Kimi ni Todoke/Characters
The characters of the anime and manga series Kimi ni Todoke:
Main Characters:
Sawako "Sadako" Kuronuma
Motto: "Do one good deed each day."
Voiced by Mamiko Noto
A scary-looking, but incredibly kindhearted girl. Her resemblance to Sadako from The Ring has made her fellow classmates shun her for many years.
- Adorkable[context?]
- Ambiguous Disorder: Shows several symptoms of Asperger's Syndrome.
- Animals Hate Her: Sawako's usual ghostly appearance make animals fear her.
- After a while though, at least Maru gets used to her.
- Beautiful All Along: Sawako. Rather than changing her appearance in any tangible way, she's very beautiful when she smiles genuinely, as opposed to forcing herself (which just comes off looking really creepy).
- Because You Were Nice to Me: Toward Kazehaya.
- Betty and Veronica: Betty to Kurumi's Veronica.
- Be Yourself / Character Development: Sawako's character development is the main point of this series.
- The Comically Serious[context?]
- Completely and Constantly Missing the Point: To her advantage, it also kept her immune from Kurumi's manipulations.
- Cuteness Proximity: Unfortunately, cute hairstyles just don't suit her, and cute animals hate her.
- Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette[context?]
- Extreme Doormat: Sawako, at least initially. Part of her Character Development has to do with mustering enough courage to not agree to things she cannot go along with. Thus, Kurumi gets a big surprise when Sawako flat-out refuses to help her get together with Kazehaya on the basis that she has her own feelings for him.
- Actually not really- Sawako may come off as an Extreme Doormat, but part of her charm, at least to Kazehaya, is that she's always enjoying whatever she's doing. She doesn't do things because she feels forced, she does them because she likes being helpful. Exemplified early on in the manga when Yano jokingly suggests she learns how to tell scary ghost stories and Sawako is *sparkling* with excitement. She's got the looks, she's got the aura, she might as well do it right.
- Face of a Ghost[context?]
- Flash Step: Sawako apparently learned how to do this while being taught football (or soccer) by Kazehaya. Though it's been established that she's very fast from doing daily jogs.
- Friendless Background[context?]
- Girlish Pigtails / Odango Hair: During sports activities she usually don these hairstyles.
- Heroic Self-Deprecation: Without the heroic part, but on a scale of 100, Sawako has a self-esteem in the single-digits.
- The Heroine[context?]
- Hime Cut[context?]
- The Ingenue: Sawako, to the point that Chizuru and Ayane tease about her "300% innocence".
- I Just Want to Have Friends: This was Sawako's situation pre-series...
- I Just Want to Be Special: the point where she actually wished she could summon ghosts so she wouldn't let down people's expectations.
- I'm Taking Her Home with Me: The author herself has said she feels like Sawako is her granddaughter.
- Just the Way You Are: One of the best features of the series as a whole is that Sawako is constantly rewarded for being herself, and not having to change to please anyone.
- Last-Name Basis: As of Chapter 53, Sawako has yet to call Ryū by his first name.
- Love You and Everybody: Sawako tends to innocently declare her "love" for her friends, which made her "confess" to Ryū. He didn't misunderstand her, but Yano and Yoshida were shocked for a moment.
- Misunderstood Loner with a Heart of Gold: Sawako's resemblance to the Stringy-Haired Ghost Girl Sadako from The Ring has made her a social outcast. Being outcast from a young age has made her socially awkward, which only makes her more of an outcast. It's really a vicious cycle. But despite her reputation as a creepy loner, Sawako is actually a very earnest and kindhearted girl who longs for friendship, but she is too shy to make the first move, so she hopes someone else will -- and then Kazehaya does.
- Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant: Unintentionally.
- No Social Skills: Sawako's social skills are poor in the beginning...
- Only Known by Their Nickname: Everyone calls her Sadako except for the main characters and her family.
- Poor Communication Kills: The queen of that trope, and not only at the romantic level.
- Self-Deprecation[context?]
- Serious Business: Everything.
- She Cleans Up Nicely[context?]
- Shipper on Deck: Sawako ships Chizu/Ryū. Meanwhile, her friends ship her with Kazehaya.
- Shrinking Violet[context?]
- Single-Target Sexuality[context?]
- Single Woman Seeks Good Man[context?]
