< Kamen Rider OOO

Kamen Rider OOO/Funny

  • Any time when Hina uses her Super Strength to punish Ankh for being a dick.
  • #1: After waking up after being drugged and the building he's in being completely destroyed save that room, Eiji hangs up his clothes (Minus his boxers) on a wall only to have said wall collapse in front of cops. Cue a Beat aside from the sirens, and then the opening plays and officially kicks off the series.
    • When Eiji is trying to get the Hawk Medal out from under a vending machine and ends up dropping it on poor Ankh. He suffers again in a few seconds after Hina dropped the machine on him again, but apparently doesn't have the energy to scream a second time.
  • #2: Ankh's sudden plot dump;[1] Eiji has to stop him. The comedy is that it seems like a light poke to the early-series exposition tropes as a whole.
    • Eiji's reaction to seeing a flock of Octopus Candroids in action.

"Octopuses! Hey, those are Octopuses! Cool!!"

  • #3: Hina and Ankh's first encounter. Ankh tries to choke her, but then he got thrown instead. His reply of "Is she really a human?!" says it all.
  • #6: When a Ride Vendor doesn't work, Eiji at first reacts like you would normally expect when a vending machine doesn't work: he bangs on it, and puts his fingers in the coin return slot. As his frustration grows, he finally pushes it over, climbs up on it, and pantomimes handlebars.
  • #12: Eiji's reaction to the Eel Can-droids, which he mistakes for snakes. Apparently, he has a fear of snakes.
  • #13: The fight between Gotou and Ankh while both have their limbs in plaster.
    • It gets even better when Ankh uses what is essentially a Rocket Punch on Gotou and knocks him out. coincidentally a new combo premiered in the same episode, which also has rocket fist gauntlets.
  • #15: Kazari is dumbfounded as to why Ankh and Eiji would continue working together After arguing over the importance of Cell Medals or Hina resulted in the loss of nearly all of their medals.

Kazari: "Didn't the two of you break up?!?"
Ankh: "There's nothing TO break up!"

  • #16: When Dr. Maki suggests that Kazari adds his Core Medals to the experiment, the latter replies by knocking the Creepy Doll right off his arm.
    • Hina helping Eiji recover from the fights of #15, only to keep accidentally putting him in worse shape, culminating when she tries to keep him from running off injured by putting him in a chokehold.
  • #18: The talk with the girl in the dojo. Ankh and Date grasped the core desire of the victim girl pretty quickly, while Eiji...doesn't. Cue silent stares from both men.
    • Ankh trying to steal from Date's jug of Cell Medals, forcing Birth into prying him out.
  • #19: Every scene with Dr. Maki in it. The way he drives his beat-up Volkswagen Beetle, his reaction to the bird poop and his little "cooking session" with Date.
  • #20: More of a CMOF for the fansubbers, but this troper found Over-Time's translation of Date's "Gotou-chan" to "Brotou" hilarious. (Though YMMV, depending on how faithful you like your subs.) And it doesn't look like they'll change it anytime soon...
  • #21: During a fight with the Batta Yummy, Eiji is being hit hard because the Yummy is faster than him, so he asks Ankh for a medal to even the odds, leading to this exchange:

Eiji: "It moves too quickly. Ankh, do we have a Cheetah?"
Ankh: "Sorry, we're out."
Eiji: "Then, what about Zou?"
Ankh: "Don't have that either."
Eiji: "WHA?!"

  • #22: While having a heart-to-heart talk with the Victim of the Week about the importance of just doing what you can to make the world around you a happier place instead of getting carried away with abstract concepts like justice:

Eiji: You can't do anything more than what you can do, right?
Kanbayashi: It's so complicated...
Eiji: Well you still have to try! So that people around you can be happy! *glances to Ankh* I'm sure even bad guys would understand your reasoning.
Ankh: Hey, why did you look at me when you said that?

Eiji: Mr. Kanbayashi, I know you can do it!

Ankh: Come on!

Eiji: I'm heading out! *runs off*

  • Ankh gives Kanbayashi a quick Death Glare and runs off after him*
    • Ankh versus Date again over gathering the Cell Medals.
  • #23: Maki being protective of his Creepy Doll and screaming in terror at Date pretending to touch it.
    • Chiyoko after talking about Gotou's popularity with the restaurant's female customers:

Chiyoko: But you're pretty popular too, Eiji! You remember those old ladies who visited the other day? They all had their eye on you. You sly dog, you! *nudge nudge*
Eiji: W-Well, that's nice and all but I'm not sure that really counts.
Hina: I'm sure it does......kind of.

