< Klonoa


  • Awesome Art: Both the games and the web comic have quite a bit of this.
  • Base Breaker: Fan Dumb on Lephise and Huepow. Both because of the first game's ending.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: it's not an exaggeration to say that the real final battle for Empire Of Dreams has one of the most epic BGMs to have ever graced the Game Boy Advance.
  • Cult Classic: Despite being obscure games, they have been beloved by pretty much everyone who played them.
  • Ending Fatigue: The final boss in Door to Phantomile has three forms, but each one gets a slo-mo destruction scene fooling you into thinking it's over (beating the second form even triggers a cutscene).
  • Epileptic Trees: Some fans believe Klonoa 2 is about Klonoa learning to overcome the sorrow he felt when he was separated from Hewpow due to the King of Sorrow resembling Klonoa in his Door to Phantomile design.
  • Evil Is Cool: The villains tend to be the most popular characters, especially Ghadius and Joka.
  • Fandom Rivalry: Along with Sonic, there is also Pac-Man due to both being owned by the same company and said icon appearing on Klonoa's hat as his symbolic golden badge. Fans come across either friendly or antagonistic to both. Some even downright holding a grudge against Pac-Man for "taking the spotlight" in recent years, although some fans will argue that Namco was being just as tone deaf to them considering Pac's Dork Age.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: In Ridge Racer Type 4, there was a billboard advertising a fictional Klonoa movie. Fast forward to 2016, when a Klonoa movie was announced.
    • The fact that the movie is an anime film is also this, as there was a Klonoa anime "announced" as an April Fool's joke.
  • It's Easy, So It Sucks: A common complaint is that the remake made something already easy even easier.
  • It's the Same, Now It Sucks: While Dream Champ Tournament was well-received, some complaints were raised at the fact that not much changed from its predecessor.
  • Most Annoying Sound:
    • Klonoa's signature "Wahoo!" every single time you chain jump. It gets old very fast, especially in later levels where you're forced to make constant chain jumps.
    • That "fall whistle" that plays every single time Klonoa falls into a pit. Prepare to hear it every thirty seconds when you get to that one level where there are lots of pits.
  • Needs More Love
  • Older Than They Think: The idea of an Evil Klonoa from Dream Traveller of Noctis Sol was first conceived during Door to Phantomiles development, as seen in concept art. During 2002, Namco held a contest where gamers would design a boss for the third world of Klonoa Heroes, one of which was also an evil Klonoa.
  • That One Boss: Ghadius will be the source of many quick and cheap deaths if you aren't paying attention. The extra health you get in the Wii version does next to nothing to mitigate this.
  • That One Level: Balue's Tower in the original game. See Brutal Bonus Level on the main page for more details.

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