- Slasher Smile: Sawako's forced smile is ALWAYS mistaken for this.
- Stringy-Haired Ghost Girl: Not that she's a ghost, but her resemblance to Sadako contributes a lot to her difficulties in getting to know others, since she creeps them out.
- She even dresses up as one for the Test of Courage.
- Tender Tears[context?]
- Terrible Artist[context?]
- That Was Not a Dream: Sawako will sometimes put notes near her or her diary to remind herself that everything amazing that happened the night before actually happened.
- Too Innocent to Fool: Kurumi's attempts at manipulating her fall extraordinarily flat because Sawako keeps Completely Missing the Point.
- When She Smiles: Two things can happen when Sawako smiles, depending on whether the smile is forced or natural: either it comes out as The Un-Smile, or everyone watching gasps in awe.
- Woman in White: Sawako wore a white dress to play the role of the ghost during the test of courage.
- Yamato Nadeshiko: Sawako is a fine example of this trope. First of all she looks the part with the black hair and Hime Cut. Second she's kind and helpful to the point of Extreme Doormat. Third she takes turns cooking for her family and is a good cook to books.
Shōta Kazehaya
Motto: "Be guided by the truth."
Voiced by Daisuke Namikawa
Sawako's classmate and the most popular guy in school. On the first day of school, he got lost and was given directions by Sawako. He has since admired her and developed a crush on her, and is apparently the first person to ever stick around Sawako long enough for her to clear up a misunderstanding, and give her a confidence boost necessary to make more new friends.
- Betty and Veronica: Betty to Kent's Veronica.
- Bishōnen: Kazehaya, and the female side of the school is very aware of this.
- Butt Monkey: Yano (plus occasionally Yoshida) and Pin's favourite.
- Chaste Hero: In his middle school days, much to the girls' frustration.
- Chick Magnet[context?]
- Crazy Jealous Guy: To Sawako, although as a minor and played completely sympathetic trait.
- Embarrassing First Name: The cast don't think so, but some of the audience are grateful that he isn't called Shōta too often.
- Everyone Can See It: His feelings for Sawako are pretty obvious.
- Fan Nickname: Refreshing-kun.
- Good Is Dumb: Or very naive, the author even said she wanted to make a "guy who is so nice that he's dumb".
- Keet[context?]
- Knight in Shining Armor: In training. Also, how both Kurumi and Sawako fell for him.
- According to both of them, that he's "a person who can't leave anyone in trouble alone", and given how popular he is among the girls - how many hearts have you already broken that way, Mr. Nice Guy?
- The Lancer[context?]
- Luminescent Blush: A lot when he's talking with Sawako.
- Nice Guy: Kazehaya. Atypically for shōjo, he's the main character.
- Noodle Incident: Pin owns a whole list of Noodle Incidents of Kazehaya, ready to blackmail him with them, when he wants to make the boy his servant.
- Two of which are revealed in the Valentine's Day episode.
- Single-Target Sexuality[context?]
Ayane Yano
Motto: "Handsomeness."
Voiced by Miyuki Sawashiro
Arguably Sawako's closest friend along with Yoshida. At face value, Yano seems like a perfect Alpha Bitch, but is actually deeply concerned for her friends' well-being.
- Alpha Bitch: Subverted. She's fastidious about her appearances and socially adept, but turns out to be very kind.
- Cool Big Sis: The most mature of the group, especially in relationships. Subverted, because she's no older than the rest of the pack.
- Deadpan Snarker[context?]
- Evil Laugh: Even Yoshida is scared of her when she does that.
- Slasher Smile: You better run, Kurumi.
- Good Bad Girl: Ayane. Aside of her mentioned older boyfriends, in a series in which holding hands is Serious Business, she's quite casual about kissing a guy she barely knows.
- I Am Not Pretty: Says this in chapter 61
- It's Personal: Played for Laughs, when Ayane's hostility towards Kurumi seems exist equally because of the latter's beautiful skin as well as because of hardships she's given to Sawako.
- Manipulative Bitch: Yano seems to be better at this than antagonist Kurumi. She would make a great scheming shōjo manga villian, but fortunately she's on Sawako's side.
- Moment Killer: Believe it or not, Ayane becomes this in Chapter 58.
- Not What It Looks Like: In the manga, when Pin sees Ayane with a swollen cheek (after having been slapped by her college ex-boyfriend for suggesting to break up), he automatically assumes a guy in the class did it.