  • #24: LoveLoveLove Combo. Full stop.
    • Everything about Eiji in love might as well be a CMOF. Including the reactions of the people around him.

Ankh: Do you know how many times he hit me?!

    • Ankh telling Kazari to wait while they help a lovestruck Eiji transform. And Kazari even listens...while looking rather bored.
  • #26: Maki, after looking at a picture of his deceased sister, suddenly yells out "NEE-SAN!!" and slams his head into the steering wheel, honking the car horn.
  • #27: Where to begin? Well, Chiyoko's pep talk to Gotou might work for starters...

Chiyoko: How is being pessimistic going to help? Listen to me...acting is win-or-lose! You're an actress! You'll be a great actress! The greatest!
Gotou: ...but I'm a man...
Chiyoko: AN ACTRESS!!

Mook #1: I'm fed up with this! Let's just go home.
Mook #2: Hey, aren't you that amazing singer?
Mook #1: I'm not Susan Boyle!!

    • After messing up another scene, Ankh suggests that Gotou would do better playing a rock. Gotou seems to be hit hard by that, and later, when deciding to fight Kazari by headbutting him, a rock image replacing his head:

"I'm a rock. I'm stubborn, silent and useless..."

      • Added comedy because it actually works!
    • The CLAWS Scorpion summon procedure requires 1000 Cell Medals slotted into that little ole Birth Driver all at once... so our heroes resort to dumping whole handfuls of Medals and even upturning Date's milktank directly into it. And somehow IT WORKS.
  • #29: Seeing Dr. Maki unhappily with a silly birthday hat. It gets a Cerebus Retcon if you realize that Dr. Maki may hate Birthday parties because of the association of candles with the death of his sister.
    • Dr. Maki's doll seemingly blows out its own little birthday cake's candle. Maybe it would have been creepy if Satonaka didn't frantically try to light the candle every time it goes out, eventually getting so frustrated that she tries to strangle the doll.
    • The Panda Whale yummy's main purpose? Giving out free hugs. In fact, the thing in general seems to do this.
  • #36: Mezool and Gamel get revived and Uva starts talking with Mezool about taking revenge on Kazari. What is Gamel doing this whole time? Wondering why there's no candy anywhere, completely unaware that he just came Back from the Dead, thinking he was just sleeping.
  • At the end of #37, when Date appears as the Greeed are all lining up in a roll call, Gamel courteously tugs Mezool aside to give him somewhere to stand.
  • At the end of #38, after Gotou completely kicked the Greeed's asses as Birth, him, Eiji and Ankh returned to the side of the believed dead Date. Prompting this exchange.

Date: "I...forgot to say something..." [Sits up, still looking critical.] "...Make sure to transfer the Retirement Funds into my account, 'K?" [Grins comically.]
[Gotou nearly fainted, either from dumbfoundedness or joy.]
Ankh: "Haha." [Deadpan:] "Idiots."

  • In #39, Hina trying to prevent Chiyoko from discovering that Eiji is a Henshin Hero is pretty hilarious.
    • The Game-Fowl Yummy's non-combat scenes: it just loiters around in the background, shadowboxing Muay Thai moves. That's it.
      • All of Satonaka's scenes.
  • #41: Shingo trying to take on Ankh's role, but utterly failing at tossing Cores to Eiji.
  • #42 sees the first Creepy Doll gag in a while. Eiji tries to get away from Dr Maki to prevent the effect of all Dino Core Medals coming together, but somehow Maki Jr can intercept Eiji before Maki himself does.
    • In the same episode, Dr. Maki makes a strange yelp at the falling doll. Extra point of fun as he does a hand gesture with his partial Greeed arms.
  • #43: The Oh Crap expression on Kazari's face when he sees Ankh and Uva come back is absolutely delicious.
  • #44: Mezool cooling the fight between Kazari, Ankh and Uva by suddenly splashing the three of them.
  • #45: The traps Gotou and Satonaka set for Uva, Mezool, and especially Gamel, all have a decidedly Wile E. Coyote feel to them.
    • Also from this ep, Maki's doll once again. Rewatch Mezool's death scene again and note how many positions the thing has. And when Maki first transforms into Giru, both his hand, as well as the matching hand on Maki Jr, are burning with purple energy. I SWEAR, I think it's actually alive...
    • Earlier than that, when the smoke bomb is thrown, when Maki goes for Jr., THE THING IS ALREADY HOLDING A HANDKERCHIEF TO ITS/IT'S FACE. Epileptic Trees Nothin'. That thing's alive.
  • #46: The angry eyebrows on Dr. Maki's doll after it gets knocked off his arm.
  • #47: Ankh lighting Maki's doll on fire. While the flashback to the fire was creepy, Maki's freak out was priceless!
    • After rescuing the doll from the ocean, Maki sees dreadlocks-like seaweed on its head. His reaction? "Bob...BobMarley!"
    • Although Your Mileage May Vary on that, seeing as the doll was given to him by his sister to act as a surrogate for her, and that the fireball is probably the closest thing it got to being destroyed, one would think it would give Maki a Villainous Breakdown.
  • #48: Kougami continuing to sing (very badly, mind you) and bake cakes even as his building is being shattered around him.
  • In Movie War CORE, Shotaro flipping out upon being introduced to Ankh, who's in "floating disembodied arm" mode at the time.
    • And immediately after Shotaro and Philip do their "count up your sins" line, Eiji gushes about how cool that was, and how he and Ankh need to come up with a line like that.
    • Eiji's dumbfounded expression after trying to have a heartfelt talk to Akiko after learning about her father being Kamen Rider Skull

