Kingdumb Hearts

Kingdumb Hearts, created by Roger van der Weide, is a Flash animation series which lampoons the Kingdom Hearts franchise. So far, 11 movies (not counting trailers) have been made, covering all major games. The Birth by Sleep parody, titled "Bored to Sleep", is currently ongoing. There don't seem to be any plans for coded.

Despite poor animation and variable voice acting quality, the series is fairly well-liked due to its ironic and Genre Savvy sense of humor.

Tropes used in Kingdumb Hearts include:
  • Affectionate Parody: Sort of...Roger van der Weide doesn't really like the series so much as likes to dislike it.
    • Well, in the first video he said "Fun game, great graphics, nice music... and retarded storyline and plotelements." Besides, if he disliked it, he wouldn't have gone to the trouble of buying the games that followed.
  • Autobots Rock Out: Let's Fighting Love plays during the fight against the Nobodies in Kingdumb Hearts II part 2.
  • Back From the Dead: Maleficent, albeit briefly.
  • Bread, Eggs, Milk, Squick: "Hey Sora, we're just here, you know, chilling, looking at the landscape, and about to be battling in this huge war."
  • Catch Phrase: Sora - "Wheeee!"
  • Cloudcuckoolander: Sora, Axel (most of the time), and Xion when she starts taking on Sora's craziness.
  • Disney Acid Sequence: One at the end of every episode.
    • Also during load times for the proper videos, more recently.
  • Evil Gloating: Parodied.

Haha, see Roxas, the heart is strong, but lightness can fade when darkness comes, and darkness does light and light and courage and then the heart has darkness, etc.

I'll just commit suicide, WHEEEEEEE!

  • Improbable Weapon User: Sora at one point uses an actual house key because he left the Keyblade in the Gummi Ship.
  • Knight Templar: Aqua.
  • Large Ham: Marluxia and Xemnas.
  • The Narrator: The story of "Bored to Sleep" is told by Xemnas to the Organization XIII.
  • Out-of-Character Moment: Sora is oddly sober during the second video of Kingdumb Hearts II. Might have had something to do with The Other Darrin.'
  • Trigger Phrase: In order to stop Axel from being an Axe Crazy murderer, one just has to say "kittens".
  • The Unintelligible: Donald has a weird history with this. In the first parody, he's almost perfectly intelligible; in COM, he's more similar to his official portrayal, but the subtitles fix that; in Kingdumb Hearts II, he's so unintelligible that Sora replaces him with Uncle Scrooge and a subplot involves Donald trying to get his revenge.
  • What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway?: Parodied:

Larxene: I have the power of lightning! {Shoots a lightning bolt.}
Vexen: I have the power of ice. {Freezes the entire room.}
Xemnas: And I have the power over NOTHING! {Thrusts out his hand. Nothing happens.}

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