Kira Is Justice
"I use it…because…I think it is my duty."
—Justin to Landras, explaining his reason of using the Death Note
Kira Is Justice is a Death Note Fan Fiction that is a Continuation of the series by Chihuahua 0.
If you hadn't read or watched Death Note yet, there are Spoilers below.
Kira Is Justice is set four years later, after support of Kira seemed to fade away. A bored Shinigami named Landras receives a spare Death Note from Ryuk, and drops it down at a bored high school student in Chicago named Justin. After killing someone and getting over it, Justin becomes the New Kira. This attracts the attention of Near, who had become the New L. However, a mysterious person called O is trying to capture Kira too, and also is attempting to expose Near. A Creepy Child named Fiona, who works with O, sends sixteen SIS agents to Chicago to try to find Kira. Meanwhile, there is David, who is Justin's uncle, and Sol, who is Justin's cousin...
Now has a character sheet.
- Abandoned Warehouse: L's headquarters is located in a small district of these.
- Aerith and Bob: Justin and Landras. The latter isn't a real name.
- Allergic to Routine: Justin can't keep a hobby. Apparently, he was once on the debate team and won state, but then quit. This attribute is what causes Justin to take up the Death Note.
- A Million Is a Statistic: It is rather hard to view the deaths as particularly horrifying, when the numbers are liberally given every chapter (30 a day or so, at one point).
- Artifact of Death and Artifact of Doom: The Death Note.
- Arc Number: Four, of course.
- As You Know: Averted in the case of giving names. They are usually just given in the narrative, as sometimes when a new character is introduced, he/she is introduced in his/her own Point Of View. For example, Ronan.
- Awesome McCoolname: O, T, and L. F? Not so much.
- A Boy and His Shinigami
- Batman Gambit: The first one was when Near tricked Justin into killing an imprisoned criminal that was only annouced on Chicago news. More are to follow.
- Bruce Wayne Held Hostage: Justin constructs a situation like this in Chapter Nineteen, except he isn't in any real danger.
- Bunny Ears Lawyer: Near build a whole room full of towers!
- Also, Fiona in her few appearences so far is childish, and has split personalities. She's one of the three to recieve a letter (besides O and T) after Near.
- FOT?
- Also, Fiona in her few appearences so far is childish, and has split personalities. She's one of the three to recieve a letter (besides O and T) after Near.
- Captain Obvious: "But vigilantes are also considered criminals in society"
- Color-Coded for Your Convenience: Fiona's five personalities each has their own color. In order of speaking order: White, Blue, Yellow, Green, and Pink.
- Also, Justin loves blue.
- Continuation
- Creepy Child: Fiona...
- Creepy Monotone: Fiona again...
- And also one of her split personalities speak with all lowercase.
- Dull Surprise: Justin just fell for the new L's trap, potentially endangering his life and everything he knows. His reaction? "'Darn,' Justin thought, 'L is good. I need to be more careful next time.'"
- Dysfunction Junction: Justin's family. He's shy, his sister kleptomaniac, his father is bipolar, and apparently Justin's older brother is insane but out of the story.
- Easter Egg: Several.
- First, count the number of ways Four Is Death (and multiples of four) are incorpurated into the story.
- The story begins in October, which used to be the eighth month on the calender.
- Peterson has eight letters.
- Justice is sixteen years old.
- Near is about twenty-four years old.
- Sixteen SIS agents were send to the United States.
- See Mythology Gag for the reason behind Shadow's codename.
- First, count the number of ways Four Is Death (and multiples of four) are incorpurated into the story.
- Embarrassing First Name: Justin's real name is Justice (which is a rare uni-sex name).
- Evil Feels Good – well Justin's begun to walk with more confidence and looks like he's having fun...
- Evil Redheads: Fiona is a redhead, and she's creepy...
- Expansion Pack Past: Justin gets more random backstory added on, such as a job as a hacker being mentioned in passing.
- Expy: Let's say that more than one character (cough*Kate*cough*Sayu*cough) is a lot like their Death Note counterpart.
- Justin as well, arguably, supposedly being just as intelligent as Light, and going through a very similar transformation, only much more sudden.
- Sol seems to have some similarities to Light as a high school senior, except he's not Kira.
- Dead Fic: As of Chapter Twenty, the author is considering a re-boot, due to being Old Shame.
- Did Not Do the Research: Let's just say the deciption of the FBI may or may not be true.
- Don't Explain the Joke: The author notes are guilty of the dramatic version of this, often explaining the importance of each and every chapter.
- Eye Scream: Two of the nightmare squences end like this. However, this is also Foreshadowing.
- Fan Fiction
- Five-Man Band: Look at Fiona's split personalities. They form a five man band:
- Forgets to Eat: Justin
- For the Lulz: Possibly the reason why Landras agrees to drop the Death Note in the first place.
- Four Is Death: Kira Is Justice is set four years after Death Note.
- Gambit Roulette: In Chapter Nineteen, Justin stages a hijack with his Death Note, so he could plant a virus on the SIS agent's laptop to find out who they were. Almost everything was under his control.
- Gender Blender Name: Justice is an uni-sex name, but it is mostly used for girls.
- Gen Fic: As far as the story goes, there isn't going to be any shipping with any of the orginal characters.
- Here We Go Again
- Hilarity Ensues: A non-comedic example when Ryuk hands Landras a Death Note...