Eiji: Despite that, your father still would have fought.
Akiko: Why?
Eiji: Dunno...
Akiko: *shakes Eiji* Who are you anyways?

  • Pretty much every scene where Ankh and Momotaros are together in Let's Go Kamen Riders.
    • Especially when he gets reduced to a right arm, and so latches onto Shingo's free arm. The effect on his hair is almost as devastating as the smackdown that commences.
  • In Wonderful! Shogun and the 21 Core Medals, the Greeed elect to aid OOO against Gara in the final battle by donating Core Medals to Eiji, which leads up to Uva making up for Maki's absence by throwing Maki Jr at OOO. He's a little freaked out at it. And decides to hand it to a LoveLoveLove clone, who's similarly freaked as well, but his shuddering is cut off as the other two Dinosaur Medals emerge from his chest (which implies that that's the real Eiji).
  • Many for Kamen Rider OOO All Stars: The 21 Leading Actors and Core Medals net movies are nothing short of hilarity. Here are the most notable ones:
    • Ankh gets amnesia and actively cosplays for Chiyoko, ending with Hina having to throw Kamen Rider OOO at his head to bring him back to normal.
    • Many of the Kougami Advice sketches including: Chiyoko explaining weird happenings in her restaurant, Satonaka explaining why Gatakiriba was only used twice and Gamel getting a make-over.
    • Mezool acting like a house wife to Dr. Maki. She's wearing a pink apron and Dr. Maki's lab is filled with red and pink hearts.
    • Satonaka beats the crap out of Date and Gotou transformed Kamen Rider Birth and commands Gotou to give her the belt. Poor Gotou, sobbing his eyes out as Satonaka transforms in front of him.
    • Date, after bullet removal surgery, he can't answer each picture given by Goto and Eiji correctly. Especially he answered on Tajador, Shauta, and Putotyra picture as Red Gatchaman,[3] Ultraman,[4] and Evangelion[5] respectively. Eiji frustrated and transform as OOO GataKiriBa Combo, and the answer?

Date: "A prince of Indian curry".

    • Eiji as OOO Shauta Combo, using Voltarm Whip to waking up the sleepy Date.
    • The entirety of the quiz show sketches, including OOO waving the cloth while waiting for the quiz to be over, Ankh and Date's answers for the final questions, and how almost every prize is something they don't expect.
      • Latorartar segment: Ankh got 100 million yen worth for shoulder massages from Gotou.
      • Sagohzo segment: Date got 100 million yen penalty because cheating.
      • Shauta segment: Date got 100 million of President Kougami's song BuraKaWani and faints.
      • Putotyra segment: No one is answered correctly, so OOO answered, too. After that, he's going rampage and eats 100 million yen prize with Medagaburyu.
    • Eiji and Ankh dumped by Kazari from Cous Coussier while counting the profits.
  • In Movie Wars MEGAMAX, both Births were incapacitated by Poseidon, and have to recuperate in the hospital. Gotou wants to go back to the action, but Date tells him to get some rest because he needed it...only for Date to fall asleep instead. Loud snoring included.
  1. See Mr. Exposition on the main page.
  2. They are actually the popular Japanese comedy duo Harisenbon
  3. Because Gatchaman and Tajador combo both of them have bird motifs
  4. Both of them have yellow eyes and fins on their head
  5. Especially Eva Unit 01, both of them have purple color, green eyes, and tend to berserk
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