- Self-Deprecation: Not as bad as Sawako but it's there.
- Ship Tease: With Pin of all of people. Borders on Belligerent Sexual Tension.
- She's also got some hints with Kent in Chapters 51 and 59.
- Seemed to have a Third Option Love Interest in Mogi in Chapter 54, but this is mostly sunk as of Chapter 59.
- The Smart Chick[context?]
- Straight Man[context?]
- Surrounded by Idiots: Ayane, often.
- Sugar and Ice Personality: Considered as 'cold' and 'arrogant' by her classmates at first, but is really kind and caring person... unless you make an enemy out of her, that is.
- The Strategist[context?]
- Team Mom: Ayane, seemingly more mature than Chizu and Sawako.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Girly Girl (sort of) to Chizu's Tomboy.
- Trickster Mentor: Ayane has sprinklings of this -- that is, intentionally tricking or being outright mean to Sawako, but purely for the sake of helping her and Kazehaya out.
- Urban Legend Love Life: While rumored to have got around in middle school, Ayane has a college boyfriend. However, when she suggested breaking up, her boyfriend slapped her. Despite his apologies, she broke up with him anyway because of how clingy he had been acting.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: With Kurumi in cram school.
- Younger Than They Look: As the author herself pointed, that Yano looks about ten years older than she is.
- Also, at the first day in the high school, Chizuru referred to her as 'sempai'.
Chizuru "Chizu/Chi" Yoshida
Motto: "Eat in moderation."
Voiced by Yuko Sanpei
Yano's other half, and the more physical of the duo. Yoshida shares most of Yano's concerns regarding Sawako. She shows great athletic prowess and occasionally suffers lapses in "ladylike"-ness. Yoshida also displays romantic interest in Ryū's brother at first, and, seemingly and unbeknownst to herself in Ryū too.
- The Big Guy[context?]
- Best Her to Bed Her: From the early in the series when we learn that Ryū is the only guy she's never defeated, we can guess what's going on. And then, in chapter 51...
- Cloudcuckoolander[context?]
- Completely Missing the Point: Not at Sawako's level, but still does it frequently.
- The Ditz[context?]
- Genki Girl: Chizuru is very excitable.
- Girl Next Door: To Ryū.
- Green-Eyed Monster: Now that she's starting to realize that she has feelings for Ryū, she can get rather irritated when the topic turns to other girls having an interest in him.
- Hot-Blooded[context?]
- Jerkass / Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Chizuru has her moments, such as her treatment of Ryū.
- Oblivious to Love[context?]
- One of the Boys: Before she started hanging with Ayane and Sawako in high school, Chizuru was primarily friends with Kazehaya and Ryū and considered by female classmates as their 'guy friend'.
- Plucky Girl[context?]
- She Cleans Up Nicely: She was absolutely gorgeous at Tōru's wedding.
- Shorttank[context?]
- Tender Tears: Is very sensitive.
- Tomboy: Chizuru Yoshida is the tomboy to Ayane Yano's Girly Girl.
- In fact, she's so used to dressing up in boyish clothing her plan to wear a mini-skirt was a big plot point.
- She actually wears a dress when attending Tōru's wedding.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Chizuru's obsession with ramen stems from her childhood love, whose family owns a ramen shop. A background conversation even details her wish to "be a ramen" when she grows up.
- Tsundere[context?]
- Unlucky Childhood Friend: To Tōru Sanada.
- You Go, Girl![context?]
Ryū Sanada
Motto: "A man of action, not words."
Voiced by Yuuichi Nakamura
Mostly silent, athletic, and non-judgmental classmate of the others. The few things he does say range from hilarious non sequiturs to insightful meditations on human nature. Has a crush on Chizuru.
- Bishōnen[context?]
- The Chick: By default, and a rare male example, in that he's the first to defuse intense situations among his friends.
- Cuteness Proximity: "Pedro... <3"
- First-Name Basis: Only polite Sawako reminds the audience what Ryū's surname is.
- Heavy Sleeper: Neither Pin's yelling, Kazehaya slapping his desk, nor karaoke seems to disturb the depths of Ryū's sleep.
- Malaproper: In regards to names. "...Kuroyama Takako?"
- Only Sane Man: Yes, he's able to play that role in a group whose members aren't insane by any meaning.
