly Correction Team
- Timey-Wimey Ball: But only when dealing with magical time travel
- Tournament Arc: King Sammer's Generic Tournament for Fighter Type People.
- Transformation Name Announcement: I AM SUPER MR L!
- Translator Buddy: Tails Doll acts as this for Weegee.
- Unwitting Pawn: Wyrld Distrukshun had Palmaster manipulate L's Empire into collecting the shards of the Master Stars, knowing that the laws of narrative devices would lead them to finding the lost piece of the Mirror Star and draw Dark Star out of hiding.
- Useless Superpowers: The entire purpose of the Y Guys.
- Visual Pun: The Tre Herre's name is Kaytlle Klicm. What does his skin pattern resemble? A cow.
- Voluntary Shapeshifting: Gamermaster doesn't have his own personal sprites, so instead he transforms into various video game characters. However, all of the forms he takes incorporate blue into their color schemes.
- QS also demonstrates this ability when he masquerades as King Sammer during the tournament.
- Walking Spoiler: Dark Star
- Webcomic Time: Whenever there's a time skip, it's always one week later.
- We Are as Mayflies: As stated earlier: Kayoss age 100 times slower than humans and can live to be up to 20000 years old. It helps that their genetics were magically influenced.
- Whip Sword: Endboss wields one made up of shuriken.
- Win to Exit: Subverted. They thought that beating the game would get Geminiman out, but it didn't. So Dimentio just used his dimensional magic to free him off-screen.
- The Worf Effect: Dimentio's Pet Peeves is one of the most powerful attacks in the series. As a result, it's the first thing used to show how powerful the current villain is.
- Zombie Apocalypse: The basic plot of the 2012 April Fools' Day special.
- ↑ Except for the first 23 pages of the April Fools' Day special
- ↑ It refers to Dark Star, the knight of the five lights (both characters who said the line were Kayoss, and Kayoss are terrible at spelling), who is trying to collect five specific shards of the Master Stars so he can become an author.
- ↑ For those that don't know, she is the highest concentration of pure evil in the Conglomiverse.
- ↑ Federation of United Species Summit
- ↑ Temporal Anomaly Correction Team
- ↑ L's Empire Extermination Team
- ↑ Male Kayoss breathe through their eyes (and partially through their skin)
- ↑ although this comic was what inspired Gamermaster to make L's Empire making this more of a Mythology Gag
- ↑ Although the name still fits his power anyways