Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days/Heartwarming

  • The interactions between Roxas and his friends are a prominent moment. Which contributes to the massive Tear Jerker ending.
  • A minor one, but seeing Organization XIII from the perspective of someone who they aren't opposing, as largely Punch Clock Villains, is kind of nice.
  • This particular scene from KH: 358/2 Days makes this troper simultaneously Squee and b'awww.

Roxas (as he's leaving the Organization): No one would miss me.
Axel: That's not true! [more quietly] I would.

    • This scene is also in Kingdom Hearts II, but KH: 358/2 Days has more heartwarming/TearJerker potential as you actually see Roxas and Axel's friendship firsthand in 358/2, whereas KHII has the abridged version and the first time Roxas and Axel meet in the game, Axel's pissed off at Roxas.
  • Meta example: The game is dedicated to Wayne Allwine, late voice actor for Mickey Mouse.
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