- Patient Childhood Love Interest: To Chizuru.
- The Stoic[context?]
- The Quiet One[context?]
- Tall, Dark and Handsome: When he isn't making his blobfaces.
Kazuichi "Pin" Arai
Motto: "I'm always right."
Voiced by Yuuki Ono
Spiky-haired, slightly Delinquent-looking young substitute teacher of Sawako's class. Usually acts loud, cheerful and full of himself and likes to order around Ryū and Kazehaya, whom he's known since the latter's childhood. Also has a strong fear of paranormal things and is extremely suspicious of Sawako.
- Adult Child: A classic Spoiled Brat in his late twenties/early thirties.
- Comedic Sociopathy[context?]
- Cool Teacher: What he thinks he is, what what he isn't most of the time.
- Dumbass Has a Point: When he acts like an actual adult, he can give great advice from time to time.
- Expository Hairstyle Change: When he gets sick (or finished showering), he doesn't bother gelling his hair, which actually makes him look more like an adult (and damn good looking).
- Hidden Depths: Surprisingly, despite being as immature as him. He even has a Pet the Dog moment with Ayane.]]
- And in spite of constantly flirting with older women -- especially the tour guide at their class trip to Okinawa -- he reveals to Ayane that he has seriously liked girls in the past.
- Hot-Blooded[context?]
- Hot for Student: Invoked and shot down by Pin himself, since in reality Kurumi never had any intention of confessing to him. On the other hand, a lot of Ship Tease occurs with Ayane.
- Idiot Hero[context?]
- Jerkass / Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Most of the time... although he DOES have his rare Pet the Dog moments.
- Moment Killer: Oh so much.
- Pet the Dog: In Chapter 45, when Ayane confesses that she doesn't believe she's kind (compared to Sawako and Chizu) because of how cunning she can be in front of Pin, she dreads another Small Name, Big Ego lecture from a surprisingly quiet Pin, who instead stares at a candy Ayane gave him because he was whining about not getting one after the festival. Then, Pin literally pats Ayane on the head and reassures her that she is kind before walking up the stairs, leaving Ayane (and the readers) speechless that Pin could actually BE a nicer guy than he usually shows.
- Plucky Comic Relief[context?]
- Sensei-chan: Pin could be considered a Rare Male Example.
- Small Name, Big Ego[context?]
- Too Dumb to Fool: Partially. He saw through Kurumi's sweet facade... only to misinterpret it in his own twisted way.
- Trash of the Titans[context?]
Ume "Kurumi" Kurumizawa
Voiced by Aya Hirano
Manipulative girl with a crush on Kazehaya. She prefers the nickname "Kurumi," and uses this level of familiarity to gain Sawako's trust and sympathy. Her plan backfires, and instead leads Sawako to acknowledge her own feelings for Kazehaya. She also starts rumors about Yano and Yoshida, and pins them on Sawako to break up their friendship.
- Actor Allusion: Season 2 Episode 0 shows her writing Sawako's name in her "Bastards Who Call Me Ume Note" with due gravitas.
- Alpha Bitch[context?]
- Be Yourself[context?]
- Because You Were Nice to Me: As it turns out, her reason for liking Kazehaya isn't so different from Sawako's. He was the only person to treat her as someone with feelings, and saw through her happy facade and noticed that she was hurting back in middle school.
- Betty and Veronica: Veronica to Sawako's Betty.
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Kurumi acts sweet and nice to gain Sawako's sympathy, then tells her to keep her hands off Kazehaya. She gets better.
- Bishie Sparkle[context?]
- Blondes Are Evil: Downplayed.[context?]
- Character Development: Possibly has the most dynamic development in the series, going from a total bitch obsessed with winning Kazehaya and willing to hurt Sawaka to do it to a more mature, career-oriented young woman who forges a deeper bond with her "rival".
- Clingy Jealous Girl[context?]
- Curtains Match the Window[context?]
- Do Not Call Me "Ume"[context?]
- First-Name Basis: Subverted. She's just an Only Known by Their Nickname case to Sawako and the audience at the beginning.
- Freudian Excuse: In short, Kurumi grew dishonest and bitchy after learning just how two-faced the girls around her were.
