Kenichi: The Mightiest Disciple/YMMV

  • Crazy Awesome - All of the masters are crazy and awesome to various degrees. Siegfried, the guy who spins around like a top and sings while pounding his opponents into dust also deserves a mention.
    • Shigure gets a crowning moment of Crazy Awesome in chapter 285. She and Kenichi are ambushed by three skilled assassins after Shigure's head. She takes out all three of them (two of them with her hair ribbon) and left all three alive. Awesome enough. What puts this in Crazy Awesome territory is that she does all this while completely naked. Also randomly decides to terrify waitresses with shurikens and thrashes delinquents with spoons.
    • In 363 Ma Kensei just took down four female members of Yami's weapon division by Clothing Damage. Yes, Clothing Damage. He's just that good.
    • How could we forget "Laughing Fist" Diego? He's that focused on entertaining the audience, that even after getting hit and defeated by Ma Kensei's ultimate attack, he first moves into the perfect camera angle to fall down.
    • Over the course of their two battles, Akisame Kotetsuji and Alexander Gaidar attack one another with sculptures made from steel rebar, carve statues out of rubble and generally turn whatever place they're fighting in into an art museum.
  • Non Sequitur Scene: Who else but Siegfried?
  • Bratty Half-Pint: She can be extremely amusing as well, but sometimes Honoka can be so annoying that you start to hope Kenichi will throw her over the Ryōzanpaku walls out into the street.
  • Cargo Ship - Kii Kagerou x Setsunamaru (his sword). Completely canon; when he is forced to use another, he apologizes aloud for cheating on her. He also frequently calls her "beloved". It's even reciprocated.
    • Siegfried's first love was a violin.
  • Complete Monster - Fortuna. Just read the D&D tournament arc to find out why.
    • YAMI master Silcardo Jenazad is also a nasty piece of work. Every time Kensei-sama aka Isshinsai Ogata is seen (after his initial impression as a nice guy) he gets closer and closer to fitting this trope as well.
      • To wit: all the masters of Yami would qualify for Complete Monster territory if not for the fact that they all seem to care for their disciples in their own way. Silcardo doesn't even have that, killing his disciple when the latter fails to kill Kenichi (and because he was making a mockery of Silat). And it's implied (and confirmed much later on) that that was not the first time he's killed a disciple.
  • Crowning Moment of Heartwarming - Chapter 380.
    • And long before that, Chapter 58, when Miu is depressed that she has no parents to take to the play she's in when everyone else in her group can. All of the Ryozanpaku master's solution is to dress up and go as a surrogate family for their daughter.
    • The whole of Chapter 406. "I will protect him even if I die," in-fucking-deed!
  • Fetish Fuel: Shigure, naked but for very revealing chainmail and a thong fundoshi, on the back of a Harley...
    • Maybe 1 in 8 to 10 title pages for each chapter, really.
  • Foe Yay: Some people claim this is the case between Sakaki and his Rival the God Fist. After seeing this page, they may be on to something. Although they were just kicking the two people behind the other.
  • Ho Yay - This. Just this.
  • Magnificent Bastard - Niijima, though he becomes less of a bastard over time (but not enough to no longer qualify for this trope).
  • Memetic Mutation - "This is Diego Quality!!!"
  • Ships That Pass in the Night - Some people seem to have gotten the idea that it's actually possible for Renka to end up with Tanimoto or Takeda.
  • Story-Breaker Power - Any Master Class. Even Fortuna, the weakest level of Master and regarded as trash by all other masters, takes the entire cast of secondary characters to take down, and that's with help from a insanely skilled mouse.
    • The last half of chapter 380 is Kenichi's masters celebrating how incredibly far Kenichi has come and how proud of him they are when Kenichi survived a hit from a low level Master Class weapon user. And that's with the help of body armor and Training from Hell for his body's core.
  • Tear Jerker "You can have the manjuu in the fridge."
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