Katawa Crash

A Flash game loosely related to Katawa Shoujo and not-so-loosely related to NANACA†CRASH!!. Has similar mechanics to the latter: catapult a character (Hisao) into the air and bounce him off other characters, many of which have special speed-boosting effects, trying to get him to travel as far as possible.

Can be found here in all its explicitly beta and exceedingly ridiculous glory.

Tropes used in Katawa Crash include:

I am the twist of my curl.
Pink is my hair and loud is my voice
I have wahaha'd over 1000 times
Signing to Shicchan
Speaking for Shicchan
Waiting for Act 2's arrival...
I have no regrets that I didn't get a route!
My whole life is

  • Barack Obama: Appears, wearing Kamina glasses, if you hit Shizune during her Rumba mode.
  • Body Horror: The unpleasant result of waiting too long to click during Chie's roulette game.
  • Bullet Time: Happens for a second or so after hitting a character. Longer bullet time may be added later as a player-usable mechanic.
  • Copy and Paste Environments: Inevitably, since Hisao can end up travelling hundreds of kilometers. Appropriately, T. Rex sometimes appears in the background.
  • Epic Fail: The game has a few achievements for this, such as flying straight into a game-ending character right after using up your spare life, firing a perfect initial shot only to immediately crash into the game-ending character, or launching Hisao so weakly that he grinds to a halt less than one meter from the starting point.
  • Expendable Clone: After colliding with Gendo twice to produce the necessary clones, the next special activates Multiball: two extra Hisaos enter the game. During Multiball, Hisaos can die, and the game returns to normal mode (in which Hisao cannot die) once only one Hisao is still alive.
  • Eye Beams: Natsume, once Naomi is hit.
  • Gratuitous Japanese: Hanako's blocking maneuver is accompanied with the phrase "shikata ga nai."
  • Incendiary Exponent: Hitting Lilly, Rin, or Emi 3 times in a row sets Hisao on fire. His fireball will sometimes make a small explosion that gives him a speed boost.
  • Jekyll and Hyde: Gendo and Kenji are implied to be this (Gendo has Kenji's scarf for no apparent reason, and they cannot appear on the screen at the same time).
  • Joke Character: Rika, who has a "Super Boost" attack that only activates if you have enough Katawa Points. Katawa Points do not exist. They're a reference to an April Fool's joke from the Katawa Shoujo blog.
  • Luck-Based Mission: The characters are mostly arranged regularly, but this doesn't matter much once you get going decently fast and dozens of them fly past you every second. Chie plays this very straight with a roulette-based attack (and an achievement for getting a certain random result from it).
  • Made of Explodium: Many of the specials involve unnecessary explosions.
  • Me's a Crowd: Misha in Unlimited Drill Works
  • Medium Awareness: Misha can boost the player by saying "WAHAHA~!" and hitting him with the letters.
  • Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot: Misha is described in the guide as "probably a time-travelling robot ninja."
  • Nonstandard Game Over: Almost all games end with "Student Council Get," caused by crashing into Shizune with neither her special nor her Rumba mode active. But the game also ends if having Hisao rolls to a stop without hitting Shizune, which earns you an achievement.
  • Power Nullifier: After you hit Hanako, she will block the effect of the next character you hit, unless Misha intervenes.
  • Refuge in Audacity: To a perhaps even more extreme extent than its predecessor; not only can you inflict countless acts of extreme violence on a flying arrhythmia patient (who can suffer a potentially fatal heart attack if he so much as bumps into someone), you can also needlessly shock him with a defibrillator to hurl him towards further acts of violence.
  • Self-Deprecation: The player guide immediately makes fun of itself ("Help files? Nobody reads help files!") and doesn't hold back on the game either: "If you don't click the mouse button at all, you may be rewarded with not getting hooked on this dumbass game."
  • Shout-Out: Too many to list, mostly to Katawa Shoujo and its various memes. Also has quite a few to other things, like the Ludicrous Speed and See You Space Cowboy achievements, out-of-place side characters like Gendo, and other random things like Kenji being described as the House Slythindor.
  • Spiritual Successor: To NANACA†CRASH!!.
  • Stock Scream: The Wilhelm Scream is used for Hisao-clone deaths in Multiball, and when Hisao gets taken for a ride.
  • Temporal Paradox: Hanako sometimes summons Misha to block the effect of the character you just ran into. If you just ran into Misha, the summoned Misha meets herself, and "things" occur.
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