Kichiku Megane (visual novel)
A Boys Love Eroge by Spray (the developers of Gakuen Heaven), which roughly translates to "Brutal Glasses".
Saeki Katsuya is a hapless salaryman, whose life takes a turn for the better (or worse?) when he meets a mysterious man who offers him something that he promises will benefit him -- a pair of glasses. These aren't just any pair of ordinary glasses, of course. They turn the wearer into an extremely competent, confident businessman -- as well as a domineering, sexually aggressive brute.
The game is notable for allowing the player to either be dominant or submissive, a "kichiku meter" that gauges the player's acts of brutality, and Selfcest between the Katsuya and his "megane" self. Also has a sequel (Kichiku Megane R), manga versions, drama CDs and light novels.
Recommended if you're looking for a hardcore BDSM yaoi game.
- All Just a Dream: The pomegranate dreams.
- Ascended Extra: Matsuura and Fujita became part of the cast in R with character designs and voice actors to boot. But Matsuura has already has his own design in the first game.
- Badass Longcoat/Badass Long Hair: Mr. R
- Bastard Boyfriend
- Berserk Button: Taichi in R. seeing Katsuya getting raped will likely have his hands covered with blood.
- Megane!Katsuya also has one in R, specifically Midou's route.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Taichi, who would suspect that this nice college working student happens to be heir of a Yakuza clan?
- Blackmail
- Blonde Guys Are Evil: Megane and Mr. R
- Butt Monkey: Katsuya, pre-megane and his normal routes. He does get better in the normal routes but that depends on the choices that you make.
- Chekhov's Gunman: Sawamura. Though his name is not mentioned in the first game, he is referenced as the guy who betrayed Katsuya in the first game back when they were kids.
- Cherry Blossoms: In Kichiku Megane R. Also relevant to Katsuya's past.
- Cradling Your Kill: Katagiri to Megane!Katsuya in his bad ending
- A Day in the Limelight: The Drama CDs. And the last two chapters of the Megane!Katsuya and Midou pairing manga, including the novelised version of said pairing which is in Midou's POV.
- Disproportionate Retribution: Matsuura against Honda. Yeah, we get that he blames Honda for not letting the college volleyball team be in the national level because of a career change in business. But tying him up, pouring gasoline all over his body, threatening him to torch him up and even, stabbing him? Okay, this guy really has anger management issues.
- Dude in Distress: Katsuya, especially during Taichi's route in R.
- Evil Laugh: Megane! Katsuya, Midou and Sawamura
- Extreme Doormat: Katagiri, oh boy...
- Fan Disservice: One of the pomegranate dreams. Wanna know what that is? Don't bother. You'll have the same reaction as Katsuya when you woke up.
- Forgotten Childhood Friend: Sawamura
- Fiery Redhead: Taichi
- Genius Bruiser: Honda
- Go Mad from the Revelation: Midou and Taichi in KMR in their routes. Both of them lost track of Katsuya after he put on the glasses. Both of them received a DVD, containing a video of Katsuya, being raped and molested by Mr. R. After watching the video, Midou goes berserk and breaks the TV while Taichi laughs in insane levels.
- A Good Name for a Rock Band: Grab Your Luggage, though YMMV
- Gratuitous English: "Protofiber" and "Grabe Your Luggage". The latter is Taichi's band. Also Honjo, who wants to show how smart he is.
- Happiness in Slavery: One of Aki's endings.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Despite that the voice actors are using fake names, you could easily recognize who they are.
- Horny Devil: Mr. R
- Hot Dad: Katagiri, well he used to be a dad
- Housewife: Katagiri has the traits of a perfect housewife.
- If I Can't Have You:Katagiri in his bad ending which is a Tear Jerker
- Interplay of Sex and Violence: Well, this is a hardcore BL game after all
- Jerkass: Midou, Megane!Katsuya ,Honjo and Sawamura.
- Karma Meter
- Kichiku Megane/BespectacledBastardBoyfriend: Obviously.
- Kick the Dog: Depending on the choices you make, Megane!Katsuya will do this to anyone whom he's paired with, most especially Katagiri. Literally.
- Laughing Mad: Taichi in one of his bad endings in the sequel.
- Also Midou in the first game after he stabs Megane
- Megane
- Moment Killer: Fujita in R. In one of Midou's normal endings, Megane!Katsuya and Midou are about to make some love in their office only to be interrupted by Fujita, who knocks at the door because he left his key.
- Multiple Endings
- Naked Apron: In one of Katsuya's Selfcest dreams in Kichiku Megane R.
- Naughty Tentacles: One of the omake in the first game features this.
- No Indoor Voice: Kenji Honda
- Omake: Mr. R occasionally offers a pomegranate, which will lead to these.
- One-Letter Name: Mr R.
- Porn with Plot
- Rage Against the Reflection: Katsuya has these moments in R whether it's his Megane or Normal counterpart.
- Rape Is Love
- The Rival: Midou to Megane!Katsuya, Honjo to Midou
- Taichi to Honda and Midou
- The Rock Star: Taichi
- Salaryman
- Scary Shiny Glasses
- Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: Katsuya and Honda
- Sex Slave: Inevitable in some endings.
- Screw Yourself: The game offers some (often amusing) examples of this, between Normal!Katsuya and Megane!Katsuya.
- Sharp-Dressed Man: Any character who is a salaryman is this.
- Shout-Out: Aki's school uniform is from Steal, another BL game by Spray
- Shotacon: Aki's route
- Slipknot Ponytail: Taichi
- Split Personality: Katsuya
- Stepford Smiler: Katagiri, despite that he's divorced after his losing his son...and this irritates Megane!Katsuya too much
- Stockholm Syndrome: Especially evident is Katagiri's route.
- Talking to Himself: Mr. R and Kichiku Fairy in the sequel. There's no split personality here but they have the same voice actor.
- Also any situations involving Megane and Normal together.
- Themed Cursor: Surprisingly, it's a pair of glasses.
- Three-Way Sex: One of the pomegrante dreams.
- Also one of Honda and Normal's endings with Matsuura in the second game
- Too Kinky to Torture: Again, this is a hardcore BL game after all
- Tsundere: Midou, most notably in the drama CDs.
- Megane!Katsuya is also this
- Waistcoat of Style: Midou and Matsuura wear one.
- With This Ring: Megane!Katsuya proposes Katagiri in his good ending in the sequel
- Yakuza: Taichi's family.