< Kelly Kelly
Kelly Kelly/YMMV
- Broken Base: Even now when she's been in WWE five years opinions are still divided on her.
- Media Research Failure: One article suggested that the Diva matches are restricted to 2 minutes to cover for the inexperienced workers and listed Kelly as one of them. Right, at that point she'd been in WWE for six years and wrestling actively for four. Regardless of the quality of wrestling, anyone who's been doing it actively for four years knows what they're doing, as a glance at her longer matches will confirm.
- Ear Worm: Her entrance theme, a Suspiciously Similar Song version of "Lose My Breath".
- Ensemble Darkhorse: Particularly visible during 2008 and 2009. When they were pushing Candice, the crowds cared more about Kelly Kelly. Then in a match at Bragging Rights when she was teaming with the very over Melina, the crowd was chanting for her to get into the match and popped loudly when she was tagged in. She's now easily the most popular diva they have.
- Americans Hate Tingle: Smarks on the other hand absolutely despise her.
- Hate Dumb: For years fans on the internet would say that any indie female that gets signed would end up "jobbing to Kelly Kelly". This is ignoring the fact that Kelly was the resident face jobber for all of her career except her 2011 Divas' title push.
- Never Live It Down: During her exhibitionist gimmick, she once had trouble unhooking her bra. How does someone who likes stripping have trouble taking her clothes off?
- Ever since her title push it's almost an obligation for someone to point out that she can't properly run ropes. Famous people who have pointed this out include The Spoony One, Lance Storm, and Dave Meltzer.
- Really Gets Around: When you have your own co-workers taking potshots at you in-ring and out for it...
- In fact after her release, Taryn Terell stated in an interview that she wouldn't want to return to the WWE because she didn't want to have to sleep around in order to get a push. Considering Kelly's angle with Drew McIntyre was originally her idea...
- The Woobie: Nearly her whole career has been as this. It's like WWE takes some perverse pleasure in making her suffer.
- It's no doubt helped by those big blue eyes and that huge smile. Seeing her sad just invoked big brother instinct in (most) of the fanbase.
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