- Hollywood Hacking
- How Do I Used Tense
- I Do Not Own: There is one at the beginning, which is slightly Played for Laughs:
Disclaimer: I do not own Death Note nor make any money off of it. I don't own some of the characters or a few lines either. This will be the last time you'll see this disclaimer. Also, this is my first fan-fiction story on the Internet. Be nice.
- In Case You Forgot Who Wrote It: See Working Title below.
- Incredibly Obvious Tail - Ronan
- Informed Ability: In chapter one, Justin is said to be very smart, but we don't actually get to see this in action.
- In chapter two, the story says Justin is "similar to L, but different" without ever saying why.
- Inner Monologue: Well, this is based on Death Note...
- Intrepid Reporter: Justin's father
- Actually, it isn't stated if he is this kind of reporter. All that is stated in the text so far is that he writes about Kira, but it isn't stated whatever he investigates stories or not.
- Large Ham: Fiona once in awhile, indicated by her bold speak.
- See Large Ham.
- Legacy Character: Justin as Kira, Near as L, Roger as Watari...
- LEGO: Near loves them, even making a board model representing all the major players in the Kira Case wit figurines.
- Justice Will Prevail: Considering Justin's real name is Justice...this trope gets bonus points.
- Meaningful Name: Justin's real name is Justice.
- MI 6: Except that they are referred by their proper name, the SIS.
- Mirror Scare
- The Mole: Shadow is one in the SIS
- My God, What Have I Done?: The second time Justin used the Death Note. It lasts a little longer than Light's (a little longer is the key phrase.)
- Mythology Gag: Guess why Shadow has the codename Shadow? It was a suggested name for Watari during the concept stage, but it was too cheesy.
- Next Sunday A.D.: The story takes place in 2014 while the story was first written on July 2010. However, there seem to be a few signs of Twenty Minutes Into the Future, like America installing cameras in public.
- No Indoor Voice: BARBIE!
- Not Himself – it seems Sol is beginning to notice this about Justin...
- Not-So-Imaginary Friend: Landras, of course.
- Also, one element of Not So Imaginary Friend is defined and enforced by the author. To prevent Justin from just talking to Landras in his room, where his family might notice, the Telepathy Necklace is introduced. It hadn't been abused yet.
- Oblivious Guilt Slinging: Justin's uncle happens to be a FBI agent and Justin's cousin openly opposes Kira.
- Oh Crap: Literaly, when Kira's location was pinned down. Counts as a Precision F-Strike, since Kira Is Justice lacks a lot of bad language, strangely.
- One Steve Limit: Played straight, so far. Some of the criminals that were stated in the eariler chapters were a little over the age (Lucas Pent?)
- Averted if you considered the original manga to count. There's a Shinigami called Armonia Justin Beyondormason. This was completely unintentional.
- One of Us: Oh yes indeed.
- Ordinary High School Student: Besides being a little smarter than normal and being anti-social, Justice seems normal until he finds the Death Note.
- Painting the Fourth Wall/Rainbow Speak: For some reason, Fiona and Landras speak in bold.
- Taken Up to Eleven with Fiona's five personalities, which each have their own way of speaking.
- Person of Mass Destruction: Justin.
- Precision F-Strike: Let's just say that the series lacks in curse words. So...
- Psychological Thriller
- Recycled in Space: It's Death Note Four years later!
- Rouge Angles of Satin: Specifically, words like "monologue" "prologue" and "epilogue" will become "monolouge" "prolouge" and "epilouge."
- Running Gag: Several times in the Author's Notes, when the author refers to
JusticeJustin by saying "Justice, err, Justin," or a variaton. - Schedule Slip: Let's say that Kira Is Justice had at least two prolonged periods without any updates. He has bad writer's block.
- Shinigami: Ryuk and Landras so far.
- Shout-Out: Four gummy bears! Hahaha!
- Shrinking Violet: Justin.
- Spell My Name with an "S": It's Landras, not Landra.
- Split Personality: This is the reason behind Fiona's madness.
- Spock Speak: Especially whenever the detectives try to analyze anything. Especially the tone.
- Sticky Fingers: Justin's sister, Kate, is a kleptomanatic. This is mostly for comic relief.
- Take That: A stuble one:
The rest of them consisted of security cameras, new channels, and re-runs of Sesame Street (one with a previously-banned appearance of Taylor Lautner).
- Title Drop: A stuble one: When Justin decides to experiment with the Death Note, one of the victims yell out the words, "Kira is justice!" in a prison calfteria before dropping dead. One reviewer found it very amusing. It was actually unintentional on the author's behalf, but it is a good case of Fridge Brilliance.
- There Is No Such Thing as Notability: Just about the only reason Kira Is Justice has lots of sub-pages and has lots of wicks-even though it's a fanfic is that it isn't pure trash.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Landras has a taste for yogurt.
- Unchosen One: Justin. See the page quote above.
- Unknown Rival: O
- And Fiona, to a degree.
- Urban Fantasy
- Villain Protagonist: Justice.
- Visible Silence
- What Do You Mean Its Not Symbolic?: Sol is David's father. Guess what Sol stand for?
- Wake Up, Go to School, Save the World: If you considering killing hundreds of criminals "saving the world".
- White-Haired Pretty Boy: Near/The Third L. This time, he fits the trope better.
- Word of God: This very page is edited by the author itself.
- Working Title: When this fanfic was first published, it was called C0's Death Note. It was changed around Chapter 10.
Fiona: Hello Troper... Come closer...