Karakuridouji Ultimo/Characters
Karakuridouji Ultimo has quite a large cast of characters. So large, multiple pages were made to hold them all. Especially since quite a few of these characters are verging on Troperiffic.
This page has tropes relating to all the doji in general. For tropes relating to the humans, and individual doji, look at the following pages:
General Tropes For The Karakuridouji
The Karakuridouji - "Mechanical Boys" - are robots created by Dr. Dustan. They're "robots designed to learn", meaning that they must choose a master to guide them into finding out what is truly good or evil (This will probably lead to a few Face Heel Turn & Heel Face Turn in the future). Besides from what they've learned, the robots have no human emotions.
These are tropes that every (or most) Karakuridoji has. Tropes that only some (as in, three or less) of the doji have should be moved to them only.
- Absurdly Sharp Blade/BFS: The doji's gauntlets can transform into this.
- Achilles' Heel: The only way a doji can die is if you crush their spirit sphere, which is located inside of their chests.
- Always Male: Subverted, as the doji are just robots. Karakuridoji does means "Mechanical Boy" however.
- Anime Hair: If doji had any power over gravity, they use it on their hair.
- Badass Automaton
- Barbie Doll Anatomy: Ultimo and Vice have this in the prologue, as they're robots. Let's just hope this carried over to the main manga...
- Bare Your Midriff
- Big Screwed-Up Family: See Robo-Family below.
- Bishonen
- Calling Your Attacks: Both in normal and mecha form.
- Cast of Snowflakes: As shown in the picture above, they are clearly distinguishable even in silhouette.
- Color Coded for Your Convenience: The doji all have a theme color (e.g. Ultimo's is scarlet, Vice's is green and iron, Jealousy's is blue and pink).
- Creepy Doll: Subverted by the doji, as they're robots. But yes, they are very creepy.
- Do-Anything Robot
- Dude Looks Like a Lady: Most of the doji.
- Estrogen Brigade Bait: Most of them.
- Good Eyes, Evil Eyes: The Good doji, such as Sophia, have wide, child-like eyes in contrast to some of the evil doji's narrowed eyes.
- Jealousy has black marks under his eyes, giving him a shadowy look.
- Humongous Mecha: The doji in Icon form.
- No Biological Sex: Given that Karakuridoji are actually advance robots from the future/past/it's complicated.
- Non-Human Sidekick: To their masters.
- Pulling Themselves Together: The doji can do this pretty quickly, as long as they have a master.
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: Milieu has said that Dunstan dropped them all off around the same time... 900 years ago. Ultimo's weary appearance when Yamato encounters him in the antique shop suggest that the doji have been waiting for their masters to reincarnate since then.
- Ridiculously Human Robot: Just look at them. Why Dunstan would give them hair, clothes, the ability to eat and sleep, and to basically be children is very wanted information.
- As a new chapter reveals, the doji can even take baths.
- Robo-Family: Some of the doji have refered to Dunstan as their father. Jealous has also called Ultimo his brother.
- Which causes some amount of Squick when you remember Chapter 12. Avaro molesting/raping Service would be considered Brother-Sister Incest.
- Robot Kid: A hundred of them.
- Seven Deadly Sins: There is a set of mechanical boys based on the Sins. They are the strongest under Vice.
- Seven Heavenly Virtues: The strongest under Ultimo are the Six Perfects of Buddhism. They oppose those based on the Sins.
- Shapeshifter Weapon: The Karakuridoji are capable of transforming their gauntlets into various oversize weapons. They can even transform their entire bodies.
- Sliding Scale of Robot Intelligence: Subverted. While some of them do exhibit emotions and knowledge of human nature, the others...
- Stripperific
- Super Robot
- Technicolor Eyes: Although it's hard to tell on some of the doji, if you look close enough, you can see that their pupils are a rather bizarre color. (Ultimo-Green Eyes and Red Pupils, Jelaous-Pink Eyes and Blue Pupils, ect.)
- Tin Man: Subverted with the doji, as they have no human emotions (except for a few that embody the characteristics of their particular virtue/sin).
- What Measure Is a Non-Human?