< Kamen Rider OOO

Kamen Rider OOO/Heartwarming

  • The 1000th episode Homage arc in #27-28. A plotline of any sort would normally seem like an afterthought for a storyline condemned to Bottle Episode status, but not only is continuity left intact, but the story even ends with the image of a Shocker Mook and a Kamen Rider shaking hands and making peace. For a 1000th episode, this was very long in coming indeed.
  • In #32, after Eiji ends up badly beaten by the first two Dinosaur Yummy, Ankh asks him if he's alright. Counts because this is the first time Ankh seemed to actually show true concern for someone other than himself.
  • In #38, before Gotou going all Tranquil Fury on Greeed ass, in order to avenge Date's "death", Date's "dying moments" along with Gotou crying out his name was pretty heartwarming.
  • In #40, Ankh discovering he can't bring himself to hurt Hina and Eiji anymore, followed by them throwing him a birthday party (well, technically it was originally for his host, but Hina changes her mind), which by the end he actually seems to enjoy. Considering it's probably the first time in his life anyone has ever done something like that for him, it's really touching. However, it only makes what happens afterwards all that more tragic...
  • In #46, Gamel's last moments where he has a vision of Mezool happily accepting a piece of candy from him. Seeing her happy is all he could ever want.
    • It may just be me but the whole fight between Ankh and Eiji was one. Both still are bonded to the other, and this is shown at the end, where Ankh asks Eiji if he's ever really really wanted anything...which ilicts this exchange.

[[spoiler:'''Eiji''': "I wanted...there was something I wanted once, but...I gave up on it... I tried to focus on what was in front of me... The power to help people, no matter how far off they are! More and more! And then... I got it. ''You'' gave it to me. I never mentioned that did I? Ankh. Thank you."<br/> The look Ankh gives while Eiji's speaking as well as when he's finished, tells the story]]

  • #47. Where do we begin? Ankh's Heel Face Turn resulting from the discovering that he's too attached to Eiji to kill him. Chiyoko finally being let in on the whole thing and telling Hina she shouldn't choose between any of those she cares about and should try to save them all. This leads to her going to Ankh and asking if he's alright, something Ankh at first thinks is about his body and is suprised that Hina geuninely cares for him. This leads to Ankh going back to help Eiji in the Final Battle despite the fact he's sure his Core is about to shatter and spell his demise.
    • The twin Births trying to talk Eiji down after he goes Greeed again during the fight with Maki

Eiji: "But I have to stop the end of the world...with my power!"
Date: "You dumbass! Take a look at your hands! What can you do with those? What are you going to protect? Who are you going to reach!?"
Goutou: "Quit trying to do everything on your own Hino!"
It doesn't work but the two continue to try regardless.

  • In the Wonderful movie, after he and a chunk of the city are displaced into feudal Japan, Eiji is presented with a Sadistic Choice by one of Gara's proxies. Eiji will be allowed to return to the present day, but when he leaves, the village and everyone left in it will be destroyed. Uncharacteristically, he agrees to the deal on the grounds that if he doesn't, no one will be able to stop Gara. However, he will only take the deal if Hina and Ankh can go with him since they're like family to him, so Gara's proxy agrees to spare everyone he considers family. Turns out, Eiji considers everyone in the village, whether from the past or the present day, to be family, and his desire to save them all completely overloads the machine Gara had been using to gather cell medals and trigger The End of the World as We Know It.
    • Heartwarming points go to Kougami in this scene, too, because he was the one who suggested that Gara approach Eiji in the first place for exactly this reason.
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