- Heel Face Turn: After Sawako and Kazehaya hook up, she defends Sawako from a bunch of girls jealous of Sawako's relationship with Kazehaya. She's Put On A Bus for a while afterward, then comes back and redeems herself even more.
- Humiliation Conga: Soft-shōjo level, but Episode 13 sure gave her a hard time... Sawako may be a saint, but Pin certainly isn't.
- I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: Eventually, Kurumi towards Kazehaya and Sawako.
- Kawaiiko[context?]
- Manipulative Bitch: Kurumi tries to be this, but fails spectacularly.
- The Rival[context?]
- The Resenter[context?]
- Romantic False Lead: Subverted. Kurumi tries to win Kazehaya's affection, and it's the failure of her ploy which brings Sawako and Kazehaya even closer.
- Ship Tease: Recently, she's been getting a lot of screentime with Kent.
- Single Woman Seeks Good Man[context?]
- Stalking Is Love: Kurumi, towards Kazehaya.
- Stepford Smiler / Slave to PR: When she drops the act, she feels way colder.
- Unlucky Childhood Friend: To Kazehaya, but it's more of Unlucky Middle School Friend.
- Unwanted Harem: During the Okinawa trip, she has been confessed to eight times.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: With Sawako (vitriol on Kurumi's side only) and Ayane (vitriol on both sides.)
- Yandere: Played With. Manipulative she may be, but she doen't go Ax Crazy if things go south...
Kento "Kent" Miura
Voiced by Mamoru Miyano
A new classmate of Sawako in her second year, Kent becomes interested in Sawako and tries to help her connect to the class. Sawako's friendship with Kent causes Kazehaya to become jealous.
- Bishōnen[context?]
- Betty and Veronica: Veronica to Kazehaya's Betty.
- Chivalrous Pervert: Not really a pervert, but a flirt for sure.
- Expy: He looks like Tamaki and even shares the same voice.
- Hair of Gold[context?]
- I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: Kent seems to have reconciled with the fact that Kazehaya and Sawako are a couple, but he is depressed when he sees them having fun together at the beach in Chapter 51.
- Not What It Looks Like: When Kazehaya stumbles upon Sawako crying and Kent holding her by the arms, he assumes the worst out of a very confused Kent, who was just trying to comfort Sawako.
- Only Known by Their Nickname: For the record, his actual name is Kento. Names of Japanese origin like Kento are written with kanji, and should be fully spelled out when romanized. The name Kent, on the other hand, is vaguely implied to be a nickname. Kent is the name seen most often (whether it be due to amateur translation or something else), so it has stuck with most of the fanbase.
- The Rival: To Kazehaya. Though, it's really one-sided on Kazehaya's part.
- Romantic False Lead: He sincerely wants to help Sawako connect more with her classmates, but his implied interest in her and the damage he does to Sawako and Kazehaya's relationship (though unintentional, because when Kazehaya told Kent that he liked someone, Kent told Sawako that she should give up on Kazehaya, unaware that Kazehaya likes Sawako) makes him one.
- Shout-Out: To Kentaro Miura, maybe?
- Spell My Name with an "S": See above. Most fans are confused as to whether his real name is Kent or Kento.
Supporting Characters:
Sōichi "Jo" Jōnouchi
One of Kazehaya's close friends. Joe idolizes Kazehaya and is often in his company. He is oblivious towards the budding romance between Kazehaya and Sawako.
- Butt Monkey[context?]
- Casanova Wannabe[context?]
- The Ditz: The resident idiot of the series, better said.
- Eyes Always Shut: It's apparently hereditary.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Kazehaya, like it or not.
- Hopeless Suitor: For Ayane.
- Moment Killer: Causes this several times unintentionally, including interrupting Kazehaya and Sawako in Chapter 39, following the latter's confession to Kazehaya.
- Oblivious to Love: Oblivious towards Kazehaya's and Sawako's feelings for each other, and the the fact that Ayane just isn't interested in Joe, himself.
Eriko "Ekko" Hirano and Tomoko "Tomo" Endō
Two classmates who Sawako befriends.
- Chekhov's Gunmen: These two were actually shown to have witnessed Kurumi's rumor spreading in the manga
- Those Two Girls[context?]
Chigusa Takahashi
An eccentric girl in Sawako's class who Sawako sits in front of during the third seating change in their first year class.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Quite a bit.
- Eyes Always Shut[context?]
- Genki Girl[context?]