< Kiwi Farms

Kiwi Farms/Quotes

"When you put something stupid/embarrassing/whatever on the internet, it's on the internet forever. After you put it out there, it becomes ours. We own it. And if we feel like digging it up and laughing at it, we will. And if you decide to chimp out over that, we will love you for it with all our hearts, and you too will become ours. And when something is ours, it's ours forever. We might get bored with it and put it down. We might play with it a little too hard and break it. But it never stops being ours, and someday in the future we'll remember it, and pick it back up again.
Would you like to become ours, my dear?"

Dynastia, addressing a Wrong Planet user, thread about Wrong Planet, February 2015.

"What are my motives for being here? I'll just give it to you straight. I come here to observe oddities among the human race. And if one of those oddities has a humorous angle/and or they get riled up because people are talking about them, you better be sure I am going to laugh. That's the whole point of this forum. It's not just me. This is what we do. We observe, we discuss, we laugh, and we joke among each other. We aren't here to defend the people we talk about. Most of the people we talk about in the lolcow forums don't deserve to be defended. By anyone. Some of these people I've seen are the most disgusting excuses for human life I've ever seen.
And yet, the one thing that Kiwi Farms has taught me is this. Everyone on the internet has their white knights. It's beyond me why someone like a woman who worships one of the Columbine shooters, AND insults the victims of that shooting, would have a single white knight. And yet, she does."

Galvatron, replying to minneapolis_somewhere, thread about Jake Rapp, April 2016.

"This place didn't 'get' toxic. It was born toxic. It exists because enough people enjoyed pointing and laughing at a mentally disabled hillbilly and his shitty ripoff sonic webcomic that it warranted registering a domain for it. It evolved into a forum dedicated to scouting out and documenting human train wrecks, along with an explicit rule against throwing people on the tracks. Only pre-existing fuckups get mocked here. And make no mistake, having your name as the title of a thread on this site means you are a fuckup, and not in a cutsey "weirdy beardie omg so much quirk guize" way. It means you fucked up in a way that reality is eventually going to come crashing through your door and teach you something you should have learned when you were a toddler: that the only two things that you really have in this world are your good name and the people who care about you."

Taily Puff, replying to KingOfCucks, thread about Jake Rapp, July 2016.

"Nigga on this website just about every tweet CWC posts gets a fifteen-page thread before being locked by moderators. About 90% of the Farms is just autists repeating themselves and talking about nothing, Seinfeld-style."

Solzhenitsyn, replying to Fox, thread about YandereDev, August 2017.
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